Narrator: After arriving in Fountain Town, Aphrodite and her girls learned that the children of the town had been going missing. After learning this, Aphrodite decided to aid in the search. After the girls woke up, they left the house and returned to Fountain Town, to begin their search.
Start Scene. A portal appears and Aphrodite, Katana, Rose, and Ember exit it.
Outfit change: Aphrodite450Please respect copyright.PENANAZICffuTF1M
Make up: Pink lip stick, pink eyeshadow.450Please respect copyright.PENANAx7i1eWncSQ
Outfit: Black tank top, with pink heart on the chest, white jeans, and black heels.
Outfit change: Rose450Please respect copyright.PENANARS214imEVz
Outfit: Yellow dress, with orange flowers, and brown boots. Brown satchel over shoulder.
Outfit change: Ember450Please respect copyright.PENANAsqFAzRfJFJ
Make up: Red eyeshadow, lipstick, and nail polish.450Please respect copyright.PENANAy6dYnnHDnZ
Outfit: White t-shirt, Black leather jacket, jeans, boots, and fingerless gloves.
Peter walks up to the girls.
Peter: Welcome back.
Ember: Dude, were you waiting for us?
Peter: Yes. I'm sorry, but you said you would help, find the children.
Katana: Yes, and we plan to do that.
Peter: I'm just so worried about my son, PJ.
Rose: Is that short for Peter Junior?
Peter: No. It's short for Peanut Butter and Jelly.
Rose: You named your son, Peanut Butter and Jelly?
Ember: Why, would you do that?
Peter: Well, it's a very unique name. He won't have to worry about someone having the same name.
Aphrodite: I love it!
Ember: Of course you do.
Rose: By that logic shouldn't it be shortened to PBJ?
Peter: Huh, you make a good point.. Oh well, it's too late to change it now.
Rose: Not really...
Katana: Alright, that is enough talking. Let us split up and look around the town. We will go in groups of two.
Ember: I call Dite!
Rose: I think it would be better if I pair up with Dite.
Katana: You two will pair up together. Me and my love will search together.
Ember: Why do you get to be with her? You spent all day with her yesterday.
Katana: I am simply the strongest one here. That means I am the best choice to keep her safe.
Rose: Dite's stronger than any of us. You're just making an excuse so you can send more time with her.
Aphrodite: Do I get a choice in this?
Katana, Rose, and Ember: No!
Rose: Fine, let's go flame brain.
Ember: Whatever.
Rose and Ember walk away.
Peter: You girls sure are energetic.
Aphrodite: Yup!
Katana: Let us go, my love.
Katana starts to walk away.
Aphrodite: Coming!
Aphrodite follows Katana, and the two of them walk away.
Peter: (Waving) Good luck!
End Scene.
Start Scene. A few hours later. Katana and Aphrodite look through an alleyway.
Katana: (Sighs) Do you really think we can find these children?
Aphrodite: Of course we can! We have to, if we don't who knows what will happen to them.
Katana: (Thinking) My love, you are so sweet and caring.
Katana: I know you want to help, but if the police of the town were not able find anything, then how can we?
Aphrodite: (Smiling) We can do it, because I have you with me...
Katana: (Thinking) My love is speaking so highly of me! She truly believes in me! I will no let her down, I will show her that I am the superior choice, compared to those squabbling children!
Aphrodite: And Rose and Ember too.
Katana: ... Yes... We are all here to help you my love.
Katana: (Thinking) I should have known... No matter if I find the children first, my love will have to love me more!
???: You two are looking for the missing children, correct?
Katana and Aphrodite turn around and see Gunter, sanding in the alleyway's entrance.
Aphrodite: Yes, do you know anything?
Gunter: I've heard rumors.
Katana: Can you tell us about these rumors?
Gunter: Come into my bar and I'll tell you.
Gunter turns around and leaves the alley, Aphrodite and Katana follow him. End Scene.
Start Scene. On the first level of the town is a park, a big section of the town covered in grass with a white marble wall surrounding it. The park is full of playground equipment for children to play, but there was no one there, except Ember and Rose. Ember is standing, with her arms crossed, as Rose sits on the ground, legs crossed, with an old book open in her lap, her hands held out in front of her.
Ember: (Annoyed) There is nothing here, why are we wasting time, when we could be searching somewhere else.
Rose: This is where, Peter's son was last seen, so there has to be some sort of clue to where he went.
Ember: What are you doing, anyway?
Rose: There is a spell that lets me see what has happened in the past. It can take the leaves from the tree and recreate past events.
Ember: So why aren't you casting it?
Rose: I'm trying to, but it takes a lot of concentration. And you constantly interrupting me doesn't help, hot head.
Ember: So, where do you think the children are?
Rose: Probably dead and buried by now.
Ember: What the hell, short stop! Don't be so morbid!
Rose: It's called being realistic. If the cops haven't found the children yet, then they're either dead or no longer in the town.
Ember: So why are you trying to help find them?
Rose: Once we learn what happened to them, we can provide closer to the grieving parents, and make sure the ones responsible are punished. That and Dite decided to help find them.
Ember: I see, you're just trying to score points with her. You don't care about this at all do you?
Rose: Exactly.
Ember: At least try to deny it!
???: What do you two think you're doing?
Rose and Ember look towards the voice, standing in front of them is William with a lollipop in his mouth.
Rose: We're investigating the missing children.
William pulls a purple lollipop from his mouth.
William: And what business is it to you?
Rose: We agreed to help find them for someone. Now if you don't mind, I need quiet to do this.
Ember: Hey, are you the jerk that wouldn't give a lollipop to Dite?!
William: Who?... Oh, you're talking about that annoying pink haired girl, right?
Ember: (Hair ignites of fire.) What did you say about her?!
Mayor Youth walks into the park.
Mayor Youth: William is everything alright here?
William: Mayor, these girls are messing around in this serious investigation.
William puts the lollipop back into his mouth.
Mayor Youth looks over to Rose and Ember.
Mayor Youth: Are you two friends with those two girls who showed up here yesterday?
Rose: If you mean Aphrodite and Katana, then yes.
Mayor Youth: Well then, William, I have given them permission to see if they could find anything. Mabey a new set of eyes can discover something we missed.
William: Fine, but if you go around causing trouble, you will be sending the night in jail!
William turns and walks away.
Mayor Youth: Please don't mind him. He's under a lot of stress trying to solve this case.
Ember: Yeah, well that doesn't give him the right to be a jerk.
Rose: You're one to talk.
Ember: You want to start something, short stack!
Mayor Youth: Well, I'll leave you two to do your thing, I hope you can find something useful.
Mayor Youth leaves the park. Ember's hair returns to normal, as she turns to face Rose.
Ember: We're not gonna find anything useful here.
Rose: If you'll be quiet I can concentrate and we will have an answer.
Ember: Have you ever cast this spell before?
Rose: No, I've never had the need to before.
Ember: So, how do you know it will work.
Rose: It will, if you just shut up!
Ember: Forget this, I'm going to go looking somewhere else. Have fun, sitting there all night.
Ember walks away. End Scene.
Start Scene. In Gunter's Bar, Aphrodite and Katana sat at the bar while Gunter stands behind the bar handing a glass of milk to Aphrodite.
Aphrodite: Thank you.
Gunter: You're welcome. Are you sure you don't want anything?
Katana: No, I am fine. Can you tell us about that rumor?
Gunter puts one hand up to the side of his mouth, looks around quickly, and bends over the bar right in the girl's faces.
Gunter: I shouldn't tell you this, but I heard that Mrs. Backer was seen at a hotel with a man other than her husband.
Aphrodite: (Shocked) No way! Does he have any idea?
Gunter: I don't think so.
Katana: That... is not the rumor we were expecting... Can you please tell us about the missing children?
Gunter: Oh, yes, sorry. I shouldn't tell you this, but I heard that the first child went missing a month after Fredrick and his gang arrived here.
Katana: Rose and Ember already told us, about them. It looks like we will just have to find them, and ask them if they know where the children are.
Gunter: The police have already asked them. And they have just denied being involved.
Katana: Then we will not ask nicely.
Aphrodite: Is there anything else you can tell us?
Gunter: Yes, actually, I shouldn't tell you this, but Officer William was made chief of police at the same time as Fredrick's gang appeared.
Katana: So, he might also be involved.
Aphrodite: Who?
Katana: The Mayor said, he was the cop that would not give you any candy.
Aphrodite: That meanie?! He's involved, now I really don't like him!
Gunter: I shouldn't tell you this...
Katana: But, you heard
Gunter: Officer William really loves lollipops.
Aphrodite: We knew that already!
Cy walks into the building and walks up to the bar, and tosses two coins onto the bar.
Cy: Hello Gunter, one beer please.
Gunter: Coming right up.
Gunter reaches under the bar and then hands Cy a juice box.
Cy takes the juice box.
Cy: Thanks... Dude, I asked for a beer, you want me to tell Fredrick you trying to trick me!
Gunter: Not at all, but alcohol is very...
Cy: Dangerous, yeah yeah, so you keep saying. Look, I'm paying you for a beer, so give me a damn beer!
Gunter reaches under the bar and then hands Cy a can of beer
Cy: (Smiles) Thanks, and here's a little something for your trouble.
Cy tosses a bronze coin an Gunter, who catches it with one hand. Cy turns and walks away. Katana watches Cy as they walk to an empty table in the back left corner of the bar, sits down and opens their beer.
Aphrodite: You really don't like alcohol do you?
Gunter: Alcohol is bad for you, it can cause liver problems. Also, when people drink they say things they shouldn't.
Aphrodite: Like what?
Gunter: I shouldn't tell you this, but I heard that...
Katana continues to watch, as Cy drinks their beer. Cy finishes, gets up, tosses the beer can on the floor, and leaves the building.
Katana: (Stands up) My love, I think we should head out.
Aphrodite: Okay.
Aphrodite gets off her seat and follows Katana to the door, before she exits the building, she turns around.
Aphrodite: Thanks for the help, bar guy!
Aphrodite and Katana follow Cy out of the bar, and down the road. Cy turns into an alley and the girls approach the alley.
???": It's not polite to follow people.
Turning around the two girls see they are surrounded, in front of them is Fredrick, on their right is Polluela, holding a mace, and on their left is Oreo, holding two hand axes in his hands. Walking up behind them is Cy, their mechanical hand, transforming into a big hook
Cy: (Smiling) You girls should be more careful about who you stalk.
Fredrick: If you wanted to talk, you could have just asked.
Katana grabs her sword handle.
Katana: Are you Fredrick?
Fredrick: Yes, but there is no need for this to turn violent.
Aphrodite: Where are the missing kids?!
Polluela: Why do you want to know?
Aphrodite: Because we promised to find them for Peanut Butter and Jelly's dad.
Oreo: I don't think this ones all there in the head, cheek cheek. But she sure is hot, cheek cheek!
Aphrodite: Um... Thanks? But you're not my type.
Katana: Enough, tell us where they are... Or else.
Fredrick: Are you threating us? You don't know who I am, do you?
Katana: You are just some, low life punk.
Out of the corner of her eye Katana sees Polluela run up to her, and swing her mace at Katana's head. Katana blocks the woman's attack with her sword, the sheath still on it. Polluela lifts up her mace preparing for another attack. Katana swing her sword, horizontally, hitting the woman in the head, knocking her out.
Cy: You bitch!
Oreo: You're gonna pay, cheek cheek!
Oreo bends his legs and jumps up high into the air, as Cy charges at Katana, preparing to strike her with their hook. Katana swings her sword and hits Cy, knocking them out. Oreo starts to descend, holding his axes above his head, he then starts to spin his body forward so fast that he becomes a blur. Katana raises her sword above her head, and blocks Oreo's attack. Landing back on the ground, Oreo holds up his two axes.
Oreo: As a bunnyman I have tons of energy, cheek cheek. So I can go all night, cheek...
Katana appears in front of Oreo and swings her sword, hitting him and knocking him out. As Oreo lands on the ground, Fredrick claps.
Fredrick: Nice, you are very strong, but now I'm sorry to say, is the day you die.
Fredrick charges at Katana with incredible speed, pulls back his fist ready to strike, but before he could land his hit, Katana hits him with her sword in his stomach, sending him falling to the ground on his back.
Katana stands over Fredrick, unsheathes her sword, and points the tip at Fredrick.
Katana: Now tell us where the children are, unless you want to lose your head.
Fredrick: I don't know. We had nothing to do with it, I swear.
Katana turned her head to look at Aphrodite.
Aphrodite: I think he's telling the truth.
Katana returns her sword into its sheath, and then hits Fredrick in the head, knocking him out.
Katana: We should regroup with the other two.
End Scene.
Start Scene. Rose was sits in the park, her book on her lap, her hands out in front of her, glowing green and her eyes closed. Suddenly the leaves on the trees, fly off toward where Rose was sitting, and merged together to make the shape of a young boy. Rose opens her eyes and looks at the recreation of Peter's son standing right in front of her.
Rose: Yes, I told that hot head, it would work.
Rose watches as the boy starts to run towards the playground, Rose follows him, but soon he disappeared into a green blur.
Rose: What was that?
Rose closes her eyes and the leaves replay the scene this time, Rose used her magic to make the leaves freeze. Staring in shock at the scene in front her, Rose sees the boy being picked up by Officer William. Rose stands there, and in her head she hears Aphrodite's voice.
Aphrodite: Detective team, regroup!
Rose: Meet at the park.
End Scene.
Start Scene. Aphrodite, Katana, Rose, and Ember her hair on fire, all stand in the park.
Ember: The jerk, I can't wait to kick his ass!
Rose: We should inform the Mayor about this.
Ember: Do we know where he is?
Katana: No, we will need to find him.
Aphrodite: Okay, let's split up!
Rose: We should stay together this time. If he learns that we know, he may try to stop us from informing the mayor.
Aphrodite: That'll take too long. We need to tell him about Officer Meanie before he takes someone else.
Katana: Fine, we will all go search the town for him. If you find him explain the situation, and then contact Aphrodite.
The girls agreed and run off in different directions. End Scene.
Start Scene: Aphrodite runs through the town and sees Mayor Youth talking to some townsfolk. Aphrodite runs towards him.
Aphrodite: Hey, Mayor Big Nose!
The townsfolk walked away from The Mayor as Aphrodite reaches him.
Mayor Youth: It's Mayor Youth, if you please, big lollipop girl.
Aphrodite: We found out who is responsible for the missing children.
Mayor Youth: Really? Who is it?
Aphrodite: Officer Meanie.
Mayor Youth: Officer Meanie? I don't believe I know who you mean.
Aphrodite: The mean guy who wouldn't give me a lollipop.
Mayor Youth: Oh, you mean Officer William... And how do you know it is him?
Aphrodite: Rose used her magic, and it showed us.
Mayor Youth: Oh, really? This is not good.
Aphrodite: I know we have to go find him and make him tell us where the kids are.
Mayor Youth: You're not going anywhere I'm afraid.
Aphrodite: Why?
Mayor Youth: Because, you've interfered with my plans.
Mayor Youth's whole body starts glowing gold. When he stops glowing, Mayor Youth stands in front of Aphrodite.
Appearance Change: Mayor Youth.450Please respect copyright.PENANAK89aQtdlq8
Hair: Gold. Body: Muscular.450Please respect copyright.PENANAsOcUCtGB9B
Outfit: Button shirt rips open.
Mayor Youth: And now you must die.
End Scene.
Chapter notes:
So Fredrick and his group of characters were meant to be a fake out for the real villain, hopefully it worked. Fredrick and his group were all based off of the original four animatronics from Five Nights at Freddy's.
Also the character of Cy is a gender neutral character, I forgot about that last chapter, but for this chapter I will be referring to them as they/them. Body wise they have a male body.
I hope that I did an okay job with the fight scene for this chapter, next chapter will have more complex fights, hopefully I can get them right.
Also this chapter shows one of Aphrodite's powers, that of Telepathy.
I'm very much having fun writing, hope there are some of you out there that like reading this.
Please if you have any input about this story, let me know.
If you like my story please check out my sub reddit where I will discuss updates about my story. respect copyright.PENANAtHN6uAHHdH