Zach was half-sure he’d heard her wrong. Hell, he was still trying to process the fact that she’d walked in here with a picture of his crime scene. He recognized it—the damn thing had been taken by the Augusta coroner before the man took the body—which meant there was a leak somewhere along the line, and hell if that didn’t make his job a whole lot harder. Now he had strangers showing up claiming to be . . .145Please respect copyright.PENANAAwPMTz2qpg
145Please respect copyright.PENANAivWQYeRKxU
Fuck.145Please respect copyright.PENANA0ja2W3lIHD
145Please respect copyright.PENANAzvuNF7C60A
The woman didn’t look like someone who could help him—in those worn jeans and leather jacket—but he’d learned a long time ago that appearances could be deceiving. “Can you repeat that?”
- 145Please respect copyright.PENANAetrXUJbtdD
145Please respect copyright.PENANAg2oRDVAuc5
You have trouble—”145Please respect copyright.PENANAbKLSSbWUqn
145Please respect copyright.PENANACTzmvhY7al
“I heard that. The other part.”145Please respect copyright.PENANAiXtAv6VKlL
145Please respect copyright.PENANAX8ELyRMTjf
She gave a wry smile. “The part where I said my name was Eden Collins?”145Please respect copyright.PENANAV5rcZSW2Rr
145Please respect copyright.PENANAadZ2o82Dc9
Yep, that was it. There was only one Collins he knew of, and it was one Martha Collins, cult leader. He looked Eden over again, trying to reconcile what she appeared to be saying. “You’re related to—”145Please respect copyright.PENANAWyUe4D1TRA
145Please respect copyright.PENANARd4dLtzckH
“She’s my mother.”145Please respect copyright.PENANAhuR0rdk7ja
145Please respect copyright.PENANAHzcb8SsaXK
This was Martha Collins’s long-lost daughter? The Elysians tended toward nondescript clothing and plain hairstyles—the exact opposite of the woman in front of him. Oh, there was nothing overtly flashy about her long dark hair or her clothing, but something about the way she held herself spoke of combat training. She’s dangerous. “If you think this is funny, it’s not.”145Please respect copyright.PENANAfycuPlLYMa
145Please respect copyright.PENANAFRhnsgoz1t
She sighed. “Let’s get this over with so we can move on to what actually matters. My mother and I don’t get along—or we didn’t when I was growing up. We haven’t spoken in ten years, though she’s reached out to me a few times.” Something passed over her face, gone too quickly for him to identify. “That’s not why I’m here. I’m here because I recognize that tattoo in the picture.”145Please respect copyright.PENANAiEGNUEwEzT
145Please respect copyright.PENANAVb2zaJ4Rjl
“How? It’s barely more than a blot on the screen.” It’d been barely more than that when he’d actually seen it in person. He was hoping the coroner could get more once they cleaned the body.145Please respect copyright.PENANAbN6DCHttlc
145Please respect copyright.PENANASmXE2rOmPW
The body.145Please respect copyright.PENANAP6yn426Ueo
145Please respect copyright.PENANAz0M8WDLJtI
It was such a cold way to refer to a person, even if whatever had made that girl a person had fled long before Zach had ever walked on the scene. Focus. You’re not doing her any favors by dwelling on that fact. She needs you to find her killer. Then you can mourn the loss of life.145Please respect copyright.PENANAbhOoHyAD4m
145Please respect copyright.PENANAzETmXUB9ID
If there even was a killer. He needed more information before he determined that fact. While it seemed fucking unlikely that she’d stripped naked, tattooed and beaten herself, and then hiked out to die on the side of a road, stranger things had happened. She could have been partying and wandered off.145Please respect copyright.PENANAf5d5JuNiKN
145Please respect copyright.PENANA9yMvpKxQkh
And maybe you’re just praying like hell that was what had happened.145Please respect copyright.PENANA4a3roJAnwb
145Please respect copyright.PENANA7k9qGAbBco
He forced himself to focus on the woman in front of him rather than the one on the slab at the morgue. “Explain.”145Please respect copyright.PENANAOwHvISzK12
145Please respect copyright.PENANAk1VKTY74p3
“I know what it is because I have one.” She shrugged out of her jacket and turned around, her tank top baring her upper back to him. It took him several seconds to find the spot in the midst of the swirling ink marking her skin, but there it was—a small circle with that familiar image in the middle of it. Eden’s was less blurred than the girl’s he’d found, but it wasn’t as clear a picture as he expected.145Please respect copyright.PENANAZl8OF92xzo
145Please respect copyright.PENANAF2l47RDZ9I
“What is that?”145Please respect copyright.PENANAHrsOtgxEFu
145Please respect copyright.PENANAV2f1fQO7hj
“A bat.”145Please respect copyright.PENANAUPSP7ZJgnK
145Please respect copyright.PENANAzifQQke23R
Now that she mentioned it, he could see the rough outline of a bat. Or it would be if a toddler had drawn it. The lack of expertise behind that particular tattoo only stood out against the skillfully drawn art that was the rest of her ink. “Why?” He didn’t realize he was going to ask until the word was out of his mouth.145Please respect copyright.PENANAE0vKn7OuwF
145Please respect copyright.PENANAXVwO7el6hQ
She pulled her jacket back on and faced him. “It symbolizes death and rebirth in general, and Persephone in particular. Bats are sacred to her because they were thought to carry the souls of the dead in some cases.”145Please respect copyright.PENANAVuWMidBnpF
145Please respect copyright.PENANAq7JO6IiFQv
A slow dread uncurled inside him. “You’re not telling me—”145Please respect copyright.PENANAC0AyMjIYJk
145Please respect copyright.PENANAQSYwKgquXa
“I am. Every follower of my mother has the same tattoo. Several of them, in fact.” She pointed to her hip and her wrist—the same places that had been marked on Jane Doe.145Please respect copyright.PENANA95mreNhbIR
145Please respect copyright.PENANA4cGw07SBjq
Fuck me. He’d known something was up when Martha wouldn’t see him and the gates had been barred, but he never would have guessed this. Except . . . He eyed this stranger claiming to be Martha Collins’s daughter. There was no proof, and taking her word for it on something like this was too much to ask. “Can I see some ID?”145Please respect copyright.PENANAEYr5ekHekd
145Please respect copyright.PENANALbSdE9Ugw5
She flashed that same wry smile she’d given him before, but she pulled out her wallet and passed a Virginia driver’s license over.145Please respect copyright.PENANAb9dh78KBSq
145Please respect copyright.PENANACb7gNWwgW7
He examined it, and sure as shit, her name was exactly what she’d claimed. “You’ll understand if I can’t just take your word for it.”145Please respect copyright.PENANACXZ8dmSKoi
145Please respect copyright.PENANA0S2krVaecU
“Naturally.” She accepted her ID back and handed him a card. “This is my number. Eventually you’re going to have questions, and I’m the only one who’s going to be willing to give you answers. I’m staying at the bed-and-breakfast for a few days if you change your mind.”145Please respect copyright.PENANAhMkyr48l1V
145Please respect copyright.PENANAidnZVl35VP
He read the card, half-sure he was processing the words wrong. “Eden Collins, FBI.”145Please respect copyright.PENANAxY0OiUNjdI
145Please respect copyright.PENANAfQOoFsPSzF
“Not right now. I’m on vacation.” She walked away before he could say anything else, the door to the station closing softly behind her.145Please respect copyright.PENANA0YFTnlS8QX
145Please respect copyright.PENANAlG220F8fdr
Zach dropped into his seat, frowning at the card. “And here I thought my day couldn’t possibly get weirder.”145Please respect copyright.PENANA2wkJi7lHu1
145Please respect copyright.PENANAC18UNfhDvX
145Please respect copyright.PENANAxiW00yHrO9
145Please respect copyright.PENANASonUqEEeB7
Eden couldn’t help the sense of relief that settled over her as she crossed the parking lot to her car. The sheriff—Zach—wasn’t going to call her. He thought she was a nut, and rightfully so. She hadn’t exactly done anything to disabuse him of that notion. But she’d done her part—she’d offered her help. It would have been so much easier to call, but her conscience wouldn’t let her. He would have dismissed her out of hand, and she’d had to make him sit still long enough to listen. After that, if he didn’t take her up on it, that was his choice. She could move on with her life with her conscience intact.145Please respect copyright.PENANAV2M0NU1lC7
145Please respect copyright.PENANAAatZgukrIh
He wants justice done. She’d seen that in his eyes, in the way his attention had lingered on the photo of the body, the guilt there an almost physical thing. This was his town, and at least a part of him felt responsible for the fact that a girl had been brutally murdered here.
- 145Please respect copyright.PENANAJlCEqnAmHw
It set him apart from some of the local law enforcement she’d dealt with who just wanted the problem to disappear so it wouldn’t further ruin their day.145Please respect copyright.PENANArqhHHOpJ8e
145Please respect copyright.PENANA3yiYdYpHyc
She froze in the middle of reaching for her door handle, the hair on the back of her neck standing on end. “I’m not back.”145Please respect copyright.PENANA3ISpYJojyL
145Please respect copyright.PENANAO5f5c0NnOY
“You look back.”145Please respect copyright.PENANAW6nfxYAEES
145Please respect copyright.PENANAEDitMTHSb6
The voice sent ice cascading down her spine. Every instinct screamed at her to run, to hide, to do anything but turn and face the monster at her back—which was why that was exactly what she did. I’ve dealt with scarier people in the last six years. But, as she turned around, she didn’t quite believe it. She kept her shoulders back and her hands at her side as she surveyed the man before her. “Abram.” Her mother had a habit of renaming people who became her followers, but there was something about Abram that made Eden think he could have actually been born with the fire-and-brimstone name.145Please respect copyright.PENANAUtkpvBSSOf
145Please respect copyright.PENANAMvT6I6AyEe
The years had been good to him. She thought hard—he had to be nearly fifty by now, his hair gone silver, the lines on his face slightly more pronounced. It should have made him more approachable, or at least easier to dismiss. Instead, he looked even more menacing than he had the last time she’d seen him.145Please respect copyright.PENANACZqFd9TeMM
145Please respect copyright.PENANAiby0M5AODa
“Your mother requests your presence.”145Please respect copyright.PENANA85cYZ6gEvv
145Please respect copyright.PENANAYxrnAJu3PU
How many times had she heard those same words from him in that exact tone of voice? Too many to count. They never meant anything good. She doubted that had changed in the intervening decade. “I’m not a minor anymore, and I’m not inclined to see her.” Though it sounded calm and reserved in her head, the words came out petulant, as if she was still the child who’d fled.145Please respect copyright.PENANAdr3lhLCYg8
145Please respect copyright.PENANAYoUq1dpiYy
“All the same.” He didn’t so much as move, but he seemed closer, invading her space and making it hard to control the fear pulsing higher with each heartbeat.145Please respect copyright.PENANAIDDUALQqfI
145Please respect copyright.PENANAQbpMnNWr4r
She glanced at the police station, but if Zach saw Abram confronting her, he wasn’t rushing to her defense. And why would he? As far as he was concerned, she was a crazy person who was related to an even crazier person. This was just family business.145Please respect copyright.PENANA9kT6CAcxzC
145Please respect copyright.PENANA8FcVoFfRpE
Except it wasn’t.145Please respect copyright.PENANAIXI5VfKBjq
145Please respect copyright.PENANAM44vMxVO92
She knew how this played out. She could get in her car and drive away—Abram would probably even let her—but sometime soon, she’d turn around and he’d be there, and he wouldn’t be so accommodating in that future interaction. So she could do this on her terms or on her mother’s.145Please respect copyright.PENANATyy4RyJlNf
145Please respect copyright.PENANAysR3xNa3g1
That’s a lie. Nothing was on Eden’s terms—not when it came to Elysia. There was only Martha and her indomitable will.145Please respect copyright.PENANAQLWwmHX5TY
145Please respect copyright.PENANAoayCd1hxXW
Bend or be broken.145Please respect copyright.PENANANDtybjOwYB
145Please respect copyright.PENANAi7GaRWSKPQ
Those were the only true options.145Please respect copyright.PENANAQFHegDs15P
145Please respect copyright.PENANAF9KrKNNF3R
I am a damn FBI agent. I can handle this. The sooner I figure out if Martha is at the bottom of this, the sooner I can get the hell out of this town and back to my life.145Please respect copyright.PENANAfvLytJbAbI
145Please respect copyright.PENANAHSUN9IPXWO
She slipped her keys back into her purse. “I’m not going to Elysia.”145Please respect copyright.PENANAoquMUQ87sm
145Please respect copyright.PENANA1Suff9uAIE
Abram stepped back and motioned to the coffee shop across the street. It wasn’t a Starbucks—nothing in Clear Springs was brand-name—and it looked all but deserted at this hour of the afternoon. Too close to school being out for the stay-at-home moms and teens. Apparently her mother didn’t want much of an audience. A first.145Please respect copyright.PENANAulTxkgWHIl
145Please respect copyright.PENANArMLSFivYsq
The walk across the street seemed to take forever, and yet nowhere near long enough. This was the very thing she’d spent so much time and effort trying to avoid, and she’d willingly walked back into a confrontation she wasn’t sure she was ready for. Worse, it was all for nothing.145Please respect copyright.PENANA2xNh9YLq7s
145Please respect copyright.PENANAyNytvlt3kk
Inside, the coffee shop looked like a thousand other coffee shops across the United States. Dim, intimate lighting, close seating, and a counter that ran the length of the back wall. There was one other customer inside, but he was packing his laptop into a backpack as fast as he could. Good to know Martha still inspires that reaction.145Please respect copyright.PENANAN1E6lNXe5u
145Please respect copyright.PENANAzc3wvJYFCG
With nothing else to focus on, she finally looked at her mother. The years had treated her just as well as they had Abram. She might have a few extra pounds around her waist, but it made her appear happier—more like the benevolent matriarch she claimed to be.145Please respect copyright.PENANAddVSATn7Q5
145Please respect copyright.PENANAXsApFaEqqf
As she always did when faced with the woman who’d brought her into the world, she went down a mental checklist of features they shared. It wasn’t long—Eden was lean where her mother was bulky, several inches taller than Martha, and she had a violinist’s hands, much to her mother’s chagrin. All of which came from the father she’d never met.145Please respect copyright.PENANAt8mohDB750
145Please respect copyright.PENANAAgROhynEAu
From Martha, she got medium-brown hair, though she’d lightened hers, and Martha’s was more gray than brown these days. They shared the same mouth, wide and full, the kind of mouth meant for spilling lies.145Please respect copyright.PENANAw5W0xr2LZ1
145Please respect copyright.PENANAVE64bYkKOs
And then there were the eyes.145Please respect copyright.PENANAgyjdFr3ar2
145Please respect copyright.PENANAlEJzbJNiNI
The rest of it she could escape. Eden didn’t smile the way her mother constantly seemed to be doing while she was growing up, the spider in the middle of a web of her making. She’d changed her hair deliberately, distancing herself from the girl she used to be.145Please respect copyright.PENANA7Q70p7lKi5
145Please respect copyright.PENANAzBMoyn85md
But when she held still long enough to stare in the mirror, it was her mother’s eyes staring back. Whiskey-colored eyes, the tone too deep to be termed a mere brown.145Please respect copyright.PENANA6BW2mzhFZD
145Please respect copyright.PENANAIt6xOH0Jqo
Martha turned a sunny smile on Eden, and it was almost enough to have her heading for the door—only Abram’s presence at her back kept her moving forward.145Please respect copyright.PENANAzMvAdXK3wz
145Please respect copyright.PENANAu0Q87yMgbN
If forced to choose between Martha and Abram, there was only one way to go. At least she was reasonably sure she’d walk away from a confrontation with her mother. With Abram, there were no guarantees.145Please respect copyright.PENANAFfAHMhj8hc
145Please respect copyright.PENANAJtfYIJBcZF
“Martha.”145Please respect copyright.PENANApKDTlLULDq
145Please respect copyright.PENANAiQ5gKHsFcx
Her mother’s eyes lit up, and she half pushed to her feet. “Eden. I admit, when Abram told me you were back in town, I could hardly believe it.” “I’m not back.”145Please respect copyright.PENANAvUCuuqODjy
145Please respect copyright.PENANAmaeAbEXDsv
Her smile dimmed, and Eden called herself an idiot ten times over for wanting to do something to bring it back. Manipulation, that’s all it is. Martha motioned to the cups in front of her. “I got your favorite.”145Please respect copyright.PENANARhVi1ijZfd
145Please respect copyright.PENANAu7JCawYCbS
There was nothing else to do but take the empty seat and get this over with. She took a sip—sweet with lots of cream—and didn’t bother to tell Martha she’d switched over to drinking her coffee black a few years back. It would serve no purpose, and her entire goal was to get out of here with the least conversation possible.145Please respect copyright.PENANAH6iFjAn3kv
145Please respect copyright.PENANAzGNPAELPxO
“It’s been a long time.”145Please respect copyright.PENANAi8QHUnRcOR
145Please respect copyright.PENANAvDP9TdA5ft
She shifted, not sure how to take the searching look her mother was giving her, as if she was trying to memorize Eden’s features—or, possibly, was comparing them to the ones she’d had ten years ago. What was there to say? I hated the life you created and forced me into, so I left. You won’t change, and neither will I. This will never be what you want it to be. She couldn’t force the words past her closed throat, so she took another drink of coffee.145Please respect copyright.PENANAv2dkKVZjso
145Please respect copyright.PENANAnL0kwzSTyH
Martha hesitated and then mirrored the motion. “A lot is different from when you were last home.”145Please respect copyright.PENANA3JHYXLpyqN
145Please respect copyright.PENANAZrGDCZ17Jk
Not nearly enough, she’d wager. But if her mother was offering information, she’d be a fool not to get everything she could from Martha. “Oh?”145Please respect copyright.PENANAOt9t1Go6j1
145Please respect copyright.PENANAgo4qLGERRk
“Our community has grown. It’s flourishing.” She gave a small self-deprecating smile. “But, then, you didn’t come back to talk about Elysia. How have you been?”145Please respect copyright.PENANAplfhpfpA2P
145Please respect copyright.PENANAdrtmdA5UhM
Over the years, she’d received phone calls from Abram, demanding information at odd times in that quiet, terrifying way of his. He’d never asked more than a few questions, and she’d never offered more than was strictly necessary for those forced check-ins—whatever it took to get him off her back. She didn’t want to now, either. “I’m still working for the government.” Safe enough to admit, since her mother already knew about it.145Please respect copyright.PENANANh6T3ElJyq
145Please respect copyright.PENANAFHGATIfItN
Sure enough, Martha’s lips thinned. “The FBI.”145Please respect copyright.PENANAwRUXGb96fB
145Please respect copyright.PENANAnuA529Suwe
“Using the skills I learned from you.” She knew better, but she couldn’t help the dig.145Please respect copyright.PENANAZV7OKpSNei
145Please respect copyright.PENANARHolILisUN
“I’m sure I have no idea what you’re talking about.”145Please respect copyright.PENANAUZJyucqto1
145Please respect copyright.PENANASiMuF519iF
Of course she didn’t. Because Elysia most certainly wasn’t a cult. Right. She didn’t roll her eyes, but it was a near thing. “You might like to pretend otherwise, but I know for a fact that Elysia has been on the FBI watch lists for years, so you’re not fooling everyone.”145Please respect copyright.PENANA0J90ZVfeSA
145Please respect copyright.PENANA6mKXXsYycz
“Eden Magdalene, you might be a woman grown, but that doesn’t mean you can take that tone of voice with me.”145Please respect copyright.PENANAIHxWEtVLFu
145Please respect copyright.PENANAQd3HV4mO6d
Or speak too many truths, apparently. Eden stared at her coffee cup, suddenly exhausted. “I don’t suppose you know anything about a photograph showing up in my e-mail yesterday?” It had all the hallmarks of one taken for an official police investigation, but that didn’t explain how it had found her. She’d had a friend in the tech department try to trace it, but it had been routed through several IP addresses before disappearing into the Internet ether. Call her paranoid, but her first instinct was to suspect her mother had had something to do with it. How was the question, though.145Please respect copyright.PENANAOi8APtKvvP
145Please respect copyright.PENANAtYidGvU31E
Martha cocked her head to the side, frowning. “I’m not sure what you’re speaking of.”145Please respect copyright.PENANAUq8pbiZcOq
145Please respect copyright.PENANAexgIJjoSWH
Of course she wasn’t, though Eden was at a loss to decide if that was truth or because she didn’t want to admit to somehow being the leak in a murder investigation. She sighed. “What am I doing here, Martha? You know very well we couldn’t sit in the same room without going for each other’s throats when I was eighteen, and it would seem nothing’s changed since then.”145Please respect copyright.PENANAEpPrFu68u0
145Please respect copyright.PENANAaOoCvQgndL
“I want what I’ve always wanted, baby. I want you to come home.”145Please respect copyright.PENANA4O43AKELsb
145Please respect copyright.PENANAgQ2mqLdTjy
There’s no home for me to come to, not now. Not ever. No matter how much I wish that wasn’t true. She cleared her throat. “I—” Think. Think fast. A hard no would just have Martha digging in her heels, and she wasn’t sure yet if Zach would change his mind. “I’ll think about it.” The lie rolled off her tongue with the ease of long practice. She wasn’t going back. She’d set herself on fire before she willingly walked through the gates of Elysia and put herself under her mother’s control again. The only reason she was here was to make sure no other girls turned up dead.145Please respect copyright.PENANASqQADfwigc
145Please respect copyright.PENANAgFpFnqHO6g
“It would mean so much.” Martha’s smile brightened, and a traitorous part of Eden brightened in response. It was how it always was with her mother. She rarely had to take the stern role when she could manipulate much more effectively with a soft word and a particular look. And when that wouldn’t work? Well, she wasn’t above getting her hands dirty, either.145Please respect copyright.PENANAYN7ocGL49d
145Please respect copyright.PENANA9KQztzNKFl
Did you do it? Did you see that girl killed?145Please respect copyright.PENANA8kYOSwl058
145Please respect copyright.PENANABejZTf0ctI
Eden couldn’t ask. The sheriff had already refused her help, and she’d have to be a special kind of stupid to go investigating on her own. There was nothing she could do without the power of the law on her side. If she tried . . .145Please respect copyright.PENANAN1lfDD3rzE
145Please respect copyright.PENANArQZqjDS9hF
Well, if she tried, there were plenty of unmarked graves in Elysia. What was one more?145Please respect copyright.PENANA60jZrjWryx
145Please respect copyright.PENANA6bnS0zkO3o
145Please respect copyright.PENANAcSmXyt6n3A
145Please respect copyright.PENANA7E78kEcsbb
145Please respect copyright.PENANAjRrhhpNg6c
145Please respect copyright.PENANAXsVw2IIxOa