Something that Charlotte notices after acquiring her brand new daughter, is that she was very quiet. Observant, curious, and eager to explore already, but never saying a word and occasionally making a few noises here and there. A whine and whimper whenever Charlotte doesn't let her play with her hair or when she's woken up from her nap.
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She understands Charlotte just fine, able to know language as a whole. She just doesn't say a word in response.
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Charlotte didn't mind that though. Clem was good company, speaking or not.
403Please respect copyright.PENANALFHTIaTACb
On the first few days of having Clem, Charlotte decided to avoid worrying about the next three children since she knew based on the lack of rumors, they weren't even born yet. She wanted to work on gaining trust anyways, the last thing she wanted was for Clem to be under her care, but not trust her.
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Clem has a strange obsession with gold, for some reason. She practically throws herself forward to nab at whatever coins she could get every time Charlotte looks through the gold coins in her bag, that being often since Charlotte likes to be sure what she has for the next time they'll eventually travel to.
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Clem grabs a few handfuls, trying to hold onto them all as they spill and fall onto the forest floor. Charlotte laughs when the girl looks up at her with large, pleading eyes, silently asking for her help in making the coins stop falling.
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"I was counting those, Clem, but you can have one." Charlotte says gently, handing Clem a clean coin that didn't fall to the floor. As Clem is distracted by the given coin, Charlotte leans forward and reaches for the coins that fell in the dirt, collecting them up in her hands.
403Please respect copyright.PENANAURRub9LsCt
They're hiding in the middle of a forest, a small campfire put to the side and a tent set up for them. Charlotte didn't mind sleeping in a tent, having slept in much worse places. Clem doesn't seem to mind either, especially if Charlotte let's the girl sleep right on her, black wings wrapped around her and shielding her from potential danger.
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The first few nights are important to Charlotte, getting a surprise from Clem the first time she told her to try falling asleep. The red head laid down besides Charlotte, nuzzling her face into her shoulder as she curled up into a ball, trying to be as small as possible.
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Charlotte couldn't fault herself in scooping the girl into her arms, tucking Clem's head under her chin as she stared up at the stars, heart squeezing as Clem falls asleep. Even when hidden in her feathers, she kept a hand holding onto Charlotte's hair. She's so pure, and Charlotte swears to any and all gods that are out there that she will do everything in her power to make sure Clem will grow up safe.
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Charlotte's sleeps lightly these days, half to notice if Clem wakes up, and half so she could be ready at a moment's notice if they get found by anyone. She doubts word has traveled of her taking the first child of the prophecy, due to just how isolated that village was, but she won’t take any chances. So they travel carefully, with Charlotte always staying vigilant.
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This morning was quiet and calm, Clem running around the smoldering campfire until Charlotte gives her a pointed look, the red haired child blinking back innocently with her arms full of gold.
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Clem certainly has a liking for gold, which does somewhat concern Charlotte a bit since she worried about possible future stinginess from her daughter. Hopefully she would grow out of it as she got older. Although she certainly didn't mind how Clem had a liking for softness also, that being why the girl grabbed her hair and dress so often.
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Understandable since Charlotte doubted there was anything soft underneath that hole Clem resided in, so she allows Clem to grab onto her hair and feel her wings. It was surprising however, when Clem decided to attack her wings in the middle of the night.
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Even now, Clem was completely content with Charlotte's cloak around her tiny body, coins falling over her hands as she sits on the snowy floor.
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Charlotte had managed to scrub most of the dirt and such off of Clem clothes and body, but the girl was still in desperate need of new clothes. She gave Clem her outer clothing to wear over her ragged and worn clothes, figuring that could work until they get to the next village. The fabric hardly fit and dragged through the snow whenever Clem was walking, but Clem looked too cute swallowed up like that. Especially when Clem rubbed her cheeks affectionately against the sleeves every now and then when she though Charlotte wasn't looking, warming Charlotte's heart in ways that she thought was impossible now.
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Clem's wild curls is pulled back into two intricate braids, courtesy of Charlotte and her experience of doing her own hair and having had three children of her own in the past. Clem enjoyed it when Charlotte took care of her bright ginger hair, clear of dirt now that Charlotte washed it. It took awhile to comb out all the tangles in the curls, especially since Charlotte had to be careful not to brush too roughly with the girl's hair, but she succeeded and wove the locks into two thick braids that rolled down Clem's back. Clem had ran her fingers through her newly braided hair in wonder before kneeling up and tugging on Charlotte's own raven black hair.
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These little moments with Clem, when Clem looked up at her with thoughtful purple eyes and reached her little hands out, it made Charlotte's heart rest. How this young girl managed to ease the stress away for just a few minutes longer, because this isn't the end. Charlotte still has to wait for the other three children to be born to save them, but saving Clem is good enough until then.
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The responsibility given to her warms Charlotte's heart, enjoying the way Clem poked her wings gently to wake her up, to the same little demigod falling asleep on her body while holding onto her hair. It reminds Charlotte of memories long ago, of when her children—her flock, were still young and loved her every moment. Clem is a good girl, following behind her wherever she goes, watches with curious eyes when Charlotte is catching fish with a simple dagger she keeps on her.
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Clem tries to hold her hand out to Charlotte with pleading eyes, wishing to hold the weapon, use it like how Charlotte does. She doesn't hand it over, insisting that if Clem could walk all the way to her through the water first, then she could hold the dagger. Charlotte's doesn't try hiding her laughter when Clem squeals at the freezing river, the small girl thankfully giving up on asking for the weapon and keeping far from the edge of the river, glaring at the rushing water as if it's cursed her.
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It's easy to tell Clem doesn't like the cold, something Charlotte finds sense in. Children of any Nature and Fertility Gods rarely liked the cold, so the chill of the night and freezing river would obviously be things Clem hates.
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When she gets too cold at night, she bites Charlotte's shoulder hard enough to force her awake, so Charlotte could wrap her wings tighter around her and keep the night chill out. She also refuses to leave Charlotte's arms in the early morning or when there's too much snow on the ground.
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Clem absolutely refuses to touch the river after the first time, approaching the waters again as if it would reach out and bite her little feet. She actually panicked when Charlotte took her shoes off and walked through the moving water easily despite's the bottom of her skirts getting soaked, Clem holding out her arms and making whimpers and distressed cries even when Charlotte reassured her gently that she wasn't getting hurt.
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Clem refused to follow Charlotte into the water, but was fine with being carried over the rushing currents. She stared at the river below them, at the fish that swam by, before turning questioning eyes to Charlotte, as if asking why the river moved so fast.
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It was easy to fill the silence between them by rambling on and explaining everything she could about the world around them for Clem. The little girl never asked questions outloud, but Charlotte would answer any she knew the demigod had.
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"-this water moves along the rocks and carries the fish through the forest, all the way to a lake or a ocean. I bet you wouldn't like the ocean all that much, but only because it's currently winter. It can be rather relaxing during the summer, especially after a hard day's work where your bones and muscles ache-" She went on, carrying Clem over the river and pointing out the light blue of the currents. Clem grew curious when she pointed that out, sticking a hand in the water only to swiftly pull it back out since it was still freezing. She hated it more when Charlotte ended up having to scrub her face clean of dirt in the river, clinging to Charlotte for warmth as Charlotte continued speaking of the ocean, of the water.
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"-staring into the sun too much isn't good for your eyes, darling. You can stare up at the clouds though, see how they move in the sky? Look how they form shapes, how they're so big and vast-" Charlotte told, Clem burying her face in Charlotte's chest at her warning about the sun, but looked up again when Charlotte pointed up to the clouds. Clem pointed a finger up also, staring as a small bluejay flies high.
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"-that sound is being made by a cricket, darling. Hear it? They're tiny little things, and they can't really do much. That sound they make show they're speaking to each other, late at night-" Charlotte whispers soothingly as Clem laid in her arms underneath the stars, small body trembling in fear as a cricket chirped near their campfire. She reassured her that they were just small creatures, nothing that could harm them.
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"-I doubt you're listening to this one, but I think you'll like the stars. They're quite bright in the sky, and the moon as well, providing light over the heads of wary travelers during the night-" Charlotte murmured quietly, Clem listening while half asleep, her gentle voice helping to sooth the child to sleep like a lullaby.
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After a few days living in the forest, Charlotte's gotten restless and Clem has gotten tired of the food that she is fed, simple greens found by the riverbank, along with fish caught out of the water.
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Charlotte laid Clem down on her chest once they were in their tent, letting out a soft yawn. She was putting Clem to sleep early, while the sun was still up.
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Clem gave a confused look at being laid down so early, so Charlotte explains that they need to travel at night now, so they can move under the darkness and avoid being spotted.
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Clem understood despite's her earlier confusion, curling up affectionately in Charlotte's hold and falling asleep within minutes. Charlotte follows soon after, waking to the beginning of the night sky, Sunset just barely ending, last bits of sun fading away til the morrow.
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Charlotte adjusts her cloak that Clem still wore, double checks her bag, allows the demigod to play with her coins for a few moments, and making sure she has her dagger on her. She then picks up Clem into her arms and stretches her wings out in what feels like forever.
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"Remember our first day together, Clem, where I flew out the portal?" Charlotte asks, looking at the dim sky, Clem shaking her head in response. "I suppose you wouldn't, you had your eyes closed, I believe? Try to keep them open this time, it'll be fun, promise.”
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She's off, and Charlotte grins as she leaves the ground, Clem holding onto the top of her dress in a death grip. The small demigod leans in as close as possible as Charlotte flies above the trees, above the forest they resided in these past days.
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Even with the dim moonlight the land is beautiful, Clem moving her head up and down, up to the clouds over their heads. Down to the trees passing under them. She looks to Charlotte with giggles leaving her lips, eyes sparkling brightly in joy.
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It took a few minutes of flying to reach the village nearby, Charlotte able to see the lights of the buildings and the stone paths of the streets.
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She lands nearby, holding Clem close to her chest as she walks quickly but silently, making her way around the back of buildings rather than out in the street. It's a small town, quiet with nightfall with only a few people still walking around, Charlotte making sure to avoid every one of them. Clem stayed silent the entire time, and Charlotte knows it's because she had explained to her the danger of others finding her, that while there are kind people out there, people can still be cruel and dangerous, so they need to be careful.
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Clem didn't entirely understand that one, only staring at Charlotte's wings before grabbing at the ring worn on Charlotte's necklace chain. She had stared on in silence, millions of thoughts seeming to run through her mind.
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Charlotte finds a small clothing shop soon enough, looking empty of customers but still open. She moves towards it with light steps, making her way across the street.
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A bell rings once she walks in, and the person at the counter perks up in interest. The shop is filled with fabrics and clothes on display, tucked away besides the walls, and Clem looks to the person at the counter, to the fabrics laying around, then to Charlotte. She demands to be let down by hitting a small fist against Charlotte's shoulder.
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"Alright, darling, go on and play. Be careful not to mess anything up." Charlotte says softly, Clem taking off running as soon as she's out down, running her hands over whatever she can reach.
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The person at the counter is a bright middle-aged woman, smiling warmly as she watches Clem run around the small shop before turning her attention to Charlotte. "Hello, welcome to Aki's Fabrics. I'm Aki." She chimes politely, glancing back to Clem with a fond look as Charlotte puts her bag gently onto the counter in front of her.
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"Your daughter is really adorable. We don't get many children with travelers these days, especially ones who are this excited over clothes." She says, Clem playing with the curtains by a small window.
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"She likes soft textures, especially for clothes." Charlotte said, Aki's eyes glancing at the wings on her back, looking a bit apprehensive before catching herself.
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"Ah- right, I'll keep that in mind. I'm sure there are some dresses around her size that are soft enough." She smiles, and Charlotte recognizes the look of curiosity and fear, of wanting to ask questions, because hybrids (shes assuming because most people confuse her for some Avian hybrid instead of demon), are always something others have questions about.
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"Do you have shoes also?"
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"I think so, there's a few stored in the back. They tend to get stolen if we put them on display, so we keep them there for safe keeping." She nods, Charlotte glancing to the few outfits that were on display, to the window in the front to show off the clothes to anyone in the street. The window was half covered by a curtain, but Charlotte wished to pull the curtain all the way as the sight of a small group of monster hunters come down the street, torches or lanterns in hand and weapons at their sides.
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"Who are those people?" Charlotte mumbles, wondering what guild they were from since they might also be on the hunt for her. Aki hums, waving a hand out nonchalantly.
403Please respect copyright.PENANA4OzlychcHu
"Some hunting group, looking for the demigod from that prophecy." She explains as if it's a normal occurrence, which is possible with so many in the land looking for Clem. "Those sorts of groups turn up in the village every now and then. The child hasn't turned up yet, so plenty of people are still looking."
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Charlotte watches with cold blood in her veins as Clem fiddles with the curtains. "Clem, come away from there." She whispered a bit harshly, holding a hand out for her child to take.
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Clem freezes, as does Aki at the counter, eyes wide. Clem's small hands tremble while holding the curtains, suddenly moving forward as to move the curtain all the way, effectively hiding the display window and the inside of the shop from the people in the street. She looks expectantly to Charlotte to ask for praise, and Charlotte nods her head, smiling gently. Clem goes to close the other curtains.
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"Apologies for asking, but, uh." Aki clears her throat, a strained smile. "What is your daughter's name, may I ask?"
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Charlotte glances at Clem, watching as she closes the curtain of the other small window before going off to play with some fabrics hanging off a nearby table.
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"Clem." She answers simply, hazel brown eyes darkening.
403Please respect copyright.PENANAQ6bYSTYoXx
"Clem..." Aki trails off. Her eyes are filled with fear. "L-Lovely name. I– do you mind if I just get something from storage–" She goes to take a step back, eyes staring straight at Clem now that the hood of Charlotte’s cloak was down. Clem with her ginger red hair, pretty little face, unusual purple eyes—
403Please respect copyright.PENANAplh3oUQ8ef
Charlotte moves in a flash, stabbing her dagger into the counter where the woman's sleeve was. She leans in close, talking quietly now. "Clementine. Her name is Clementine, and I know exactly who she is. And I know you think you know who she is."
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She looks at Charlotte with wide eyes, her breathe shaky as her eyes flicker between Clem and Charlotte's. "You– how dare you bring a cursed beast into my shop– why would you–?"
403Please respect copyright.PENANALu25pUUIO6
"She's not anymore dangerous than any other three year old, darling." Charlotte explains tiredly, glancing briefly to Clem, glad to see the toddler was busy playing with the ends of hanging shirts. Oblivious to Charlotte threatening the shop owner with a dagger. "Let me explain. I'm here to get some new clothes for my little girl. Some new shoes, then we'll be on our way."
403Please respect copyright.PENANA9J2bAOhs1B
"Little girl–?!" She whispers back, leaning in with a face filled of disbelief. "That thing can't be your daughter. Listen, those men outside, let's just– for the good of everyone–"
403Please respect copyright.PENANApYKwxOUg0F
Charlotte's eyes glow crimson. "Call for those filthy Hunters and I'll cut out your tongue."
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She gives a glare back and responds coldly. Charlotte can't help but admire her for the fact she's definitely panicking, yet still says a response that makes Charlotte want to roll her eyes.
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"Right, lose my tongue or lose my life, whichever should I choose?!" She whispers, Charlotte raising her eyebrows.
403Please respect copyright.PENANAsbrqAcQXk9
"Lose your life? Look at her. She's a baby." She waves a hand to Clem, who was currently cooing happily, marveling at the fluffy material at the end of a woman’s coat. "How exactly do you expect her to hurt you? Drool on you?"
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She looks conflicted for a moment, then, "The stories-"
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"Oh right, those tales of nonsense. Her destiny, I know." Charlotte says curtly, leaning back while still keeping a grip on her dagger stuck into the counter, other hand reaching into her bag and grabbing a single gold coin. "Just watch." She said before turning her head to Clem, sweet smile upon her lips.
403Please respect copyright.PENANAaw7OUtDCYq
"Clem! Look, a coin." Charlotte calls, catching Clem's attention. As soon as the toddler spots the coin in her hand, she immediately runs over, nearly tripping over her feet. She runs straight into Charlotte's legs, reaching a chubby hand up to the coin that Charlotte's holding out of reach, whimpering and whining as she hops once. Twice. Tugging at Charlotte's skirts.
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The woman leans over the counter, blinking her eyes in shock at the sight of Clem just wanting the coin. Clem stomps her foot slightly with a frustrated look on her face when Charlotte keeps it out of reach. When Clem pouts however, that's when Charlotte gives in and hands the coin over, it getting snatched out of her hand before Clem slid underneath a table.
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"A... a coin." Aki murmurs, Charlotte giving a smug look. "The destructive daughter of a Greek God has been tamed with a single coin."
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"She likes gold." Charlotte says nonchalantly, giving the woman a much too innocent look as she stares at the table Clem was hiding under. "Soft materials too."
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She looks at her with a look of absolute confusion, and Charlotte tilts her head.
403Please respect copyright.PENANAdEBsrp8DpU
"So can you please just try getting some clothes and shoes for her? I don't want to leave with the chance of her getting sick in this weather due to exposure. Besides, I don't want to stay in this town any longer than I have to." Charlotte asks, the woman staring to the wings on Charlotte's back for a long moment, lost in thought.
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Aki sighs, looking at her sleeve still stuck to the counter by the dagger, looking back to Clem. "Alright, but I'll have to tell them of this once you leave.”
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"That's no problem. I can keep her safe." Charlotte responds calmly, pulling the knife out of the counter.