my name is Albert
I'm a silent one. I avoid getting into fights. some people say I am scary for fun. but I know that no one is afraid of me
the school bullies used to mess with me but now they just stopped. maybe because they are bored of picking on the same guy
my family is small. just me, my mother, and my father. we are not even from this town
one day a new kid in school bullied me. and as always, I did nothing about it
I came back home and told my father about this kid. he told me "why didn't you do anything back?"
I had no answers. I just looked down with no emotions
the next day. the same kid show up again and bullied me. but for a change, I wanted to do something different this time than being silent
I followed this guy and we reached a place where nobody was watching us. I called him by his name, and he turned around and said "huh, it's you, the school's silent fuck. here for more are you?"
with the last two letters, my hand had already gone through his skull. I just wanted to punch him, never meant to make his stupid brain turn into steak.