Noriko, Aden, and Brian sighed in relief when Alva stated they were getting close. This seemingly never-ending wandering was wearing them out, and Diantha’s hindered breathing was getting worse.151Please respect copyright.PENANA0hBBncjOts
Noriko noticed Brian’s sudden alertness. “…Brian?”151Please respect copyright.PENANAZlJzls09WQ
“I hear a crowd.” He whispered, his gaze firmly ahead.
“How large is the crowd?’
“God do I know.” Brian shrugged, firmly carrying the limp Diantha in his arms. “I mean, I guess it’s huge? It sounds huge. I hear lots of laughing too so it sounds like it’s safe there.”
“…For them…”
“I really needed that ominous comment, thanks.” Brian hissed out, glaring at the trees they passed by. He glanced down for a moment to see Aden’s worry-ridden gaze. Flustered at how intently Aden stared at him; Brian focused back on the imaginary bush-ridden path Alva was leading them through.
Shortly afterwards, Noriko herself could now pick up the sound of chatter and laughing. “Miss Alva, are we almost there?” she called out to the pointy-eared stranger.
Alva nodded a yes. “We should be reaching the outskirts of the camp in a minute at the most.”
Alva’s words proved to be true. Pushing a few tree branches out of the way; the three teens were met with an astounding scene.
There looked to be…possibly thousands of people…well…people like Alva anyways. They were all tall, had those pointy noses and ears, and the strangely colored skin.
Some of the camp-goers were shorter; with their hair a pure white to light cream, and their skin tone more yellow in hue like Alva. the tallest had almost pitch-black hair, and were red in skin tone. Those that were not as tall as the reds and not as short as the yellows were in between; a more orange color in skin tone and a variety of reds and oranges for hair colors.
A large group of men rested by a ginormous ship that laid on the nearby shore, shining like it was made out of gold. The men clunked their wooden cups together and drank the foamy contents; their faces were flushed a bright yellow to deep red.
Groups and couples walked throughout the area, some holding various objects and others conversing with their companions. Tents were propped up everywhere in an almost symmetrical fashion, some large enough to house groups of 20 or more.
“Elfrida!” Alva shouted out as she entered the outskirts of the camp. “Does anyone know where Elfrida is? Someone needs her medical attention!”
Alva’s shouting alerted many of the strangers in the camp, and a small crowd slowly gathered around Alva and the three teens. One young sailor from afar cupped their hands over their mouth. “She’s by the river collecting herbs! I’ll come get her!” They said before running off.
Her mission complete, Alva turned to the three teens with a relieved smile. “There, Dr. Elfrida should be here soon to fix your friend up. She’s dealt with this issue before.” The strange-looking woman giggled as a fond memory resurfaced in her mind. “a small group of us tried eating those berries when we first landed in Ciriyatu. Boy did they learn their lesson-”
“Ciriyatu?” Noriko interrupted Alva. “I don’t believe I’ve ever heard of a place like that before, although I’m not intimately familiar with Russia’s cities so-“
“Russia!?” Brian butted into the conversation. “You think we’re in Russia?”
“Why else would there be a tiger in a taiga? The Siberian tiger is the only species of tiger that lives in those biomes, in Russia and Mongolia specifically.”
“Great, we’re in the land of the homophones.” Brian tsked in annoyance and rolled his eyes.
“Russia?” Alva tilted her head in confusion. “I don’t believe there’s any place called “Russia” in the continents of Ciriyatu or Periyatu."
“Cut with the role-play.” Brian growled out. “I don’t know what the fuck all you cosplayers are doing in the middle of a forest but we don’t need your bullshit-“
Before Brian could finish his sentence, Noriko covered his mouth with her hand. “…Wait, Alva, this world that we’re in is called earth, right?”
Alva raised an eyebrow at the question. “…No. It’s been called Kirakam since the days of old.”
“And your ears aren’t fake? They’re that pointy?”
Alva erupted into laughter at this question. “Well I wouldn’t really be able to call myself an elf if I didn’t have pointy ears! You may pull them if you want to make sure yourself.”
Noriko took Alva’s offer. Alva bent forward to allow her easier access to their ears. A few gentle tugs were all Noriko needed.
Turning to Brian, she eyed him with eerie calmness.
“…Brian…I don’t think we’re on earth anymore.”
“You have to be joking.” Brian glared at Noriko with disbelief “Are you seriously telling me we got transported into another world like in some fucking Isekai? I’m not that stupid Noriko!”
“Brian, nothing about this situation is normal. This,” Noriko motioned to Alva’s ears. “along with the gems on our bodies and the powers we have do not translate well into the normal laws of physics on earth.”
“Holy shit.” Brian sighed out; his eyes filled with confusion and the slightest bit of terror. “This can’t be real. This has to be a dream.”
“Brian?” Aden called out softly, tugging at Brian’s jacket. Brian couldn’t bring himself to look at Aden’s eyes, eyes that gave him something he hated the most: pity.
Noriko was unsure of how she could comfort Brian; she hid her face from the hot-head the best she could. Meanwhile Alva awkwardly stood by; deciding against interrupting the moment. She would rather ponder the out-of-context information she had been given, wondering what these strangers were even talking about.
The small crowd that had gathered around them had grown huge at this point, and the silence between the group of four unmuted the faint whispers that circulated around and around.
“Look at the tallest! His skin is so dark!”
“The one with red hair is so small! Like an angel!”
“Their noses are so flat!”
“Is the pale one okay?”
“What are they? I’ve never seen any being like them!”
The whispers were suddenly interrupted by a middle-aged elf woman, red-toned with pure black hair in a neat bun. She passed her way through the crowd, towards the group. “Alva what in-“ She stopped in her tracks, gawking at Noriko, Brian, Aden, and the unconscious Diantha with horror. “…Kirakam are they?!”
“Elfrida!” Alva gave a subtle glare to the taller elf friend. “Be respectful!”
“You willingly let these…things into our camp? How do you know we can trust them?! They could be Lengese Spies for all we know!” Dr. Elfrida scolded Alva, who kept her gaze firm.
“So you expect me to stand by and let a few young souls get eaten alone in the forest?” Alva countered passionately.
Dr. Elfrida had nothing to shoot back at Alva. She went silent, and glared at the unconscious Diantha. “…Goddesses, I don’t even know if I can help. I’ve never seen a being like that before. Who knows what its biology is?”
“Dr. Elfrida.” The sharped eyed elf turned to Noriko: the human that had called her name. “We are sorry to cause any stress or trouble to you, but we desperately need your help.” Noriko bowed as low as she could out of respect. “We would appreciate it greatly if you tried to help our friend.”
Dr. Elfrida’s glare grew sterner at the bow Noriko gave. “…Alva those are Lengese customs. Do you honestly think I’m-“
“Elfrida please.” Alva begged, tugging at the sleeve of their dress. “They’re just children.”
Dr. Elfrida gazed at Alva’s distressed expression for a few seconds, before letting out an exaggerated sigh. “Alva your heart is far to kind. One of these days it’s going to put you in danger.” She beckoned towards Brian. “You there, with the dark skin. Bring that girl into my tent.”
Brian, after a moment of hesitance, followed the woman and disappeared into the crowd.
Aden attempted to follow Brian, but was stopped by Noriko, who gently grasped his shoulder. “Stay by me for now.” She whispered. As selfish as it was, she didn’t want to be alone at the moment.
Aden looked at Noriko for a few moments, before muttering a soft ‘okay’ and positioning himself right next to her.
Alva let out a sigh of relief, and focused on the gathered crowd. “Is Captain Gonzalo busy at the moment?” She questioned.
An older man was quick to answer her question with a teasing smirk. “He’s instructing Prince Elric at the moment, but I’m sure he’ll let you in his tent at any hour.”
The man’s suggestive comment earned him many giggles and bursts of laughter from the other men that had gathered around. Alva blushed in embarrassment, and glared at the older man. “Quiet fool. Your mother would be ashamed at the disrespect you have given not only to me, but to captain Gonzalo himself.”
The older man abruptly ceased his snickers, and lowered his head to the ground in shame. The other men did the same.
Alva beckoned for Noriko and Aden to follow her. “Come, come. We need to report your arrival to our captain.” Noriko glanced at Aden, who glanced back, and both decided they would do as Alva said. Therefore, they followed Alva and pushed through the crowd; ignoring the various comments that were sometimes unintentionally insulting and other times rude with full intent.
Eventually the group of three reached the largest tent in the camp, decorated with various banners of yellows, oranges, and reds. Alva griped the tent flaps, and stuck her head in cautiously. “Is Captain Gonzalo free right now?” She called out hopefully.
A muffled authoritative voice replied almost instantly “Of course! Come in Alva.”
Alva disappeared inside the tent, leaving Noriko and Aden to awkwardly stand in front of the entrance, trying to ignore the various stares they were given by the elves that passed by. Thankfully, Alva reemerged from the tent rather quickly. “He wants to see you two.” She explained, lifting the tent flap for the two teens to walk through.
The inside of the tent was luxuriously decorated; filled with furniture carved out of red oak. Decorations of gold were carefully placed along the dresser and on top of the desk; the latter of which an imposing, middle-aged red-toned elf man sat in front of. Close next to him sat another male orange-toned elf on a luxurious throne; he was smaller and quite lean, with an intricately decorated circlet adorned on his head.
“You certainly weren’t lying when you said ‘strange looking.’” The large man, which was assumed to be Captain Gonzalo, muttered under his breath. He glanced at Alva and clutched the pirate-styled hat he wore.
Alva glared at the captain. The captain let out an awkward cough, straining a sheepish smile at the lady Elf. He spoke with a strong, manly voice “Alva has filled me in on your situation. Your origins are suspicious to say the least, but despite the war our kingdom is facing, we will choose to trust you…uh…strangers.I believe in Alva’s judgement.” He continuously reexamined Noriko and Aden, clearly bewildered by their appearance, but choosing not to say any more. “We’ll set up a personal tent for the four of you, and you are free to stay as long as you like and…settle out whatever exactly happened to you as long as you offer your assistance at times. We don’t take freeloaders.”
Noriko gratefully bowed at this news. “Thank you so much Captain Gonzalo, we will do our best to help around the camp.”
She could feel the tension surrounding the bow she gave.
“…A word of advice young one.” The captain began. “Try not to bow like that. It’s a Lengese custom.”
“I apologize.” Noriko instantly stood up straight, keeping her head lowered in embarrassment. Then she took note of the word 'Lengese;' a group these elves seemed familiar with. “…Forgive me but…who are the Lengese?”
For a moment, Captain Gonzalo was more than shocked by Noriko’s question. “How on Kirakam could you not know about the Lengese Empire? Where are you from miss?”
Noriko shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t know. None of us do. We don’t remember who we are or where we were born…although we know what world; and as much as I’m sure you’ll call me crazy it isn’t yours.”
“Are you implying you come from say…the moon Noriko?” Alva tried to make sense of the baffling statement the one-armed girl made. “From a planet like ours but…different?”
“Something like that.”
Alva, Captain Gonzalo, and the crowned elf nearby pondered Noriko’s words. Captain Gonzalo pondered it much quicker than the others as he soon answered Noriko’s original question, among other things. “Although your story is rather fantastical. everything about you and your three comrades are quite…off, so I’m not too inclined to discredit you. You’re in the world of Kirakam, young one.” He began. “A world created by…well…it depends on who you ask. You’re currently in the smaller continent of Ciriyatu. Us Elves are a part of the Kingdom of Fiorati: to the far west of where we are right now on the Northwestern portion of the larger continent Periyatu.”
Pointing to the map pinned against the tent wall behind him, he continued. “The Lengese Empire is a country to the east of us, on the northern most part of Periyatu. Their people are known as “giants,” bulky, towering beings with bluish-grey skin. We’ve been at war with them for years now, so you can imagine the tension anything associated with them can bring to the dinner table.”
Well, Noriko will have to remember to curtsy like the other Elves for now, at least to avoid any trouble.
Glancing to the side, Noriko found that Aden was dangerously close to the nearby dresser; he was about to touch a ceramic vase.
“Aden!” She warned. “Don’t touch that! it’s not yours.”
“It’s fine, it’s fine!” Captain Gonzalo reassured the one-armed girl; he literally waved the issue away. “Your friend is quite the curious one I see. your name’s Aden young man?”
Aden clasped his hands together behind his back. “Yes!” he replied with a shy smile.
The crowned boy — who sat next to the captain and had observed quietly so far — finally spoke up. “He’s quite small, isn’t he Gonzi?” They gave a soft smile to the red-head.
Captain Gonzalo was quick to nod in agreement. “Indeed. How old are you Aden?” He figured the boy would at least know his age.
“Don’t know.”
“…Well, what’s your last name?” Surely, they would remember their full name?
“Don’t know.”
“…Um…what about where you were born?” Even just the region? His amnesia can’t be that bad, right?
“Don’t know.”
Noriko interrupted this meaningless attempt of information gathering. “I’m sorry mister Gonzalo, but none of us can answer these questions. Like I said, we don’t remember anything about ourselves except our first names.”
Alva, Captain Gonzalo, and the crowned elf boy stared at Noriko and Aden with concern. “…This amnesia you four have, it’s rather strange as well. Alva told me you all woke up in a temple. Could you be referring to The Temple of Mourning?” The captain suggested.
“I’m not sure.” Noriko replied. “It was incredibly large. We woke up in a huge room on top of these alters that seemed to be built for something 5 times our size.”
“That’s definitely The Temple of Mourning.” Alva commented. “I’ve been in there a few times to copy the various texts within its walls. I’ve seen the room you’re describing.” she placed her hand under her chin, deep in thought. “Fascinating. This is all so fascinating…Wait a second, could they…? I…need some time by myself. My translations aren’t going to finish themselves. Would it be okay for the prince to show these newcomers around instead?”
Captain Gonzalo turned to the lean boy, raising a curious eyebrow. “Well, that depends. Does the prince want to show these newcomers around?”
The crowned elf, who was supposedly Prince Elric himself, nodded without hesitation. “I would love to.” He answered with smiling eyes.
“It’s settled then. Aden and…No…?”
The captain struggled remembering the one-armed-girl’s name, which Alva gave. “Noriko.”
“Yes, Nori-Oh dear…that’s going to…anyways. Aden and Noriko. Prince Elric will show you around the camp and help set up your own tent. Are there any other questions you have?”
Aden raised his hand up. “Yes?” Gonzalo waited for the question that would follow.
“Is Diantha going to okay?”
A tense silence followed Aden’s question.
“…You’ll…have to ask Elfrida about that.” Captain Gonzalo replied somberly.151Please respect copyright.PENANAGGkEVLJpjM