- 5 Days Later -
"I am going to miss you much Hazy!!" Savannah exclaims while giving me a tight hug to the point that I can't breathe.
"I'm going to miss you too Sav. I promise I will call and text you everyday. Okay?" I say patting her back letting her know that I need to breathe once again.
"Okay. You better. Let me know when you make it to Princeton. Just so I know that you made it safe."
"Of course I will, I love you Sav."
"I love you too Hazy."
And that was the last time that I saw my best friend, happy and healthy. Little did I know that she would commit suicide a few hours later. I did not know the signs and didn't know she was depressed. Again, it is my fault that the people who I care about the most die. First my mom and now possibly my best friend. I wish I could have been there to hug her and tell her that I will always love her. But now it might be too late. And it's all my fault.
"We're here Hazy" I hear my dad saying, shaking me awake. I look up out of the window of the plane and see that it has just landed. Well, time to start my new life here. Bring it on Princeton! We reach our new house and take a look inside. The kitchen isn't half bad either. I like it. Savannah is gonna have to come up here sometime so we can cook and bake some goodies together.
I go set my stuff down in my new room and turn on my phone to see many, many texts and phone calls from Savannah and Savannah's mom. This is not good. I click on Savannah's long text message and read it.
"Hazelle, I just want to let you know that I am so happy that we became best friends over a ring pop in kindergarten. I believe it was a Strawberry Ring Pop, hehe. I will never forget it. You gave me so many happy memories to remember, I will cherish them forever. Please have a wonderful time up in Princeton, make some new friends as well, and never forget about me. I will always love you to the moon and back. I love you so much Hazy Grace and I will see you soon. ××× Sav 💎 💍 ❤️"
After reading the message, I try to call her cell many times. It went to voicemail. I am freaking out at this point, so I try to call her mother and she picks up on the second ring.
"Mrs. Mayweather, I can't get ahold of Savannah. Please tell me she's okay." I can hear the sounds of her crying on the phone. I take a deep breath and prepare for what she has to tell me.
"H-Hazelle, Savannah..she commited Suicide. I'm so sorry Hazelle. They don't think she's going to make it through the night. Thought you should know." I hear Mrs. Mayweather saying, stuttering almost every single word.
I just stand there in shock, I don't know what to say. My best friend, could possibly be gone. Before I could ask her anything she hangs up and I'm left standing there in the middle of my room with my phone still clutched in my hands to the point where my knuckles are turning white. I feel a few tears form and drip down my face and onto my hardwood floors in my room. I toss my phone onto my bed and drop down to my knees crying. I can't believe that she might be gone. I have only been here in my new place for less than five minutes and my life is already falling into more bits and pieces.
Eventually I get up off of the floor and start unpacking my stuff. But first I grabbed my earbuds that Savannah gave me for Christmas last year and turn on our favorite song that we always sing along to. Meet Me In The Woods By Lord Heron. It is the only thing I could do right now in hopes of her making it through the night. I would like to know why she did it and how she tried to. I guess I will let Mrs. Mayweather take her time with this and give her plenty of space and hope for the time being. I have hope that she will make it through the night, I won't give up on her. I will fight for her no matter what. Stay Strong Savannah, I believe In you!!
After a couple of hours, I finish putting together my new room and take the last of the boxes to our small storage space, which I think is a pretty nice space for a storage closet. I see that my dad is finishing up everything in the kitchen and closing the last drawer of utensils. My father loves to cook and I love helping him sometimes. Gotta learn somehow, right?
Anyways, I close the door and go sit down on the new couch that my dad's job got for us. I turn on the TV to drown out the quietness and of course our favorite show, F.R.I.E.N.D.S. is on. The episode that is playing is the one where Joey's head gets stuck inside a turkey. Heh, that's one of my favorite episodes. The series finale episode is my favorite one of all time.
"You're finally all unpacked Hazy?" my dad asks me while putting the last box into the storage space, closing the door behind him.
"Yep, all done. How about you?" I ask him. He plops down next to me and watches the rest of this episode with me.
"Same here. But in a few hours were going to go school shopping. Okay?" he replies back. I take a deep breath and get myself comfortable for the next couple of hours. I do not want to think about school right now. All I want to do right now is relax and enjoy living in the moment. Take it all in. This is the newest chapter of my life after all.
After a couple of hours, we left our condo and found a few places to go shopping. Luckily, there is a grocery place just a few minutes away from a small shopping mall. It is weird but convenient. I get out of the car and my dad opens up his wallet and gives me one of his credit cards. I wish he didn't have to do that. I want to earn my money, my own way.
"Here you go, sweetie. I am going to go grocery shopping, meet you back here in a couple of hours. Okay?"
"Thanks, and um okay. See you in a couple of hours."
"Remember, don't go and spend it all in one place," he says letting out a small laugh in the process.
"Heh, okay. I won't." I rely back upon a lit bit of laughter in my voice.
He turns around and goes to grab a shopping cart and heads into the grocery store. I turn around and head out to the small shopping mall. Hopefully, I can find a new pair of leggings, a tee and some new white vans. I plan on wearing my mom's dark blue denim jacket in memory of her.
I search around in a couple of small stores and found a pair of black leggings and a pair of white vans in my size. I look around a bit more and then I look up at the signs yet again to see another store that piqued my interest, so I head inside and give it a try. I see a lot of people looking around, so I head over to the shirt section and search for what I am looking for. I can't seem to find anything until a young girl, around my age peeks up around the corner startling me.
"Having a hard time finding something?" she asks me.
"Yeah, I am trying to find a certain shirt or tank to go underneath a certain shirt," I say while showing her a picture of the shirt I am already going to wear.
"Hmm, follow me," she says while taking my phone and walking towards a different section in the store. I follow her and she shows me a whole variety of cute tanks and crop tops. This girl is amazing!
"Wow, thank you so much, um.." I reply back to the girl with pastel purple hair. I don't even know her name.
"Oh my apologies, the name is Skye. Skye Hastings" she replies back holding out her hand that has a grip on my phone. She opens up her hand and I take back my phone.
"It's Okay. My name is Hazelle. Hazelle Caliente. I just moved here by the way."
"I kinda figured that out already," she replies back with a smirk on her face.
"How did you figure that out?" I ask her.
"You looked like a lost puppy who couldn't find their owner" she answers back.
"Oh, I see," I reply back putting my phone into the back pocket of my jeans.
"Anyways, when did you get here?" she asks a question.
"I literally just got here about 4 to 6 hours ago. So yeah, I am very new."
"I see. What brought you here?"
"My dad got transferred here. He's a lawyer, got a promotion and got offered a job here. So yeah."
"Awh, it must suck though."
"Eh, kinda. Had to leave my best friend, I miss her a lot."
"I bet. Maybe you should invite her up here sometime."
"Maybe. If she wants to fly across the country or if she can."
"Where did you move from?" she asks another question intentionally trying to ignore the last part of my reply.
"From Sacramento, California" I answer back.
"Woah, wait. What?! You moved that far!? Dang girl!!" she replies with a bit of a shocked expression on her face.
"Hehe, yeah" I reply back with somewhat of a laugh in my voice and turn around to focus on the clothes that are hanging on the rack behind me. Skye does the same thing and we keep on looking for a shirt that I can wear with my outfit for tomorrow.
"If I am being a bit pushy. But what did you mean by "if she can come up? If you don't want to answer that, that's okay with me." she says grabbing a shirt and showing it to me. I shake my head and she puts it back on the rack. I grab one and show it to her and she shakes her head as well. I turn back around and go sit down on the bench that is in the store. I take a deep breath and look down at my feet. Skye follows me and comes to sit next to me and puts a hand on my thigh with a reassuring look on her face letting me know that she is here if I need it.
"Well, I got a call from her mother before I got here letting me know that she is in the hospital from an attempted suicide and that she might not make it. I hope she makes it though, we have been friends for like forever. I cannot lose her." I finish bringing my hands to my face so that nobody can see me cry. The second I start crying she wraps her arms around me, comforting me the best she can. I barely know this girl and I already trusted her with my problems. Guess I can really call her a friend.
"You won't lose her. She is a strong girl. She will make it through, I believe in it." she says losing her grip on me, gets up and gives me her hand. I put my hand in hers and we both go back to looking at clothes, getting my mind off of everything that has happened today.
After a couple of hours, we go hang out at the food court that she showed me. She tells me about her past and about who I should avoid at school which will come in handy for tomorrow. I don't want to start my first day of high school off on the wrong foot. We got to share some laughs about our past and I got to tell her how special my mom and Savannah are. I left the part out of what happened to my mom. I am just not ready to tell anyone here about it yet. The only people who know are my dad, all of our family members and Savannah's family.
"Anyways, I should start heading home or my mom will be mad at me for not getting home before 6pm. I will see you tomorrow morning at school." Skye gets up and grabs her stuff waving me goodbye. I pay for both of our snacks and text my dad letting him know that I am done for the day. He tells me where he is and I go meet him there after a few minutes of walking.
Both of us head home and prepare for supper. I head upstairs and go lay out my outfit for the first day of high school tomorrow. I decided to go with the shirt that Skye gave me and it is actually a nice shirt for what I am going for. She really knew what to pick out even though she barely knows me. At least I will know one person when I arrive at the high school tomorrow morning. After setting out my outfit I head back out to the kitchen and see that my dad has already set out our food. We both sit down and enjoy this delicious meal.
"So, did you find everything that you needed for tomorrow?" my asks me with a smile.
"Yeah, I did. I wouldn't have found everything if it weren't for a girl named Skye."
"Skye? Whose she?"
"I met her in one of the shops and it turns out she is going to be going to the same high school as me. Which means I will know at least one person who goes there tomorrow."
"Yeah, that's good. I'm glad that you made a friend here who will guide you at school tomorrow. You excited for first day?"
"That is true and I am a little bit nervous and excited, since this is a new school and all."
"You will do great honey, I know you will."
"Thanks." I reply back to him. We finish the rest of our supper in silence and then I help him clear off the table before heading back to my room.
Once I head back to my room I put all of my school supplies into my new backpack and set it on my new giant mint green beanbag in the corner of my room. I look out the window and realize that I have a small balcony that I can go onto so I open the sliding door and go lean onto the bars. This is actually quite refreshing, I let the cool air rush through my face and listen to the sounds of the cars driving by below and the soothing sounds of nature. After sitting out here for a while and collecting my thoughts from what has happened throughout the day today I decide to head in and get some shut-eye for a long day tomorrow. I hope all goes well tomorrow.
I change into some comfortable black sweatpants and a grey tank top. Then I go into my own bathroom and wash my face and put my hair into a messy bun and head back out to my bed. I put my phone into the charger and set an alarm for 6:30am tomorrow. After setting the alarm I lay down between the comfortable sheets, pull them over me and shut my eyes. Before I knew it, I fell fast asleep not knowing that my first day of high school tomorrow is going to be a day I will remember for the rest of my life.
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And I definitely wished that I didn't come into school that day. So much for a new start..