Dameon's POV
"Ughh, answer your fucking phone," I yelled as the phone rang for the third time.
'I swear, this girl just so happens to always be busy when I feel like bothering her. One of these days I'll actually need something,' I thought.
I rolled my eyes in dismay at the sound of the phone going to voicemail.
'So much for an attentive best friend.'
I toss my phone onto the bed next to me as I started unpacking my things. A new year had begun at Desire Academy, and I had been placed with one of this year's newbies.
Since the Academy has to ease in all new students, you enter as a pre-freshman of sorts before officially becoming a part of the school in the following semester.
I groan at the thought of having to deal with someone younger and probably less experienced than me. Oh well, I love a good challenge.
This was my second semester here and I was already tired of it. Usually, you started each semester with the same partner and hopefully you both grow into something more than just a physical connection after graduation.
That's what was supposed to happen with her but then—
My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the door unlocking. My new sub.
I decided to shake my thoughts away and scope out this new person before making any further judgments. I wasn't going to get my hopes up this time.
Never again.
The nob twisted and there she stood like a deer caught in headlights. I sized her up as her grey hair shimmered from the light coming in through the window.
Equally curious, her eyes scanned me as if she'd never seen a man before. 'Oh, this should be fun.'
"You coming in or you just gonna stare? I would say you could take a picture, but you're stuck with me so it wouldn't even matter," I said, her cheeks flushed as she realized she'd been staring.
I watched as she walked through the door, setting her bags down on the other side of the bed. The bed we now had to share.
With her stuff in, she brushed off her clothes and smiled, "I'm Carter, nice to meet-" She extended her hand to me, giving a small nod I returned the gesture.
That same girl with the interesting name. The virgin newbie who'd probably never even pleasured herself a day in her life now stood before me once again.
Fresh out of the shower, I was making my way to meet up with Mil for our usual beginning of school ritual. People watching and weed.
Of course, I happened to run into probably the person who wants the least to do with me, not that I blame her.
I looked down at her and smirked, "Back so soon?" And that's when one of her friends started to flip.
His reaction could only mean one thing, I clenched my jaw, 'Shit.'
"Wait, wait, wait! Carter do you know him?!" She gave him a puzzled look before nodding.
"He's my Dom," she whispered.
That part made me chuckle slightly. Knowing I had some sort of hold on her delicate frame though we just met, made me ease up a little. But what came out of the fireball's mouth did nothing but piss me off.
"What's wrong," she questioned him, trying to grasp an understanding of the situation.
"What's wrong? Are you stupid, yo that's freaking Adonis," he exclaimed.
And there it is.
"What?!" Carter's gaze shifted from her friend to me, confused and perhaps a bit annoyed as well.
A frown covered my face, 'I wasn't planning to have to explain myself this early-- or at all for that matter.' I thought it best not to say anything as we simply stared at each other.
The friend spoke up again, "You didn't know? Look at him, he's a fucking fortress. Dark hair and eyes that feel like they can see through you, it's definitely him."
I rolled my eyes, 'He sounds less like someone trying to be cautious and more like a fanboy.’
I'm supposed to be leaving, I didn't have time for this right now. I closed the door behind me and spoke, "Well this was nice, I got places to be."
Pushing past them, I walked away towards the steps before hearing her.
"W-wait." She speed walks towards me, face full of confusion. "I heard somethings about this whole Adonis thing, I want to know—"
I sighed, cutting her off. "We can talk later," I said without turning around and trotting down the steps.
I really didn't want to talk about it. My reputation ain't perfect, so what? I don't owe anyone an explanation.
To my surprise, she followed me. Catching up and grabbing my arm, she stopped me, forcing me to turn and look at her.
"We should talk, now," she spat.
I clenched my jaw, "I don't have time for your interrogations, I got better things to do."
She scoffed and gave me a harsh look, "You're such an asshole. You really do treat everyone around you like shit, it's a miracle you have any friends at all."
"Yeah? Well, you're not the first to say that, so welcome to the club," I turned away from her again. This time, I quickened my pace, but damn was this girl persistent.
"What is your problem? Why can't you just look me in the eye and have a normal conversation with me," she questioned, hastily trying to keep up with me.
I shook my head and kept walking. "I really don't have to tell you anything. We just met and you’re already breathing down my fucking neck. I just don't feel like talking about it, what's the big deal? You're lucky I'm even talking to you at all," I stated.
This time, she ran to catch up. Running in front of me to stop my movements, she held her hands out as she now blocked my path to the doors.
"You know, I bet you don't want to talk because you know you can't explain yourself. You can't look me in the eyes, you won't stop teasing me for five seconds to get to know me, you're like a brick wall. It doesn't surprise me at all that I'm not your first sub and at this point, I refuse to be the last if this is how you'll be whenever I want to talk to you," she yells frantically.
That's it.
People were still moving in their bags, so we had quickly become the centers of attention. They stared and whispered as she finished, clearing her throat as she also noticed the crowd.
"Look, I--" she started again, but this time I was quicker.
"You really don't know much about me, maybe I'm not the asshole that everyone thinks I am. Maybe people just can't handle the baggage I carry so they run off. Ever think of that," I questioned.
She looked at me, dumbfounded by my response.
I said nothing more. I simply stared at her as she struggled to find the words to respond to me. After all, I knew I was right, and she did too.
"Go back to your little friends, you don't want to keep them waiting. Oh, and steer clear of me for a while," I chided. I pushed past her, walking out of the doors before I said anything else.
I clenched my jaw as the doors closed behind me and the sunny summer breeze hit me. As planned, I walked to the spot on campus Mil and I dubbed "The Hill" and waited for her.
I reached into my pocket and pulled out my blunt and my lighter. Lighting it, I slowly took in a drag.
'I swear this day just isn't going the way I'd thought,' I thought to myself. I sat to myself and let what had just transpired wash over me.
Just as I was getting lost in myself, my blunt was picked up and the straight-haired brown girl took a hit.
"Sulking already? The damn semester just started," she chuckled, taking another hit.
Milaka Pierce. My closest friend since elementary school and possibly the hugest pain in my ass.
I furrowed my brow, snatching it back. "Light your own," I said, looking down from the hill at all the people walking across campus with bags and carrying on conversations with others they'd met.
"How's the new partner, you met her yet," she questioned. She quietly sat down and waited for my answer as she lit her own blunt.
When she notices my continued silence, she laughs, "Damn, that bad? Is she anything like--"
"Don’t," I cut her off.
Don't bring her up right now.
"She's nothing like her. She's bossy and says what she wants when she feels the need. She's so much like you I could puke," I said nonchalantly, earning a well-deserved punch to the arm.
"Shut up bastard, you know you love me," she beamed. She turned towards the outlook and sighed. Oh boy, she's about to get all serious on me.
She took a hit. "This one might be different," she said, her tone flat.
I scoffed, "Yeah, I've heard that before."
"I'm serious D. You may not be the best judge of character-- especially with that last one. But someone new, if she's as nice as you described she was in your message this morning, then I'm sure everything will be fine," she retorted.
"Mm... we'll see."
A fight already? What is it that Dameon is trying to hide, who hurt him? Also, what do you guys think of Milaka? Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you in the next one byeee!~