Cityville. How I hated that name. It was just a ringing in my ears now after two years of living in the illuminated hidden city in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by desolate valleys and dark woods. I missed my old home, my old parents, my old friends. I despised my new ones. My symmetrical-to-every-other-crazy-house-in-this-town, my new strict but sickeningly sweet parents, my too cheerful, too happy and too everything new friends.
I stared, sadly out the window at the massive Cityville tower that stood in the middle of town, shining brightly in the moon and street lights. The Protecters in their shiny robot suits, patrolled the roads, as, in each row of perfectly lined houses, citizens slept peacefully. All except me. I was awake. I was remembering. I was hoping, praying that someday I would get out of this place. My new mother’s words echoed in my mind. “There are no monsters here. They are only outside of the walls that the Protecters vigilantly protect. Don’t worry, darling.” Then she had read the creepiest bedtime story, My Best Girl to me for at least the hundredth time this month. I was tired of it. I knew that as much as the Protecters tried to act like protectors they were really a squad of evil seeking, cold blood murders and....monsters. I knew more than they ever would and it was time I put my thoughts into actions.
After being kidnapped and sent across the galaxies to live as a citizen of Cityville two years ago, I had learned a lot including the fact that there was a large gap in the wall. If I could reach it without the Protecters noticing, I could escape and possibly return to Earth. If the Protecters were what I knew they were, then maybe the monsters outside were kind and smart beings and even better, there might not be monsters at all. I smiled at the prospect. I had heard from older townsfolk when I ran my daily visits that there were people who had run away years ago outside the walls that helped escapees. The next day when I came back for my daily visit, the people were always gone. That was the one thing that I didn’t know. Where did some people go? The Protecters said that they took them somewhere better but of course, I knew they were lying.
I moved from the window to my bed where an already packed bag lay. I glanced up, hearing my new dad snoring in the next room. What are you waiting for? I asked myself. Just go already! I slung the backpack over my shoulder, slapped my baseball cap on and tiptoed down the stairs, slipping my feet into my shoes, quietly. The door creaked as I opened it. Why can’t it be quiet?! Finally, I was out of the house and creeping slowly down the sidewalk. I knew the path all too well. The sidewalk was dark and gloomy except for the night lights every so often but it was peaceful. The night air was crisp and cool on my face and the crickets chirped, brightly. Sometimes I was jealous of the animals. They didn’t live such lives as I did. They were free and happy. Suddenly the town wall loomed in front of me and I could see the wide gap in the old worn stone. Yes! I thought just as a voice behind me nearly made me jump out of my skin.
“Young lady. What are you doing out so late? At such an age you should know that no one is allowed out at this time of night.” I didn’t want to look behind me but I did anyway. There, standing behind me, was one of the Protecters whom I recognized as Andy. I stood, rooted to the spot but not for long. Soon I was tearing across the grass, heading for the exit hole with half the Protecters in hot pursuit. With one last bound I made it to the gap and darted through, freezing the minute I was across.
It was dark. Hills of dark. Thin spiky black shrubs were dotting the landscape and any old remains of trees or life was floating in the air on one single whispy strand. It looked like the world was upside down. This was the least of my worries for a swarm of Protecters were now scrambling through the hole. I started running. I just ran, pushing burnt bushes and floating strings to the side as I went. I ran, fighting off the panic and fear that was rising. Thankfully the Protecters soon started falling behind but I kept running, not stopping for anything. That is, until I reached the top of a small hill that was shrouded in large old black trees.
I stopped short then in astonishment as a boy with dark brown hair and a cowboy style hat pulled over his eyes looked up. He nearly fell off the log, he was so surprised. Just then, a girl stepped into the clearing. She had lighter brown hair and the bluest eyes I’d ever seen. She was carrying a bunch of flowers but immediately dropped them when she saw me. She glanced at the boy then back at me, looking shocked. Suddenly, a large creature appeared with more of the brightly colored flowers. It looked like a mini version of the terrible monsters in my books. I stared at it for a second then shivered. I knew it wasn’t dangerous. It was a runaway, like me. A weakling that was running from it’s former life. The boy glanced farther over my shoulder and jumped to his feet, backing away to stand beside the girl who was watching something behind me with wide eyes.
I turned around, confused and jumped so fast I fell over in fright. The Protecters were bending over me with terrible grins plastered across their metal faces. I slowly backed away from them and when I was far enough, I leaped up, threw my baseball cap at them and ran for dear life. “Go, go, go!!” I screamed, as I passed the boy and girl who had a look of bewilderment and terror in their eyes. They took one last look at the Protecters quietly approaching and ran after me, followed by the creature. I couldn’t help but wonder if this was my life now. Running from killer robots sure wasn’t the life I had in mind!