Okay, so let me get this straight. I know it says “fairy tale” in the title, but for all those people who were looking for a good fairy tale and decided to read this, I apologize. This isn’t a fairy tale. At least I don’t think so.
The title was Lance’s idea. I mean, just because this story has knights, kings and queens, princesses and princes, evil witches with pretty minions, damsels in distress, heroes, monsters, and a ton of quests doesn’t mean it’s a fairy tale, right?
But that idiot brother of mine had already printed the title in those huge fancy letters he learned from Brother Aiden that wasted a huge chunk on the top of our very precious paper. And since I’m probably the only brother who still follows Father’s rule to be conservative, what other choice do I have but to continue?
Arthur says I should start a chapter on a new page. Since there’s still some space, I’ll repeat myself. This may seem like a fairy tale, I don’t know. I’ve never read one to know enough. But please, even if you hate this story to your guts, or just hate me in particular, please don’t burn it. It’s going to take us a lot of effort to write this, so please don’t waste it. The horror if you actually did. Father would kill me. Or you.
Ok, I think I’ve said enough. I could continue to yak about who we are, what we do, where we came from, our past, present, and future, but I really don’t feel like it. Arthur or Lance might’ve, but not me. Blame them for making me write the prologue.
I now realize I just wasted a chunk on my own. And I just did it again by writing that sentence. And again. And… Oh, whatever.
Anyways, as Father used to say, let the quest begin!