I was in the Room. It was pitch black and there was no sound. I sat with my knees pulled up to my chest, rocking back and forth slowly. My arm stung from the deep cut I had there and I was freezing from being dunked in the frigid water. I hadn't done what He asked. I had disobeyed and I had been punished. At some point I must have drifted off. The next day would be nearly the same as the last day in the Facility. It would only be different if I refused to listen again.
I was be woken by a flash of pain from a hard object. The same guard as always had whacked me with the same metal bar. I was still in the Room, chained to the wall. I had no bed and no blankets. I slept on the cold stone floor. Usually I would always be freezing throughout the nights and days I spent in there. I had lost all concept of time. I had no idea what the day was, the month, I didn't even know the year. All I knew was this Room, this guard, the people who hurts me, and pain. Always pain. And Him. I feared Him. If I didn't listen he would make sure I regretted it.
He wanted me to do things I didn't want to. Bad things. He wanted me to hurt other people and I couldn't do it. I was yanked to my feet and forced out the door. I was shaking and had my arms wrapped tight around myself to try to ward off the cold. It didn't work. As we walked, I knew where we were going. His office. I didn't want to go but did I really have a choice? A voice inside told me I did. The guard was not holding me and that was exactly what I had hoped.
I was scared. Very very scared but I was rather smart. Smarter than the people in this place gave me credit for. There was one hallway we passed that had a giant window and no guards when we passed it. It was coming up. I knew I had the power to shatter the window and they were on the first floor. I had also done good behavior a brief time ago and for my reward I asked to look out this window. I had looked and I had seen something He hadn't.
I had seen a place to hide. It was a sort of ditch and it was mostly hidden by shrubbery and such. I could make it there and hide then I could be free. I had overheard guards saying there was a city nearby. I got to read and watch a bit of television when I was very well behaved so I knew that in a city there were homeless people and so I would not look much out of place. I had also studied what people wore and how they acted.
When I was on my own, I realized how I acted so differently than when I was with the guards or with Him. I had made my plan and now I just had to go through with it. Yesterday I had done a fake attempt of escape. This was so they would think I would not try again and I used the fear I felt to make this guard believe I would not run. That was why he didn't hold me.
Then the hallway was twenty feet ahead.
Now. I ran down that hallway and I let out a shout. I used the powers I had and the window shattered. The glass cut me as I jumped but I didn't care. I heard shouting behind me but I didn't care. I ran to the ditch and jumped into it. The leaves from the shrubbery covered me and I laid absolutely still. I heard voices approaching after several minutes. I recognized one. It was Him.
"Now, Beth. Come out and be a good girl and you won't be punished for this." I heard Him call. I almost obeyed but I kept frozen. I didn't have to obey this man now. I was so close to getting out of here. I felt this feeling. I didn't know what it was at the time but later I learned that this feeling was happiness. I had finally gotten away and He was not going to be able to hurt me anymore.
"You better find her. She's valuable." I heard Him snap. It was probably to a guard. Then everything was silent besides the fall of their footsteps but even then those faded away. I didn't dare move until the sun had gone and the moon was high overhead. I very cautiously climbed out of the ditch and looked up at the sky.
My mouth dropped open as I did. I had only seen the stars and moon in documentaries I had watched as a reward. It was so much more beautiful in real life. I wanted to keep staring up but I knew I needed to get away so I ran. I could feel little shards of glass still digging into my skin as I did and the warm trickle of blood running down my skin.
Then I saw lights. They belonged to the windows of huge buildings. I heard loud beeps and lots of other unfamiliar noises. I looked at the city from a hilltop. I'd made it. I had made it to the city.