The sound of porcelains broken could be heard from the main334Please respect copyright.PENANAMAlkHyVP4a
palace. The eunuch and servants were all trying their best to reduce their334Please respect copyright.PENANAEFgGYnokKK
presence. They were all afraid that they would be the next target.
“Hiding poison in the new tea that I have prepared, how334Please respect copyright.PENANApDiu0yzosi
bold.” The cold and chilling voice caused everyone to tremble in fear. They all334Please respect copyright.PENANAd4mDyOzhHK
knew that the Empress was angry. To think that the new type of tea that she334Please respect copyright.PENANAK6pFgKVVUE
introduced in her last tea party was now used to hide a new type of poison.
“We have already arrested the culprit, Your Majesty.” Prime334Please respect copyright.PENANA7nBKKxtv3W
Minister Feng Hou Zheng cupped his fist. His veins were bulging because he was334Please respect copyright.PENANAJq61uLzoN9
angry that their first target ended up being his daughter. Even if he wanted to334Please respect copyright.PENANAWua52wlovz
stay away from this case, it would be completely impossible.
His daughter was the one who got implicated.
“What type of poison is it?” The Emperor asked in a low334Please respect copyright.PENANAckp71xvpV7
tone. His eyes were cold and devoid of any emotion. Even though he was334Please respect copyright.PENANAkuGs6mZVPd
displeased that the accident occurred during the Imperial Party, he was someone334Please respect copyright.PENANA0yHuK1R4cC
who knew how to control his emotion well.
“It’s a fast acting poison that worked like acid,” The334Please respect copyright.PENANAe8MqAyWjCc
Imperial Doctor replied respectfully.
“How’s Princess Ning?”
“Her life is saved.” The Imperial Doctor was silent for a334Please respect copyright.PENANAmwtwOH2zUy
while. “However, the poison had damaged her vocal cord. It’s unknown whether334Please respect copyright.PENANAaAHWqzF2tC
she can recover or not.”
Vocal cord.
“Aaaaaa!” Wailing cries exploded from the side as Lin Xie Ya334Please respect copyright.PENANAdfkbQZbSHz
displayed her acting skill as a caring mother. She looked at her brother and334Please respect copyright.PENANALW7GZyWb1L
begged, “Your Majesty, please get justice for my poor daughter. She’s still334Please respect copyright.PENANA9mkkltqCWt
young and should have a bright future, but this will make her life hard…334Please respect copyright.PENANARTUj6UZKJe
(omitted 10,000 words).”
Listening to her description, it would seem as if she was334Please respect copyright.PENANAw0aJYgcMuJ
truly a caring mother who was aggrieved for the injustice her daughter334Please respect copyright.PENANAAC6Namn0cI
suffered. Though, those who were listening to her rambling would also wonder334Please respect copyright.PENANAGWL8c4T21b
when she would end her complaint. The length alone was enough to make eight334Please respect copyright.PENANAVTXmwXNP0y
legged essay!*
Prime Minister Feng Hou Zheng also nodded strongly, acting334Please respect copyright.PENANAxjpnaOR5JY
as the most caring father in the world.
Only Feng Quan sneered in her heart because she knew that334Please respect copyright.PENANAGeIbwoGTif
her parents didn’t even spend more than an incense stick of time in their334Please respect copyright.PENANAYwLLaGQfYb
entire life to stay near her younger sister. They didn’t even acknowledge her334Please respect copyright.PENANAISznn3kQft
existence until recently when this accident occurred.
“I’ll definitely get justice for her.” The Emperor raised334Please respect copyright.PENANARsFioqCEIz
his hand, effectively stopping Lin Xie Ya from her ongoing performance. He334Please respect copyright.PENANAQdpLridUEp
turned his head to look at the side where Lin Han Xing was standing. “How do334Please respect copyright.PENANAazhJ8t3tS0
you plan to repay this favor, Lin Han Xing?”
At this moment, Lin Han Xing was cursing his wife (Lin Zi334Please respect copyright.PENANAuFPrU1pm6o
Xuan’s mother)’s eight generation. He knew very well that Princess Ning was334Please respect copyright.PENANA1Srt5nCYlJ
poisoned because she was drinking the cup that was supposed to be Lin Zi Xuan.334Please respect copyright.PENANAoDHqREP0vA
If it was not because of her, the one who wouldn’t be able to speak would be334Please respect copyright.PENANApnwldwiVWS
his son.
If he had to say, he would rather have his son turned mute334Please respect copyright.PENANANhQ6NepjnY
rather than getting thrown into this mess!
“Your Majesty, this servant will definitely pay enough334Please respect copyright.PENANAQZbj6yabBc
compensation for the damage on Princess Ning.”
Lin Xie Ya looked at the man with indignation. “Compensation334Please respect copyright.PENANA8hNP7GcANw
alone wouldn’t be enough. Who would want to marry my daughter when they know334Please respect copyright.PENANAWFg9rRwzSL
that she’s mute?”
Lin Han Xing was silent. He turned his head to look at his334Please respect copyright.PENANA546J3HiPqu
second son, who muttered under his breath, “Who would want to be with a mute?334Please respect copyright.PENANA9aRUY0QblF
She wouldn’t be able to do her job properly and will be nothing more than a334Please respect copyright.PENANAJDKEUK1faO
He nearly kicked his own son and screamed at his ear that it334Please respect copyright.PENANAD6dtNofdZP
was actually an opportunity for him to get close to her. After all, his sons334Please respect copyright.PENANAKlMxapKrUg
didn’t have the legitimate right to inherit the throne despite having the same334Please respect copyright.PENANAsp3POf25f3
surname. But if they got married with one of the princesses, the next334Please respect copyright.PENANAohVrNoesFC
generation would be the legitimate heir.
That was, if the next emperor didn’t have children either.
In any case, it was a much better position than being a334Please respect copyright.PENANAF61YS7WpCS
prince from different surname like this. They would be able to gain more334Please respect copyright.PENANAakqUxBlnZd
authority and also amassed even greater wealth compared than before.
“In that case, would you like for me to bestow a marriage334Please respect copyright.PENANA2cnbOWqmic
agreement for your daughter, Imperial Sister?” the Emperor looked at his334Please respect copyright.PENANABURO7hSlDs
cunning sister.
Lin Xie Ya bowed politely. “Your Majesty, that would be for334Please respect copyright.PENANAq2pbiHZ4o0
the best.”
The Emperor looked at the eager Lin Han Xing, who nearly334Please respect copyright.PENANAysCWjQKQJ5
couldn’t hide his thoughts. He naturally knew what was in that man’s mind334Please respect copyright.PENANAClEbhyvmq3
because Lin Han Xing was an ambitious man. He would not let go of this chance.
He looked at the two sons that Lin Han Xing had. Lin Zi Xuan334Please respect copyright.PENANAN4UDlWVKRh
was a bit old while Lin Hu Xi did have suitable age gap with Princess Ning.
“What do you think of Lin Han Xing’s sons?”
Lin Xie Ya’s expression faltered when she heard that. She334Please respect copyright.PENANA3M5IDr7keW
didn’t like this man and naturally knew that if her daughter got married to334Please respect copyright.PENANAES11gylGnD
them, there was not much benefit that she could get. “Would it be appropriate,334Please respect copyright.PENANAWIkPwFjI4v
Your Majesty?”
“The one who caused your daughter to turn mute is Lin Zi334Please respect copyright.PENANAJW4qcuvsah
Xuan.” The Emperor looked at the quiet young man, who stood at the back. Even334Please respect copyright.PENANAxfobhjb4c3
though Lin Zi Xuan was also Lin Han Xing’s son, he wasn’t favored and even334Please respect copyright.PENANA0vw0LjZb3R
hated. He, being the Emperor, didn’t have any plan on allowing any of them334Please respect copyright.PENANAqkfqcKQvBr
gathering power under him.
“Wouldn’t it be reasonable to have him responsible for her?”
Lin Xie Ya couldn’t find any word to retort. After all, the334Please respect copyright.PENANAPoHpdKOk1s
other nobles had seen her daughter took the cup that belonged to Lin Zi Xuan.334Please respect copyright.PENANAAXeubTE6fC
They were cousins, so while it might be a bit inappropriate, they could chalk334Please respect copyright.PENANAcAl7HsyZ8Q
it to a child’s mischievousness.
But when the young princess was poisoned rather than the334Please respect copyright.PENANAPnReO7bY8t
owner of the cup, this turned into a problem.
Many people would be talking about this matter.
“I wouldn’t mind.” Prime Minister Feng stood forward.334Please respect copyright.PENANAdX3x5bUtSU
“However, I still would like to have them to give compensation for the damage334Please respect copyright.PENANA873aR7zBoc
done to my beloved daughter.”
“Compensation is only natural. In that case…”
“Wait, Your Majesty.” Lin Han Xing’s palm was sweating.334Please respect copyright.PENANAwgzLE4TT5o
“While it was true that the cause of the matter lies in Lin Zi Xuan, but he’s334Please respect copyright.PENANAAocUMcSc6K
far older than Princess Ning. Wouldn’t it be more appropriate for my second334Please respect copyright.PENANARmMF5p1Fwp
son, Lin Hu Xi to replace him?”
Beside him, Lin Hu Xi’s eyes widened when he heard what his334Please respect copyright.PENANAfIzloicuSv
father said. He didn’t want to be with a mute! “Father, I…”
“Quiet!” Lin Han Xing glared at his son.
Lin Hu Xi shut his mouth unhappily. He didn’t want to be334Please respect copyright.PENANAD4kwQtcmEr
together with a mute. Not to mention, if he were to marry an Imperial Princess,334Please respect copyright.PENANAJ8HcQpJWJB
he couldn’t take any concubine. What was so fun of staying together with334Please respect copyright.PENANAJ1n30mD90A
someone who couldn’t communicate well with him?
He didn’t want it!
The Emperor watched their interaction then turned his head334Please respect copyright.PENANASL9F3MbvOL
to look at Lin Zi Xuan. He had heard that this young man had some achievement334Please respect copyright.PENANAMGhyiVWnlT
at the battlefield, but it was limited to that.
There was nothing much remarkable from what he had done so334Please respect copyright.PENANAebBomLp8NZ
far. “What do you think, Commander Zi Xuan?”
Lin Zi Xuan raised his head then cupped his fist. “This334Please respect copyright.PENANA5WrSzt0jN7
prince will obey your order Your Majesty and take responsibility for Princess334Please respect copyright.PENANAlOMuUYgbFb
334Please respect copyright.PENANAMVoWL6eUH8
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*Eight legged essay is the style of essay during Ming and334Please respect copyright.PENANA8zmRzJWez0
Qing Dynasty. It’s also used during Imperial Examination. For more information334Please respect copyright.PENANAgs2zCGYrtu
about how it looked like, you can search for the information by yourself.