(Y/N) P.O.V.
I walked up the stairs, Sebastian by my side. He had a look in his eyes that told me that something was greatly bothering him. I tapped him on the shoulder and he snapped out of his thoughts.
"Yes, dear?" He asked. What happened to that butler aesthetic he loves so much? I let the informality slide as we kept walking.
"Is something bothering you. You seem a bit...distressed and out of sorts."
"Oh, please do not concern yourself with me. I am nothing more than a humble servant." We arrived at my room and Sebastian went to my wardrobe and chose a dress and a corset.
"Do I have to?" I asked him, a pleading look in my eyes. Sebastian chuckled and laid the dress on my bed.
"As adorable as you are, my lady, I'm afraid you must. We are having company over, and it's your cousin no less." I sighed and turned around.
"Fine, just...be quick about it." Sebastian nodded his head and unbuttoned the back of my dress. He pulled the dress down my legs and I stepped out of it. He took the corset and placed it over my chest. His fingers grazed over my bare back making me tremble slightly. If there is one thing that I have learned about Sebastian, it's that he is ruthless when it comes to corsets. I gripped my bed frame, knowing full well what was coming.
"Are you ready?" He asked, huskily. I shook my head and he chuckled. I felt him wrap the string around his fingers as he laced the back. It was fine at the beginning, but he slowly made it tighter and tighter. I felt small drops of sweat trickle down my arms as it grew increasingly harder to breathe.
"S-Sebastian...ugh-" I tried to speak but he pulled tighter, making me gasp.
"Yes, my mistress..." I could feel his breath on my neck as I dug my nails deeper into the wooden bed frame.
"I swear you're going to KILL me in this thing!" I shouted at him. He chuckled and tied the last string.
"I doubt that any woman has died from wearing a corset." He said as he finished. I turned around and looked up at him. His cheeks were speckled with light blush as he looked down at me.
"Sebastian! How dare you! You took great pleasure in that didn't you?" He put his hand up to his mouth and started to laugh. "You bastard!" I shouted.
"I-I'm sorry, mistress. I couldn't help myself..." He was laughing much harder now.
"You know what?" I took his arm and pulled him over to the door and shoved him out of my room. "Just for that, I'm kicking you out." I saw the confused look on his face as I closed the door on him. I heard him knock gently on the door.
"Mistress, I'm sorry. Please, let me back in to assist you." I crossed my arms and walked over to my bed.
"No," I stated.
"...Very well then. I shall see you downstairs." I heard him walk off and I let out a sigh of relief. Damn you, Sebastian. Why do I put up with you sometimes?
"Because you have to. You rely on me." I turned my head around and saw him standing behind me.
"But I-You... I just-HOW?" Sebastian chuckled and walked over to me. I took a step back and hit my back against my bed frame.
"It matters not how I am here. Now, let's get you ready. Lady Elizabeth will be here any moment." I sighed and complied. It's not like I could get ready on my own. I've been relying on Sebastian ever since I was around ten years old. Before him, it was Tanaka and the other maids. I've never done anything on my own before. Sebastian slipped the dress over my head and buttoned the back. He handed me my gloves and I put them on my arms. These gloves were a gift from my mother. I miss her so very much.
"There we go," Sebastian said as he brushed off the bottom of my dress. "You look beautiful, my lady." I smiled at him as we walked for the door. I walked down the hall, Sebastian by my side when I heard an ear-piercing screech. Oh no. I thought to myself. I saw Elizabeth standing at the bottom of the stairs, her arms were wrapped around Ciel. I also noticed Edward was standing at the door. He had his hat in his hands that were folded in front of him. He looked up at me and smiled.
"Edward!" I exclaimed as I ran down the stairs. I ran over to him and wrapped my arms around his neck. He tossed his hat to the side and put his arms on my waist, lifting me off the ground and spinning me in a circle.
"I haven't seen you in so long! How have you been?" He asked as he let go of me. I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear and looked up at him.
"I've been managing. It's been difficult since...mother..." A silence fell between us. I looked down at the floor and Edward placed his thumb under my chin, forcing me to look up at him.
"I know this has been hard, it's been difficult for the both of us. But know this: I am always here for you. If you ever need anything please, come over to the manor. We are cousins, after all, we're family. Family is always there for each other."
"...Thank you, Edward."
"It's my pleasure (Y/N). Now, while Lizzy and Ciel are playing chess, what do you say about you and I go into town today? There is a new ice cream parlor that recently opened. I was privileged enough to test it out. I think you would really like it. Would you like to join me?" Edward asked as he extended his arm to me.
"I would love to!"
"Mistress, would you like me to accompany you?" Sebastian asked as he walked over to where Edward and I were standing. Edward shook his head.
"I do not think that will be necessary. I think that I can protect my dear cousin." Edward proudly stated.
"Is that what you desire, mistress?" I nodded my head and Sebastian bowed. "Of course." Edward grabbed my hand and pulled me next to him as we raced out the door.
"Let's get going then. We haven't all day!" Edward and I ran out the door and over to the carriage that he and Elizabeth had arrived in. Sebastian was standing at the door, a worried look on his face. "Don't you worry I shall return her before sunset!" Edward shouted to Sebastian as we took off. Edward sat across from me and we began to talk about how our summer was going. He had been invited to go to the illustrious school known as Weston College.
"You're going to be moving away?!" I shouted.
"Yes, but it will only be for a few years. I'm starting much later than the other students. Why, are you worried about me?" He asked as he leaned closer to me. I put my hand to his chest and pushed him back.
"Ed, that's not what I meant. And yes, I am worried about you. Like you said: We are family. I worry about my family." Edward's eyes softened as he looked at me.
"I understand but don't worry about me. Worry about yourself and your future!" I tried to protest but he would not allow it. "No, I refuse to watch my little cousin throw her life away by drowning in worry. Today, right now, in fact, I want you to let go of all your worries and enjoy the day. Can you do that?" I nodded my head and he smiled. The town started to come into view and I saw all the nobles walking the streets. Some of them had disgusted looks plastered on their faces. We came to a stop and Edward got out.
"My lady..."
"Thank you, good sir." We both laughed and walked down the street. A few of the nobles were staring as we made our way through the town.
"Isn't that Edward Midford and (Y/N) Phantomhive?"
"Are they betrothed?"
"Shh, you idiot."
Edward and I silently laughed at the various comments and discussions we would hear as we passed the people. We arrived at the parlor that he had spoken of. It was small, but it had an elegant feel to it. We took a seat at a table that was next to a large window. A woman approached us and asked what we desired. I ordered a chocolate sundae and Edward did the same.
"Hey, (Y/N)?"
"What do you think about...getting betrothed?" I looked up at him. I knew exactly where this was going.
"Ed, we've talked about this. I love you, but not like that. Ciel and Lizzy are engaged anyway. It would be very wrong if we did the same." Edward had a smile, but I could tell he was upset.
"Oh, I understand. I'm sorry for bringing it up." A silence fell between us. Should I say something? Edward
has been pestering me in his letters to me about getting betrothed. Quite frankly, it was getting annoying.
"My my, what is this? Perhaps the young Lady Phantomhive and Lord Edward Midford?" I was pulled out of my thoughts by a familiar voice. I turned my head to the side and saw the man from earlier today. "Back so soon?" Edward stood up from his chair.
"(Y/N), do you know this man?" He asked. I nodded my head.
"Yes, but I only just met him today." Edward relaxed his muscles and sat back down in his chair. Undertaker looked at us and chuckled.
"Thank you, my lady." He whispered to me. "Well, it was a pleasure to see you again. I believe I shall take my leave~" He bowed his head and turned around to sit at another table across from the parlor. How strange. I most certainly did not see him as one to indulge in such things. I thought to myself. Once our ice cream arrived and we had finished eating it, we exited the parlor and started to walk around the streets. We didn't have any specific place we wanted to go, we just wandered. We would stop at a few clothing stores and look at the dresses. After a few hours of shopping and talking with each other, the sun began to set. Edward took out his pocket watch and gasped.
"Gracious is that really the time? We had better get you back home, otherwise, that butler of yours is going to have my head on a silver platter!" I chuckled and we ran to the carriage, which was waiting for us at the parlor. Edward opened the door for me and we got inside. "Back to the Phantomhive manor, as quickly as you can!" Edward shouted. The driver nodded his head and we started to head back. Edward was on edge, worried about how not only Sebastian but Ciel was going to act. We arrived at the manor and we nervously walked up to the door. Edward was about to put his hand on the door handle when the door swung open. Sebastian was standing there, an enraged look in his eyes. Ciel stood next to him, his arms crossed. Even Lizzy looked upset! Oh no. This cannot be good. Sebastian grabbed my arm and yanked me away from Edward.
"I'll be taking my mistress back now...Thank you for watching over her today. Please have a safe journey home." Sebastian gently pushed Lizzy to Edward.
"Oh, goodbye (Y/N). I love-" Sebastian closed the door on Edward. "...you." He turned me to look at him and he examined me.
"She doesn't seem to be injured, my lord."
"Good. Now, I'm tired. I'm going to bed. Lizzy drained all my energy. Sebastian..."
"Yes, my lord." Ciel walked up the stairs and headed to his room. I started to sneak off when Sebastian grabbed onto my sleeve. "I don't think so, missy. I had been informed that Lord Edward wishes to become betrothed to you, am I correct in saying that?" I gulped and nodded my head. "Thought so...it is my duty to tell you that you are already betrothed to a man. In fact, in less than 12 hours you will be meeting with him." My eyes widened and I tried to pull myself away from Sebastian. "Mistress, please calm down..." I shook my head, and tears started to build in my eyes. Sebastian pulled me into his chest and wrapped his arms around me. He stroked my hair and whispered in my ear. "It will be alright, mistress. I am here for you. Please, do not cry."
Ciel's P.O.V.
I was standing outside of my door when I heard the sound of (Y/N) crying. So, Sebastian has told her. I didn't like seeing my younger sister like this, but it needs to be done. I walked into my room and laid down on my bed. I hope that she can forgive me. I hope that she doesn't hate me for this. I know how much she detested the idea of getting betrothed. I closed my eyes, hoping to get some sleep. While they were away, Auntie stopped by in hopes that she could leave a servant in training with us. His name is Grell and he is quite the...peculiar person.
Claude P.O.V.
I went into town today and saw my sweet princess there. She didn't notice me, which deeply upset me, but at least I got to see her. I crave her soul...I want to make it mine. Nothing, not even Sebastian Michaelis, is going to stop me. I held in my hands an envelope, written by the young Earl Ciel Phantomhive. I sighed as I placed the letter on top of a golden platter. Why am I involved with this contract anymore? I gently knocked on my highness's door waiting for a moment.
"Come in." I opened the door and stood in the entryway. I saw my highness, Alois Trancy, sitting at his desk. His eyes lit up the moment he looked at me. "Ah, Claude! What is that you have there?" I walked over to his side and placed the letter on his desk.
"A letter from the Earl Ciel Phantomhive. I believe it is about your betrothal to his younger sister, Lady Phantomhive." He took the letter in his greedy hands and flipped it over. He opened it and read through it.
"It would appear that there is some competition for her hand. Two new suitors are attempting to steal her away from me. Ciel wishes for the two of us to meet sooner. In fact, he wants us to meet tomorrow." I looked at him as a devilish smile started to spread across his face. "Write back to the Earl informing him that we shall meet him in the morning."
"Yes, your highness. Is that all you require of me?"
"Yes, now get out of my sight!" He shouted at me. I didn't flinch and I didn't waver. I bowed my head and headed for the door. I exited the room, closing the door behind me. The halls of the manor were especially dark tonight. I took a candelabra, engraved in gold, and lit the candles. I ventured through the halls, observing and making note of everything that I saw as well as providing protection for the manor. I stopped at a set of large windows. I looked up at the sky, the full moon at its peak. My mind began to wander over to the Phantomhives. I heard the shuffling of feet from the corner of the room.
"Hannah..." Suddenly she charged at me, a small pistol in her hand and her finger wrapped around the trigger. I swiftly moved to the side, grabbing her arm, and violently twisted it up her back. She let out a yelp of pain and attempted to bring her hand, which was holding the gun, over to my head. However, I saw this and yanked her other arm. Her hands began to shake and she dropped the gun onto the plush carpet. I kicked the gun to the side, even though I knew she had no way to get it. She continued to fight me, which I would not allow. I took her arm and shoved her back up against the wall. I reached into my tail-coat pocket and revealed a golden knife. It had been recently polished and sharpened. I would hate to get blood all of it and ruin my hard work. I placed the knife up to her neck and pressed it tightly against her skin. Blood trickled from her neck as she gasped for air. My grip on her tightened the more she resisted. I could see by the look on her face the immense pain that she was in. I was on the verge of breaking every bone in her body. "Stay away from me...stay away from her..." She nodded her head. I let go of her and she crumpled to the ground. I took my knife and wiped off the small traces of blood with my handkerchief. I looked down at her, fear in her eyes as she trembled. I gave her a cold glare and she shivered. She quickly stood up, clutching onto her wrist, and ran out of the hall. It's demons like her that make my life more difficult than it needs to be. I sighed and shook my head. I took the candelabra off of the small table and walked over to where the pistol was lying. I picked it up and placed it in my pocket. I then continued walking around the manor.
Alois P.O.V.
The moment Claude entered my office I knew exactly what was going to happen. I won't let anyone else touch (Y/N), not even that disgusting cousin of hers. A minor setback, but one that can be quickly taken care of.
"Hannah!" I shouted from my office. I waited a moment, my foot tapping against the hardwood floor. The door opened and Hannah stood there with her hands folded in front of her. She had blood dried on her neck. I sighed and signaled for her to come closer. "Prepare a carriage, we are going to the Phantomhive manor now." She bowed her head and quickly left me. I sat down in my chair and placed my legs on my desk. Soon she will be mine.
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