Walking down the road Lenna walked past some dark alleyways. Glancing around the boy made sure he was alone before stopping in his tracks and pulling out his phone from his backpack. It was kinda dark outside, despite it only being around 6 pm.
it was a fairly nice day despite it being dark out though. it wasn't too hot nor cold out and Lenna was enjoying himself and he was just walking around to get some exercise and to enjoy the weather before it got too cold. after all, winter is approaching soon.
reaching into his pocket Lenna then pulled out his headphones and placed them into his phone. he then wrapped his headphones onto his ears. sloughing slightly he then began to scroll through his Spotify. once he found a playlist that suited him he then began to listen to his music, not really paying attention to much besides what was in front of him.
as he was walking Lenna was fine for most of his walk, just enjoying the music and weather. but as he was walking the boy stopped suddenly as he swore that he heard some faint yelling in the distance. but he simply laughed and shrugged it off, thinking that it was just his song and that his brain was simply playing tricks on him.
but as Lenna kept walking he heard the same, familiar sound. so Lenna in response took his headphones out only to hear it even louder and closer to himself. freezing Lenna shoved his phone and headphones into his pocket.
he then looked behind him and Lenna's eyes got wide as he let out a loud gasp filled with fear. behind him, there was a man that was actually around fifty years old. although in Lenna's opinion he looked like he was eighty because he looked like a boney old grandpa and due to all the wrinkles on him.
but then Lenna noticed something that made even more fear overcome him. the old man was chasing a massive, mean-looking German Shepard. the german shepherd's teeth were bared back into a snarl and his eyes were narrowed. the dog definitely didn't look friendly. it looked like it was ready to kill.
suddenly the man spoke. "Get out of the damn way you stupid kid!" the boney, old grandpa ordered. he didn't sound actually concerned. he just sounded annoyed. that was most likely because if his dog did catch Lenna and actually hurt him that he would be responsible and would have to pay for his wounds and would get his dog taken away from him.
Lenna didn't have to be told twice. just looking at that cruel dog made shivers go down his spine. wasting no time the boy began to run down the sidewalk. but the dog was now following Lenna. the dog's tongue was lodged out of his mouth and the german shepherd let out loud, angry barks. Lenna knew that if the dog caught him that the outcome wasn't going to be pretty. if Lenna wanted to live he was going to have to keep running.
as he was running Lenna sighed as he approached a large group of people clustered together. maybe there was a chance that the dog would attack them and hurt them inside of him! although Lenna didn't want to wish death upon somebody else. he had to admit that he would rather somebody else get hurt than instead of him.
running in between the group Lenna then began to slow down, hoping that the dog would attack them or simply stop chasing him. but as he watched as the ladies he began to quicken his pace once more as there gasped and swiftly backed out of the way. the dog didn't even glance at the ladies as it followed Lenna still.
that made Lenna grunt and roll his eyes. this dog was acting as if it had a grudge against him! what did Lenna do to this stupid mutt? but Lenna kept on running and forced his bitter thoughts away. he just had to find a place to hide. he didn't know where of course.
as he was running through the crowd Lenna heard the ladies gasp and one of the older ladies even spoke up to talk to him?
"How rude! What do you think you're doing, young man?" One of the older ladies questioned.
that pissed Lenna off and he kind of wished that the dog would have attacked her instead of him. the massive dog following him would have said more than he could. but he was angry and couldn't control himself.
"running away from this fucking dog! it seems the two of you would get along since your a massive bitch." Lenna said, grinning. he was too far away from the lady to hear her reply. but he knew that she sounded shocked. but Lenna could care less.
noticing a trash-can in front of him Lenna froze and didn't know what to do. but he soon kept running, knowing that if he slowed down the dog would catch him and soon kill him. his mind racing Lenna wondered what he could do.
but as he looked behind himself to see that the german shepherd was only arriving closer to him. Lenna had to make a choice right now. otherwise, he was going to become dog food! deciding to jump over the trash-can Lenna then leaped over the trash-can.
but Lenna got his leg stuck. his eyes widening Lenna forced himself not to scream. he stood there for a while like that, his heart beating as the dog got even closer to himself. that made Lenna wince. but he soon got his leg unstuck. once he got his leg unstuckLenna then kicked the trash-can onto the ground and then ran off into the distance.
that ended up working in Lenna's favor surprisingly because the dog stopped in his tracks which made Lenna grin. maybe he could finally escape this stupid mutt and be free! but once the dog finished sniffing the trash the dog then kept running after Lenna, making Lenna sigh.
Lenna felt that his legs were burning and they felt like they were going to explode. it didn't help that the steaming, hot sun beamed off his clothing as he slowly lifted up his legs before placing them onto the ground.
sweat was starting to form all over Lenna's body. but a thin layer of sweat covered the nape of Lenna's neck. but he wiped it all off and forced himself to keep walking. even though it was starting to hurt him he ignored it. after all, it was going to hurt much more if Lenna didn't keep walking and the dog caught him.
Adrenaline coursed through Lenna's veins as he glanced behind him and saw that the dog was getting closer and closer to him. which made Lenna sigh. once this was over he was going to beat the old man's ass for letting his stupid dog outside without a leash in the first fucking place!
shaking away his thoughts Lenna sped up and forced himself to go as fast he could. he tried keeping his breathing steady as he went harder and faster. although it was hard to breathe as he kept running in the sun.
his breath came in short, little gasps. Lenna urged for some sort of liquid right now. preferably water. but Lenna was so thirsty he would drink anything right now. he didn't care what.
the hot air bit into Lenna's lungs as he kept running and running. glancing behind himself Lenna saw that the dog was coming closer. what shocked Lenna was that the dog didn't even look slightly tired. it wasn't even heaving! which made Lenna loose his motivation to keep running.
but what made Lenna keep running is the fact that if he didn't stop he would get killed by the large dog. but then again maybe Lenna could stop. maybe if he stopped and the dog attacked him he wouldn't die. but just get badly hurt.
or maybe somebody would step in and save him. after all that would require much less energy than running throughout the whole town. but Lenna soon shook those thoughts away as he realized none of that was going to work.
if somebody was going to step in and save him they would have done that already! the old man that let his dog loose in the first place was nowhere to be seen. maybe he gave up and went home. or was just very slow at walking. but nonetheless, Lenna was going to have to keep running if he wanted to live.
soon Lenna began to dart past buildings, people, and trees. Lenna watched as the people around him gasped and ran out of the way. one person tried to grab the dog by its collar to stop it which Lenna appreciated. but the dog snapped at the person and the person backed away.
for a bit, Lenna wondered if the dog would instead chase that person. but like the dog did last time it then targetted Lenna and then kept chasing him. that made Lenna sigh and he kept running once more. he felt beyond tired as he ran. but he had no other choice then to keep running.
his shoes heavily pounded against the ground as Lenna forced himself to keep running. he then noticed a stick and mud puddle and tried to slow down but he couldn't. he ended up tripping over the stick and landing face first into the mud.
"ew that's disgusting!" Lenna muttered as he got up. he then tried his best to wipe the mud off himself as he kept running. he ended up making splatters of mud cover his leg. he wanted to wipe the mud off more properly. but he knew that would slow him down so he couldn't.
Lenna was now running so fas that he was surprised to see that the dog was only a foot away from him. he knew that falling into ht emud must have slowed him down a bit. he wanted to slow down and take a break so badly. but he knew that if he stopped that the dog would shred him to pieces instantly. so he forced himself to keep running.
The ground blurred below Lenna as continued running for what seemed like longer than it should have been. but he figured it was because of the angry dog that was chasing him. the motivation to survive was strong inside him. which was the only thing fueling him now it seemed.
Lenna was now heaving and he was surprised that he was still running and was running somewhat fast. but he knew that he couldn't last for much longer if he had to keep running. it seemed his time was almost over... he should just give up and let the dog kill him, right?
no! Lenna couldn't give up yet! he had to force himself to keep running. he had to survive... as he kept running Lenna's eyes widened as the dog caught up to him and snapped at his shirt. Lenna moved slightly so the dog didn't bite him, only his fabric. but the dog soon ripped his shirt fully off.
while the dog was using his shirt as a chew toy Lenna took the chance to keep running. he soon approached a park and hoped that somebody would help. but it seemed nobody would. sighing Lenna realized that he was stuck in this mess by himself and he would have to get out of it like that.
Lenna wasn't watching where he was going for the most part. but when he saw a large fountain of water in between him he stopped. glancing back he saw that the dog was even closer. if he didn't do something to escape from the evil mutt then Lenna knew that he was going to get something more then his shirt just ripped off.
if Lenna moved around the water fountain then the dog would catch him. the only thing that Lenna could do is jump over the fountain. maybe the dog wouldn't follow him then and would be afraid of water. although Lenna already knew that would be to good to be true. so Lenna was just going to have to jump in the water and hope that it would slow the dog down somewhat. besides, he would get the remaining mud cleaned off himself.
leaping into the water fountain without anymore thought Lenna winced as the cold water went all over his body. he forced that feeling away as dog teeth piercing his flesh would hurt way more. the dog was swiftly following so Lenna got up and began to run once more.
Lenna has been running so much that he was in the alley way once more. the dog was even closer now, its eyes gleaming with rage and hunger. it clearly wanted Lenna as its meal. but Lenna has been running so long that he couldn't give up yet. he had to escape this dog.
noticing a metal fence in front of him Lenna blinked. the fence was tall and was a wire one. it was in somebody's yard but it also looked strong, as if it couldn't easily be removed or messed with. maybe if Lenna jumped over it and landed in the yard he would be safe!
but climbing the fence was going to be hard and time consuming. there was a chance that he could loose his balance or something and then fall victim to the dog. but Lenna had to at least try. fit here was a chance that he could be safe and stop running then he had to at least try it.
although Lenna doubted this would work as Lenna got close enough to the metal fence he then leaped onto the fence and slowly began to climb up it. the dog was following though and was snapping at Lenna. but Lenna kept climbing up the fence.
Lenna climbed as if his life depended on it. although then again it was likely that was actually the case. the large german shepard was growling and his teeth was bared back into a snarl once more.
once he arrived near the top part of the fence the dog tried to grab Lenna's foot but Lenna kicked it in the face and soon he landed onto the person's yard, free of the dog.
the dog was still growling and trying to get over the fence. but it couldn't climb it and soon the dog's owner grabbed it.
"a-about time!" Lenna said although he was trying to catch his breath.
"sorry." The man muttered, grabbing his dog and swiftly leaving.
Lenna sat down in the stranger's yard for a while, trying to catch his breath. after all he had been running for miles. so he needed to be able to walk again. he then got up once he felt better. Lenna then leaped back over the fence and glanced around, making sure that the cruel german shepard was actually gone. Lenna then padded home, hoping that he would never see a dog in his whole life again.