Kathy is walking aimlessly around town. They were just fired from their job as an among us chef.
*How will I ever afford my barbie dream house* Kathy thinks
Kathy makes her way to the Golden Gate Bridge. They look over the fence and just as Kathy is about to jump, a newspaper hits their face.
They take it off their face and read an ad.
" Security Guard Job Opening at kid-friendly restaurant, Fredbears Family DInner.
"This has to be a sign.... I suppose I can go check it out."
The next day
Kathy shows up to the diner, dress in a purple themed outfit, their favorite color.
Kathy cant believe it! THEY GOT THE JOB WOOO!!!1
Its ther first day. Kathy is super happy. Kathy seats theirself at the security desk. *reading the intrusucitons* Okay so it seems the jobs start at 12, and ends at 6am. Its 11:59.. so any minute now. * the phone rings, Kathy hits speaker*
*phone guy* “Hello, hello! Hey, you're doing great! Uh, most people don't last this long! I mean, you know, th-they usually move on to other things by now... uhh, I'm not implying that they died."
Kathy: creepy.... supa spooky
Kathy gets fed up and hits mute. Its now 12:00 and Kathy puts up the security screen. They just check the cameras, while being on their phone.
Kathy: This is soo easy. I can live like this.
This contuies for another 2 hours. When the clock hits 2AM kathy hears movement.
Kathy: wtf was that?!
they pull up the screen and click through the various cameras. 1225Please respect copyright.PENANA6ENOUG2r8a
click1225Please respect copyright.PENANAHZjJaLOtK8
click1225Please respect copyright.PENANAcn12A0QBcN
click1225Please respect copyright.PENANAYznsJvvrNe
stop.. that's when kathy sees something very sussy..... 1225Please respect copyright.PENANApqt7vzwev4
the biggest out of the two , FredBear, is in the kitchen.. not the stage.
kathy starts sweating a lot.
two hours of kathy checking the cameras following the movement. by now their drenched in sweat, they smell, like a baka.. that's when movement is heard, in the hallway outside the office. the noise has never been so close. Katherine freezes and their finger hovers over the camera for the hallway
there it is, fredbear standing about 10 feet from the door to the security office. kathy doesn't know what to do. surely the animtronc will kill them? kathy thinks back to when they first found out about this joint.
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