Meanwhile, Kyungsoo's friends back at the house were watching him through the window of their living room. Even Chen and Suho, who were doing the dishes, both joined the others to see how this K-drama-like meeting would turn out.
"Oh shoot. Looks like Kyungsoo will be getting it tonight, if you know what I mean." Chanyeol snickered as he and Sehun both laughed.
"You guys are so perverted." Kai shook his head in disbelief.
"Says the one who got caught watching porn in his room the other day." Chanyeol countered.
"Oh cut it out guys!" Suho reprimanded them.
"He already likes her." Yixing said.
"Wait, what do you mean? He only just met her a few seconds ago." Xiumin asked.
"Kyungsoo is completely frozen in front of her. The last time I saw him like that was in front of-." Yixing got cut off when Baekhyun covered his mouth.
"No. Don't you dare. We don't mention dead people's names in this household." He told Yixing.
"Look, he's going inside the house with her." Chen remarked.
"I don't know about you guys but I want to see more of this." Kai said as he excitedly put on his outdoor shoes and dashed out of the door. Sehun and the other guys followed too except for Suho who got shoved aside.
"Yah! You can't just leave me here to do the dishes alone!" He yelled.
"Oh just leave it alone, hyung!" Yixing pulled him.
"Zhang Yixing!"
"It's not gonna walk off on its own! Now, come on. Let's not miss this chance of Kyungsoo getting a girlfriend tonight!"
• 2 years ago •
White flowers, black clothing, black coffin and low whispers everywhere. Kyungsoo stared blankly at the picture of a girl he ever loved for the first time.
"Kyungsoo..." He looked up and saw his whole squad standing right before him. Like the other visitors who attended the funeral, they were wearing a black attire too.
"I couldn't even save her." He mumbled as he stood up, tears finally streaming down his cheeks. "I couldn't save her... hyung..."
Xiumin shook his head as he welcomed him in his arms. The other guys joined them for a group hug to comfort their most valued friend.
"It's okay... cry it out." Suho whispered as he gently patted him at the back.
"I'm the only one who lives in this house... So I haven't really finished unpacking, you know... short of helping hands." Seohee stated with a shy smile. Kyungsoo looked around the house and saw that many boxes are still unopened. The only parts of the house that she had finished sorting out was the kitchen and the dining area.
"At least you got both the kitchen and dining area sorted out." He said in a light tone while smiling.
Seohee scrunched her nose as she brought out bowls, chopsticks and spoons for the two of them. Kyungsoo placed the pot in the middle of the dining table. "You got a nice place, Seohee." He complimented.
"Thank you. My cousin helped me pick this one out. She says it's close to the university that I will be attending from now on." She said.
This intrigued Kyungsoo so he pressed on even more. "Really? Which university?" He asked, even though he already knew the answer. He just wanted to make sure that he will see more of her outside of this neighborhood.
"SM University." She beamed, making Kyungsoo's heart flutter once again.
"That's where I attend as well." He responded with a smile. "We're currently on our winter break so I guess you still have time to sort things out."
"Oh my school stuff has already been sorted out. This house is the only problem I have now. It's really difficult when you're the only one unpacking all of your stuff." She replied as they both sat adjacent to each other at the dining table.
"Maybe I can help you tomorrow morning..." He said and Seohee suddenly stopped. "...I mean, if you want to. But if not, I can look for other people to do so. I understand that you don't really want strangers coming into your home and -."
"Kyungsoo." She cut him off while giving him a smile.
"It's okay. You can help me tomorrow, if you're not busy. And... you can bring your friends as well."
"Friends? How did you-?"
Seohee pointed to the glass door of the dining area that leads to her backyard and he saw his friends waving at them. Baekhyun was giving him two thumbs up.
Kyungsoo facepalmed himself and turned to Seohee, quite flustered. "Oh my god... I'm so sorry Seohee. I live with a bunch of retards and I didn't know that they would be watching us like this." He said then immediately opened the door. "Jesus, guys! What are you doing here?! Go back!"
"Well, we have to make sure that the neighbor gets her share of your dish." Chen scoffed.
"By the way, your back gate is open." Kai told Seohee.
"Oh... Really? I must have left it open after I have put my gardening tools in the shed." Seohee mentioned and a worried look flashed across Kyungsoo's face.
"Please be careful next time, Seohee. I don't want anything bad to happen to you." He told her and his friends gave each other side looks and little nudges here and there.
"That's very thoughtful of you, Kyungsoo. Don't worry, I'll lock up tonight." She said, taking his advice to heart. She turned to the other guys, "Do you guys want to have some of the stew as well?"
"Nah, we're good. And besides, that's specifically just for you. And if we tried to take part in your share, we would get a headlock from Kyungsoo." Chen replied with a teasing smile, which earned him a death glare from Kyungsoo.
Seohee giggled and nudged Kyungsoo, "Thank you." She said in a sweet tone. He was flustered once again but didn't mind... it has been a while after he felt something like this.
"Damn it, Kyungsoo. Stop!" Kyungsoo grumbled to himself as he buried his face into the book that he was reading. He had been reading a passage about IV therapy but for some reason, Seohee and her smile keeps on flashing through his mind.
"Go to sleep." Xiumin said, who was then typing on his computer.
"Says the one who's not yet finished with his essay."
"Hey, at least I'm not thinking about our neighbor."
"I wasn't thinking about Seohee!"
Xiumin burst out laughing. "I didn't say it was her but okay, go on." He taunted even more and so a pillow flew over to his face. "I've never seen you this whipped before."
"W-Whipped? Me? No way." Kyungsoo denied as he threw more pillows at him.
"Oh yeah? The last time we saw you like this was when you were with Jihyun." He shot back and the atmosphere suddenly grew cold. The flustered Kyungsoo went back to his usual reserved self. "It's been 2 years, man. I think you deserve to be happy like you were a few hours ago with her. You two actually make a great-"
"No." Kyungsoo suddenly spoke up. "Jihyun is the only one for me."
"But she's dead, Kyungsoo."
"No." He looked at Jihyun's picture on his phone that he made as his lockscreen. "She's alive and well in my heart."
Xiumin didn't say anything but a concerned expression remained on his face. He knew that his friend has to move on from Jihyun's death.256Please respect copyright.PENANAJFNDerMvPc
"Wait, so you're saying that we should set up Kyungsoo and Seohee with each other?" Chanyeol reiterated Xiumin's suggestion the next day. All of them woke up early in order to devise this plan for Kyungsoo.
"How in tarnation did you think that Kyungsoo will agree to this?" Baekhyun asked, while looking at Xiumin with a bewildered expression on his face.
"Well, he doesn't have to agree because he won't know that we're setting him up. We'll make it look like as if it's all working out naturally." Xiumin explained.
"Shouldn't we just let Kyungsoo be? I mean, it's his dating life that we're talking about here." Suho cautiously said.
"Hyung, it's been 2 years. He should get himself a new girlfriend. I'm sure Jihyun noona would understand." Sehun said.
"What are you guys blabbering about?" Kyungsoo asked while rubbing his eyes, his hair disheveled.
"Good morning to you too, Kyungsoo. We were just talking about what supplies we should bring in order to help Seohee out in unpacking her stuff." Chen smirked as he sipped from his coffee.
Kyungsoo's eyes widened as he looked at the clock and saw that it's already 8 a.m. He only has an hour to prepare to go to Seohee's house. "Shoot. I haven't made breakfast yet!" He exclaimed as he dashed into the kitchen.
"Calm down. We're only helping out there. We're not going to have breakfast at her place, right?" Yixing asked then Xiumin nudged him, reminding him of their plan. "But I think it's a good idea to have breakfast there."
"Sounds good to me. It'll be like a little housewarming party for her." Kai agreed and the others nodded too.
"I did not say we were going to have breakfast there." Kyungsoo stated.
"Yeah but your actions say otherwise." Suho pointed out. Kyungsoo realized that he already has the pan and spatula in his hands. "You cook and we'll prepare the stuff we need for helping her out there."
"Thank you guys so much for coming in to help me. I'll be up in the library to put more of my books in the shelves." Seohee said.
"I'll come with you." Kyungsoo volunteered and his other friends gave each other side-eye glances.
"No, it's okay. I got it. Just help your other friends here." She declined politely.
"We'll be crowding this whole place downstairs if Kyungsoo is here with us. Just take him with you." Xiumin suggested.
"Oh... Alright." Seohee agreed and so all of them proceeded to unpacking.256Please respect copyright.PENANAKgCcP7vTer
"I didn't know that you were into reading books." Kyungsoo said as he handed her three books at the same time.
"Well, I write stories for fun so I guess reading comes along with it too." Seohee said.
"You're a writer?"
"Yeah... I guess you can call me that but I have never really tried publishing my books."
Kyungsoo saw an open box full of novel manuscripts. He picked up the one on top entitled Written In The Stars. He flipped through it until he stopped at a random page and started reading a certain passage.
Eunbyul kissed the man she only loved this way goodbye as she finally realized that this is what was written in the stars - for them to meet but never end up together.
Seohee noticed him reading one of her works and became startled. "H-Hey! You're not supposed to read that thing-aaah!" Her foot slipped off from the ladder step that she was on. Kyungsoo dropped the manuscript and immediately caught her in his arms. Everything was perfect until Kyungsoo himself, lost his balance as well and they both fell onto the floor.
"Hey, we heard a thud from up here. Are you guys... alright?" Kai asked as the other rushed into the library with him as well.
"It seems that they are alright and having a good time, actually." Baekhyun teased as they saw Seohee lying on top of Kyungsoo's body.
Kyungsoo ignored them and checked up on Seohee, "Are you hurt?" he asked.
Seohee shook her head and said, "I'm fine. I was just surprised that you were reading my manuscript."
"I'm sorry... I shouldn't have done that."
"I think we should go back downstairs." Yixing said and so they left the two of them alone in the library.
Kyungsoo and Seohee both stood up, dusting their clothes off. "I'm really sorry, Seohee. I just got caught up with your writing." He told her.
"I won't blame you. I know it's not that good." She said, picking up the manuscript and putting it inside the box.
Not good? But it was the best masterpiece I've ever seen. Kyungsoo thought to himself.
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"It's actually good." He stated and with that, she looked at him with an amused look on her face. "I would... love to see that book being sold at bookstores nationwide." His plump heart-shaped lips formed into a smile.