Meet The Characters
Character chart:
Full name: Marcus waylen boudreaux
Reason for name: None
Nickname: Mark
Reason for nickname:None
Birthday: August 23
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Physical description:
How old do they appear: 16-19
Weight: 170
Height: 6’0 even
Build: a mix between thin and athletic
Face shape: round
Eye color: Green
Glasses or contact lenses: Round blue light Glasses
Skin tone: Ivory
Distinguishing marks/scars: none
Predominant features: freckles all over his face
Hair color:blonde
Hair type: thick and fluffy
Hair style: Messy
Voice: soft and thick accent
Overall attractiveness: Fairly
Physical disabilities: None
Usual fashion of dress: grunge
Favorite outfit: band tee with a chain, and black skinny jeans with rips in the knees.
Accessories: chains and rings, the occasional bracelet
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Full name: Margaret Nicole Rossi
Reason: None
Nickname: Morgan
Reason for nickname: Doesn’t like her legal name
Birthday: November 22
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Age: 16
How old do they appear: 15
Weight: 150
Height: 5’1
Build: round/curvy
Eye color: Blue
Glasses or contacts: Glasses
Skin tone: pale ivory
Distinguishing marks: a scar on her left hip from failed stick and poke that scarred over.
Predominant features: small nose and big eyes
Hair color and style: Short messy and black
Hair type and texture: thick and soft
Voice: loud, and almost childlike tone
Overall attractiveness: High
Physical disabilities: None
Usual fashion of dress: Skater/grunge
Favorite outfit: a black tank top and flannel with bandage pants and high tops
Accessories: bracelets, rings, and chokers/collars
Chapter one:
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(Marcus’ pov)
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Hello, my name is Marcus Boudreaux, I am seventeen years old. I was born to my mother Marie, and my father Derick. My father was almost eighteen and my mother was only sixteen. My father was born and raised in New Orleans, and my mother was from Maine. We lived in Louisiana until I was thirteen.
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We moved to Maine when my little sister was born, we only moved because dad got a better job. Honestly, I hate it here. I want to stab myself. If I didn’t already. That was a joke, but the school I'm going to is great. I’m a junior only because I failed… look sixth grade I stayed suspended and didn’t get any work done either.
Unfortunately, my mother fell ill a couple of years ago, so she can’t actually take care of my sister Danielle. She’s four and barely in school, I handle taking her to school and care for her while my dad works. “Bubba hurry up, we gonna be late.” She said pulling on my sleeve.
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“Dani, wait, we still have a few minutes” I patted her head. As I finished putting together her lunch. I grab her hand and take her to the car and put her in her car seat then strap her in. We get to her school and I unbuckle her. It's the first day of school for both of us.
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I carried her in and to her classroom. “Okay Dani, do you want me to carry you in, or do you wanna hold my hand as you walk in because I have to get some paperwork,” I told her
“Bubba hold me!” She was scared “you’ll be fine okay you’ll make a bunch of friends” I put her down and held her hand. As we walked in we saw a bunch of parents who were taking pictures of their kids. They looked up as the teacher greeted us “Oh you must be Danielle and her dad.” I panicked for a moment “No I’m her brother.” I was caught off guard “My mom couldn’t make it.”
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Danielle sighed “Yeah, mommies sick.”
The teacher looked worried “Mr. Boudreaux, would you mind speaking with me?” I was less of a question and a bit more demanding. “No, I don’t. Dani, go play with the other kids, baby.” She nodded and started playing with two other kids.
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“What is wrong with your mother?” She asked I take a deep breath “My mom was in a really bad car accident two years ago and is a quadriplegic so she can’t really get around.”
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“And what about your father?”
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I hated that she was asking so many questions. “Well, he works a lot and isn’t home very often so I take care of her. After school and before work dad is always home before I go to work though.” I start to go into a rant and she stops me from talking.
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“Do you need help taking care of her?” She asks, this woman is in her fifties and probably had kids and grandchildren of her own and she was asking if I needed help. I felt like breaking down and begging for her to help me because I was at my wit's end. “No ma’am I don't. I have to get to school. I don't want to be late.” I say with a small smile. And then walked out.
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I’m Margaret. I am seventeen, I am an only child. My parents died when I was five and I was adopted by Miss. Jeanene Matrix and Mr. Matthew thomason. I just moved to Maine. FUCKING MAINE. The worst place ever, I know zero people and don’t plan on it. All I plan on doing is getting laid, and stealing someone's girlfriend. Okay one thing that is on my bucket list now that i’m at a new school is getting straight the fuck out of here.
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Nobody knows what will happen but new school year or whatever I stepped into the gate and bumped into someone. They sniffed as they said sorry like they had been crying.
“I’m sorry I didn’t mean too.” they said hurrying into the classroom. What the hell just happened. I walk into my first class, and there is that person I ran into. Their blonde hair was in their eyes so I couldn’t really tell much about them. There was something peculiar about how they carried themselves. Like they were scared of everything.
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I felt drawn to them in a way I didn’t feel with anybody else in the room. I sat next to them as the teacher called the role. “Boudreaux” He called us by last names. “Here” a voice like the fur on a rabbit spoke with a thick cajun accent. “Okay thank you,” He continued with the role until he got to my name “Margaret Nicole Rossi” He said my full name “Hmm? I’m here” What was going on why the hell did he just say my full name.
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“You’re new here aren’t you?” He asked “Yes, and I go by Mars,” I said to him looking down at my desk. He just said my full fucking name. I should’ve just stayed home. I put in my earbuds and started listening to music. I couldn’t concentrate on one thing. My mind was running twelve different ways.
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“I was worried about you” I replayed in my head “No you weren’t I’m just a piece of meat to you.” I screamed back at the dark shadow “A paycheck at the most! You don’t care, you never have.” I was sobbing at this point “There was blood everywhere. I should’ve just let you die.”
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My blood boiled as they said that. “Maybe you should have! At least then you’d be happy. And I wouldn’t be so fucking miserable.” I was met with a hand to the face. The tears running down my stung my cheek, “I fucking hate you, you’re a sorry bastard.” I screamed between sobs and tried to catch my breath. “I save you, when you were there you were nothing but someone’s toy nothing but an object!” They must have something wrong, some type of wire must be crossed in their head.
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“You’ve hurt me the most, at least in the streets someone loved me for real. Instead of just pretending”
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I was brought out of my thoughts by the bell ringing. I gathered my books and walked to the bathroom. When I walked in I slammed the stall door shut and slid down it I felt the warm tears slowly slide down my face.
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