My name is Asher Carter, I'm top of my class, I'm a senior in Ashford Academy, I'm the oldest in my family, I mostly stay away from people because it would take away from my home life speaking of home life: I live with my mom, dad, and annoying little sister Ashley. I also run the errand do the chores and sometimes cook when it's Ashley's turn; she's a spoiled brat that gets what she wants when she wants except neither of us is allowed to cuss because our mom won't let us. Anyhow back to my life away from home so the day this story starts is the day I ran into my third hour (English) teacher Leon Jones he's tall, fit, skinny, and really hot! yes...I know I said 'hot' so what? My name is Asher Carter, I'm openly gay and proud of my and my little sister's sexuality. Today started almost like a normal Saturday: I woke up in my soft dark grey bed, covered with my black weighted blanket, I sit up pushing my light green hair away from my ocean blue eyes, I groan as I shove myself off my bed making a *thud* on my soft fur rug at the edge of my bed. I stand up pulling my thoughts together when rudely I'm interrupted by heavy steps on the stairs leading to the downstairs. My spoiled brat of a sister barges into my room telling me (very loudly) "Mom wanted me to remind you to go to the library for her she needs some new books, or whatever" somebody didn't get her food. I wait a minute trying to actually think, then I replied sleepily with " ok, what genre this time? Still aiming for gay? Or is she going sexual? You know what I'll ask her myself you go eat." she smiles, and skips downstairs. Once she leaves I grab my nice black long-sleeved shirt, my white hoodie, and my grey Nike sweat pants, I grab my towel and head to the bathroom for my nice hot shower. I step into the white tile-floored room filled with the sweet aroma of lavender ( my shampoo). I begin stripping while re-folding my clothes and then stepping into the shower, I put the water on full blast of nice hot steamy water. With the water dripping down every crevis of my muscular body, down my abs, my hard twitching cock...wait HARD? from what or who? Probably my hot fantasy of dating my English teacher Professor Jones...damn he is really really HOT! Wait what the hell am I thinking I can't date him. He's my teacher, crap... mom's yelling. I quickly finish my shower, change into my clothes and hurry down the wooden stairs, through the living room, and to the entryway. She hands me my bag and breakfast, and then says quietly "off to the library! pls, grab the book genres on the list I put in your bag." I put my headphones on under my hood and walk out the front door of my strange house. After I got the books for mom and left the library I ran into a man who was just staring at the empty sky... so I tapped his very muscular shoulder, making the man spin around in a bit of a shocked state, I just said "sir, are you alright? You were just staring into the sky..." I felt a lump in my throat as it finally hit me (literally) who he was... he replied in his rough yet calm voice " I'm fine Asher. Sorry about just staring at the sky, but it reminded me of your beautiful eyes." OH MY FUCKING GOD the hottest man in my life just complimented me... I stumbled over my next words " P-Professor J-Jones s-sir I-I...uh t-thanks! =l" god he's hotter up close. I try desperately to conceal the hard-on beginning to show in my very tight sweat pants. Well, shit too late he noticed he quickly places his thigh right against my painfully hard dick, as it begins twitching he maneuvers his lips to come crashing into mine, and at the same time, his hands are feeling around my abs and on up. Slowly giving in I reach for the beast that is twitching to the point of being visible