The wind howled upon Quince’s sleeked back hair, whipping it outwardly. She stood before the gates of Armageddon. Her orbits drifted upwards upon its obsidian base.
For who dares come before The Chained?
She took a deep breath now, inhaling sharply. “gods give me strength.” She placed her hand upon the cold, elemental structure. The obsidian gates swung open, causing Ryuu to back up here. Her obits cane locked upon the dragon, it’s long tail swiftly sweeper the granite flooring.
Those who come seeking revenge, shall be avenged, but woe to those who have come to kill the dragon.
Quince placed her hand upon the beats talon, a firm connection resonated within both girl and beast. A growl reverberated from the beasts throat in response to the connection.
A single beast. A single heart.
She rested both hands upon the chained talon. The dragon moved its talon forward. Moving its wings forward.
The wings of the chained. The roar of the damned.
Quince took a step backwards, the creature and her eyes meeting. It’s eyes held the secrets of what was to be. What is coming. And what has been. For it was the chained.
Woe to those who wish to slay the creature. For its eyes shall see the sins of you.
She now took a step atop the creatures neck, resting upon the crook of its shoulders. The dragon unfurled it’s wings, and slammed them down upon the flooring, lifting both dragon and girl upwards.
For a single beast and a small girl will take to the sky.
The pair now flew towards the cascadive mountains, the dragon swift and maneuvering.
Woe to those who wish to slay. Woe to those who disobey. For the dragon sees through you. For none shall be spared. For The Chained will come and everyone shall pay.