Arizona wake up
Arizona sluggishly opened her eyes blinking, trying to adjust to the sun rays coming through the windows into her room, wondering who the hell is waking her up by this time of the day.
"You are going to be late for school if you do not get your ass up"
A voice Arizona recognized as her mom's sang.
Taking her pillow from under my head and putting it over her head, trying to cover her ears to block out her mom's usually sweet but now irritable voice
Thump thump thump
"Ah" She screamed from the sudden impact from her fall to the floor
"Mommy!!!!!!" I cried while getting on her feet
"Oh shut up and get ready for school" Mom stomped out of Arizona's room while saying curses Arizona could not hear under her breath.
Looking over to her bed that was now looking tempting more than ever, sighing in defeat she went to the bathroom to prepare for school.
"Richard I am afraid we did a horrible job as parents" Arizona mom said in a shaky voice while trying to keep her voice low
"Mary why do you say that' Arizona's dad deep voice said in a whisper
"Honey, Arizona is already 19 years old and still has no plan for the future. I think we spoiled her too much; she has no direction and is overly too independent. She barely does well in school even as she is in her second year in college. The course she is studying now she only picked it out because her favorite actress Gloria Henson studied it and the surprising thing is how she even got admitted into college with her low grade in high school. She is so indecisive, spoilt and practically don't know how to do anything" Arizona's mom whispered and started sobbing silently
Arizona's dad moved to the counter where Arizona's mom is, wrapping her in his arms and saying comforting words in her ear. Mary after calming down looked into Richard's eyes.
"No, it is not like I am complaining or anything. Arizona is the best thing that happened to us after 5 miscarriages and 8 years of childlessness. But I am so worried that we were blinded by the love we have for her that we could not see that we were doing the wrong thing by overlooking her shortcomings and making her over dependent on us" Mary spoke while trying to stop her over flowing tears
"No matter what, she is still our miracle child. Arizona made our marriage strong and being able to overcome every hurdle. We should try and be patient with her, I believe at the end of the day she will figure something out and we will be here walking with her through every step and offering help whenever she needs it." Richard spoke in an under tone while stroking Arizona's mom's hair to comfort her
"I know Richard and I completely agree with you but I am so scared. What if something happens to us unexpectedly? What if we die this night or tomorrow? What will Arizona do? How will she live? How will she survive? How will she cope? She does not know how to live on her own that is why she is not staying in the campus because we know she would not be able to cope! She has so many potential, she is so smart and intelligent but she does not utilize it. Look at how when everyone thought that she will gain not admission to the university, she did and even got admitted to study physiology at the state university. I wish she will just be more disciplined, focused and hardworking" Mary sighed moving away from her husband and taking a seat in the dining.
Hearing the sound of their daughter footsteps they quickly jumped away from each other, Mary wiping away her tears and Richard regaining his composure
Cough coughs
Arizona awkwardly clears her throat looking between her father and mother
"Am I interrupting?" Arizona asked with a confused look while trying to decipher what is going on
"No you are not, eat quickly you are going to be late on your first day" Mary nervously scolded her while avoiding to look into Arizona eyes
"No thanks, I will head out now" Arizona uttered while looking at her watch and her eyes widening in realization that she was late.
Arizona kissed her dad and mom on their cheeks and rushed out. Richard and Mary glance at
each other in suspicion then continued with their various activities.
Unknown to them Arizona heard everything they said,
I had to get out of the house. It was super awkward for me and I could not bear to look into my parents' eyes after eavesdropping on their conversation. I felt slightly embarrassed and guilty I guess. I was not angry with my mom neither was I angry with my dad. They said the truth and my mom was clearly worried about my well being which I don't blame her for, after all she is my mother. I know I have a lot of flaws, lazy and procrastination being on my top list but it is not like I can help it. Mom should not be worried; she should just go with the flow. Enjoy the today and whatever that is meant to happen will happen, I believe things will fall in place eventually. And God forbid if they are to die early I will just die with them and plead to God for them to be my parents once again. It is not my fault I like relying on people, like I said I am a really lazy person.
It happened so fast. I was on my way to school with my books in my hands and the next I was watching my books my midway in the air and wincing on the floor from pain.