~It was said that Saul killed his thousands and David his tens of thousands: I’d be fortunate if my numbers were nearly that low.296Please respect copyright.PENANAJjlwrS605E
296Please respect copyright.PENANAyEDm1HVYat
Ted’s blank stare pointed into the sky. He ignored the hustle and bustle of men, women and children scurrying past him like rats running away from a legion of cats. His right hand was in his pocket as the wind pushed past him. The cars were halted at the intersection of Park and Tremont, halted at the light as the cars drove down Park Street took a right turn, avoiding the numerous street signs and jaded traffic cones. He sighed as he looked at the red bricks leading up the stairs into the side of Park Street Church, and the glass doors.296Please respect copyright.PENANAD21enis9k1
He looked back at his watch. 6:45. “Well, now is a good as time as ever,” he said to himself. “Let’s get this over with.”296Please respect copyright.PENANA0JP2aoeGeJ
He pulled the first door into the side entrance open. He went to the second opening, scanned the entire room. He noted there was a fire escape to his left, right next to an elevator, but the only other exit was the door he walked through. The receptionist read a newspaper, his feet atop his desk. He seemed disinterested in anything but the paper. Beyond the threshold of the second glass door was a table, with a banner which read, “Park Street Café”. There was a tall man behind it, also very cheery. I wonder. There were numerous empty tables behind the other man.296Please respect copyright.PENANAThbks4kHvg
The man smiled at him and waved him in with his large hand. “Welcome to Café,” he said, reaching out his hand for a shake. Ted returned in kind, never letting that smile go. “My name is Steve. Is this your first time here? I don’t recognize you.”296Please respect copyright.PENANAUdktwfx6tI
“You could say that,” he firmly gripped the man’s hand. “Ted.”296Please respect copyright.PENANAkEhDmKg4jN
“You came on the best day for it then! They’re still setting up in there, so not everything is ready to get started just yet. They’re still setting up the coffee table. How did you hear about Café?”296Please respect copyright.PENANAF2zqboP8CC
I’m from Ohio. I’m a stockbroker. Nothing more. You don’t need the truth, just the bare essentials. “You could also say a little bird told me. So, tell me, what is the general set up of such a night?” His hand retracted from Steve’s, retreating back into his pocket.296Please respect copyright.PENANAxSWCdUZfYH
“Normally we sing, we pray, then we break up into small groups. There are many small groups here, and there is usually the simple connecting group that works perfect for newcomers. But we do this once a month to foster some sense of community between small groups,” Steve answered.296Please respect copyright.PENANAh3bIenLTaT
“Trying to make it impossible for someone to be forgotten I see,” Ted smiled, making sure to cheerily bare his teeth, hoping this would pass for genuine enthusiasm. No one needs to know. “A very good system in place I suppose. I guess that is why I received such a warm welcome.”296Please respect copyright.PENANAh1pUoDn9iP
“I’m glad I was able to warm you up to the place,” Steve laughed. “Well, that must be them now. I think they’re getting the paper plates out.”296Please respect copyright.PENANAztdeLhQf2b
“I guess I’ll head in. It was a pleasure to meet you, Steve.”296Please respect copyright.PENANAcQKe8Dm9Bh
“You also,” Steve immediately turned to the table. “Oops. I forgot,” he took out one of those sticker nametags. He wrote, “Ted” on it before handing it to him. “Just so everyone can know who you are.”296Please respect copyright.PENANASY7Qahpxfr
“Why thank you so much!” Ted enthusiastically took the nametag and stuck it on the right side of his chest. “Something to identify the body,” he chuckled.296Please respect copyright.PENANAkBA39aR4N2
Steve stared at him, blinking repeatedly as he jerked his head to the side. “What?”296Please respect copyright.PENANALEN3l2zOmQ
“Sorry, you’ll have to forgive my dry sense of humor,” Ted smiled wider. “Oh well, Steve, I’m sure I’ll see you again.”296Please respect copyright.PENANAuXk7Km1k41
Ted turned around and walked into the Fellowship Hall which was brightly lit. The room was a large square, with numerous chairs set up in a circle for everyone to sit down looking at one another, like how friends would sit around at a campfire. Ted pictured a small bonfire in the middle of the room. He noticed the wall in the back, appeared to be a sectional leading to the corner of the main entrance of Park Street Church, likely leading to the sanctuary upstairs.296Please respect copyright.PENANAjSBDl8ebOZ
His hand trembled at his side. He became hyper focused on the menial tasks of making a cup of coffee. His eyes focused on the electric coffee maker at the center of the room with small Styrofoam cups at the side. He walked over to it and pushed the “on” button. He took out a cup and put it underneath the nozzle of the machine and flipped one of the plastic-coffee-filled-cups waiting for the machine to warm up and heated the water to a boil.296Please respect copyright.PENANAu9f3aNBlnL
The machine clicked. He opened the top and put his plastic-coffee-filled-cup into the machine, softly pushing the lid down. He pushed another button, and a brown-black liquid filled his cup. He waited patiently for the cup to fill. He opened the top back up. He took out the plastic empty cup and threw it in the nearby trash. He clasped both of his hands around the cup and walked over to one of the nearby white pillars. He leaned up against it and sighed. His eyes scanned the room rapidly, watching carefully for anyone who would come in. So far, only the usual blond-haired girl, who was surprisingly tall for an American, came out to put more plates on the table, which included the honey scented baclava.296Please respect copyright.PENANA1l9utPvkCh
He looked back down to his cup of coffee, the ripple circling around his cup, waiting to be halted, waiting to stop and reach perfect stillness within these Styrofoam walls. Peace finally reached the cup, and the ripples were stilled, as his trembling hand was now stilled. He at last brought the cup to his lips and sipped on the hot liquid. He let it settle on his tongue and it immediately swallowed the first sip. It tastes like—296Please respect copyright.PENANA4Pn1taq1FU
“Hey, what’s up man? It’s great to see you!” came a cheerily familiar voice.296Please respect copyright.PENANAjvlw6mu7j8
He looked up from his cup. He smiled back to Michael, who had a white button up shirt that was buttoned just below his neck, and khakis. “Hi,” he spoke softly. “Just drinking a coffee.”296Please respect copyright.PENANAhYYaIO8zkr
“Yeah, I hear you. With all that’s happened lately, I bet you’re ripping your hair out,” Michael said. “Fortunately, I’ll be fine, just my conversations are now being recorded over there. I mean, it’s not like I actually have anything to hide. I don’t have any national secrets.”296Please respect copyright.PENANA7oIad9FyDq
“Too bad. I wouldn’t mind hearing them,” Ted laughed. He couldn’t scan the room as well if he was distracted by talking to Michael. “Honestly, it’s not that bad. It just greatly affects who I can and can’t deal with. I can easily move assets around. It’s not that hard. After all, they say that if you look at the nations who rose and fell, you can predict the future. I find the same to be true for wars.”296Please respect copyright.PENANAMLt6WIrR0o
“Yeah. I know you mentioned you were in the Army, that must give you a different perspective on what’s going on. Maybe you’re seeing what I’m not,” he went on. “Do you think it’s something I should be worried about?”296Please respect copyright.PENANAk3vH1p5h0a
“Not really,” he replied. “However, economically it’ll be a disaster. However, it wouldn’t take too long to change and get things back on track once the dust is settled. At least, most likely. That is just a guess. I just so happen to be very good at guessing.”296Please respect copyright.PENANAQRXeNyknRL
“So, I’ve heard. And you seem to be very lucky,” Michael continued to smile that welcoming smile. Michael’s hands were at his side, but not in his pockets.296Please respect copyright.PENANAvMW2945ghu
We were never allowed to have our hands in our pockets, but I don’t recognize you. Never mind. You were too young, even if you were, I wouldn’t have known you. You are inconsequential.296Please respect copyright.PENANAApnGHJFyah
“Some of my old comrades called me the Amazing Doctor, as it appeared, I could tell the future. I was only ever wrong once,” he said dryly, his tone dropping. He hoped Michael didn’t notice.296Please respect copyright.PENANAykVSKV8rOZ
“You don’t sound too thrilled,” Michael frowned.296Please respect copyright.PENANAopU60C86JZ
“Yeah, you could say that.” Ted never abandoned his smile, “Sometimes luck ain’t all it’s cracked out to be. Sometimes luck is just a little more than a curse. For example, I wished I guessed wrong on one deal, because the profit margin would have been exponentially higher than if I guessed correctly,” he explained. Yeah, that’s how I’ll explain it. “But money isn’t everything. I have enough of it as it is. I really don’t need anymore. I just do it now to keep busy. I really don’t have a high cost of living.”296Please respect copyright.PENANAf5aJHNLSPd
“Well, then,” Michael chuckled.296Please respect copyright.PENANAO8LzK0GNY2
“Michael, you didn’t strike me as the making friends-type.” Jennifer snuck up on them, hair was combed, comparatively to last Tuesday and she had it tied with a red scrunchy. She was wearing a green shirt, paired with some gym shorts, “Seriously, how long have you been here?”296Please respect copyright.PENANAHmP7fhEJyX
Now that Ted had a better look at her, she looked oddly familiar. Seeing her in the bright light of the Fellowship Hall was both a blessing. And a curse. She looked uncannily like his fiancé, before her passing. The appearance was the same, sure, Jennifer was a little taller than her. Let the dead, stay dead.296Please respect copyright.PENANAVG2Ix2eGLG
“Not long, maybe five minutes.” Michael smiled back at her as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders.296Please respect copyright.PENANA0xo5H16iMl
“Well then, Ted, welcome back to our dysfunctional family!” She sipped her cup of coffee while she was juggling a plate with baclava. She looked at Ted and then down to both of his hands, “No baclava?”296Please respect copyright.PENANAsdb6qgDWko
“No, I haven’t had the chance to grab it,” Ted smiled at her as he took another sip of the coffee. Now, what is it you want?296Please respect copyright.PENANAlpiZ6rcEOu
“What? Michael, hold my things!”296Please respect copyright.PENANA7bM9kv9cee
She shoved her cup of coffee, plate, and plastic fork into Michael’s hands. He still didn’t have his own cup of coffee, and this flustered Michael before regaining his balance with the new items in his hands. Unfortunately, some of her coffee spilled over the side of the cup and onto his hands.296Please respect copyright.PENANAjVjKtgS470
“Well, as you can quite imagine, she can be a handful,” Michael chuckled. “She can be overbearing at times, but we love her all the same.”296Please respect copyright.PENANAU5L1odBZpw
“I can see that,” Ted said. His pupils scanned the room immediately again as more and more people started pouring into the Fellowship Hall.296Please respect copyright.PENANAT5PjhJWYV4
“You know, you wouldn’t think she would be a social butterfly, or even this vibrant as a scientist, but there’s always that one who will be unique among them,” Michael said, staring at his coffee covered hand.296Please respect copyright.PENANAocPn6h83OO
“Yes. I’ve come across those myself,” Ted said. “There’s always exceptions if you know where to look.”296Please respect copyright.PENANAtzuTAjdyPB
Jennifer came back with a plate of baclava and a fork. “Ted, this is for you. This stuff is homemade! You can’t come here and not have it!” She presented it with a smile.296Please respect copyright.PENANAigfewAw0Ih
Ted reluctantly released his hand from his cup and grabbed hold of the plate, watching carefully of the people in the room, memorizing every face, every verbal exchange he could see, and he studied each facial expression and their changes. He could tell when they were sad, and when they were happy. The faces had stretched smiles, and the light twinkled in their eyes, the dimples in their cheeks shone brightly, and their smiles didn’t seem to have much effort behind them, like these smiles were genuine. Ted wondered, why weren’t they miserable? How happy could they actually be?296Please respect copyright.PENANAHUrX7zVk9u
“Come on. Take a bite!” Jennifer smiled enthusiastically to him, and she looked at him, “You must tell me how it is?”296Please respect copyright.PENANAu6JutRXure
“Why are you focused entirely on the baclava? You didn’t even make it,” Michael said. “Come on, let the guy eat it at his pleasure. Sheesh. You’d think you’re some raving chef shoving food they’re allergic to down their throats, like Tim.”296Please respect copyright.PENANA6rRyF30l1M
“Excuuusse me!” Jennifer raised her voice to Michael. “Well, I was clearly talking to Ted. Now, perhaps I wouldn’t have to be over the top if you weren’t romanticizing your own bromance.”296Please respect copyright.PENANACdieXmb228
“What?” Michael’s jaw dropped and his pupils moved side to side inside his head as they gaped open. Ted guessed Michael was not expecting that comment from Jennifer.296Please respect copyright.PENANAW1XtsqWWHC
“You’ve been hogging his attention for five minutes! I want a turn to pry into that little cage trap of a brain he’s got.”296Please respect copyright.PENANAtDo0pQVdGx
Ted’s heartbeat raced inside his chest. He felt his palm accumulate sweat.296Please respect copyright.PENANAblkuAtBNSo
“I’ll let you two have your privacy. I’m sure you’ll want to be alone,” Michael gave Jennifer her coffee and baclava plate back.296Please respect copyright.PENANAS2KBcZvIbo
“Thank you,” she handed them with care, taking a sip of her coffee.296Please respect copyright.PENANAPrj3Czb66U
“Why would I want that?” Ted protested, never losing that tremendous smile of his. He mustn’t appear nervous, as nervous as she was making him. Is she going to trigger me? He fought his hand’s sudden urge to tremble.296Please respect copyright.PENANAdNcUt6DH8t
“Ah, I’m sure I’ll see you around. Come hang out with our group, like Jennifer said, it’s a little dysfunctional,” he laughed, using this excuse to get away from Jennifer.296Please respect copyright.PENANA82168UuczZ
“So, I hear you’re a scientist?” Ted asked.296Please respect copyright.PENANAEHinz1OsML
“Now, now, eat your baclava first. And tell me how it is. Then we can talk.”296Please respect copyright.PENANAlwfhEFdMc8
He snickered, “You put into a lot of effort in me trying to give baclava a chance.”296Please respect copyright.PENANA1uDLpa3dLI
“You know it,” she smiled and waved a finger at him. “Now eat up, mister.”296Please respect copyright.PENANAh4hJGMCY3y
He took a small bite of the baclava. The sticky honey dripped on his tongue, a taste he was certain was supposed to be sweet, but alas, it tasted like nothing. He could also feel the enthusiastic piercing stare coming right in front of him, “So, tell me how it is!”296Please respect copyright.PENANAQe0SEIVX3Z
“It’s delicious,” he lied to her. “I thoroughly enjoyed it. Thank you,” he moved his focus to his coffee.296Please respect copyright.PENANALDvo2aN0Xs
She looked up to the ceiling. “Well, I suppose you could call me a scientist, but I am more of a researcher than anything.”296Please respect copyright.PENANAjBO1hNd9jt
He sipped his coffee, “And what’s your area of expertise.”296Please respect copyright.PENANAVTPLgvg1l3
“Biology. I study organisms, virus’, bacterium. An old man once said, ‘The more germs I get, the happier I am’! I suppose that sums me up pretty nicely, now that I think about it. Oh well, one can’t exactly marry a germ, but they keep me plenty of company.”296Please respect copyright.PENANAKuW7xYoxws
“I can’t tell if you’re eccentric, or objectively insane,” he joked.296Please respect copyright.PENANAg5dILXjKoR
“Well, excuuuse me good sir,” she said, pressing her forefinger to his lips. “Are you accusing me of being socially ambiguous?”296Please respect copyright.PENANA5n3B6lu0x1
He retracted his head from her fingers, shaking his head. He paused a moment and smiled back at her. “Absolutely,” he retorted, unsure if this little interaction of her touching his mouth was appropriate. He couldn’t be certain.296Please respect copyright.PENANA8DQGg2KT3t
“Well, good,” she chuckled, taking a bite out of her own baclava. “That’s what I was going for!”296Please respect copyright.PENANA5ebvtsES6J
“Alright,” came a loud booming voice. Ted immediately turned his head to the nearby speaker. He saw man in his thirties, who also looked to be a little tired, not nearly as tired as he was though. He was holding a microphone and speaking into it. “Alright, welcome to Café, my name is. . .”296Please respect copyright.PENANA6ID787aqnE
Ted tuned out the speaker. He had little patience for long monologues. His eyes started scanning the room again: some people like him were not paying attention to the speaker, like they didn’t need to: as if they’d heard the same thing a million times. Over and over and over again. He looked closely at the exit.296Please respect copyright.PENANAcQtTs1XKG6
He noticed Samantha chatting with someone else over by the exit towards the main lobby closer to the background. She had a cup of coffee, but not the baclava. Perhaps she’s dieting. Or came in too late to make her way to the food. Doesn’t matter. She was leaning against the doorway.296Please respect copyright.PENANALOsnyFG4d2
Ted tuned back in.296Please respect copyright.PENANAyn5c3pUgl3
“If this is your first time, we’d like to welcome you. Of course, you are most welcome to join any of the open small groups here, but if this is your first time, I recommend joining our connecting group, led by our leader there, Jack. . .”296Please respect copyright.PENANA1wOmjhZMOZ
“Is your family part of that group?” he asked.296Please respect copyright.PENANA2dNGtXp8le
“Oh, yes,” she had a playful smile, as if she remembered the punch line of some unrelated joke, then she giggled, “Shall we, mister Ted?”296Please respect copyright.PENANALJk9DIiVTd
“Absolutely,” he replied. He walked with her, by her side, eyeing carefully for the trash can, drowned out by the large number of people. So, people still believe in the faith, despite all the lack of faith in it. I wonder why? Is there something here than can quiet my mind? He was nearly pushed to the side, and missed the last trash can, which was merely on the side of the door. He threw his cup and plate with the rest of the baclava.296Please respect copyright.PENANAY49VTdIilg
Eating is such a chore.296Please respect copyright.PENANArLP2cycUSp
Nearly lost again in the crowd, Jennifer quickly grabbed his hand. He fought the urge to pull it away. Instead, he just let her have it, but he didn’t hold her, his hand was limp in her grasp. They walked through the initial doorway back into the main hall, shifting just right past the elevators. He noticed a few people going into the elevators and entered the doorway to the left up some stairs. He followed Jennifer into the back of this part of the church where there were three additional rooms. They moved to the left, although he never took his mind off each individual face that walked into those separate rooms.296Please respect copyright.PENANADqTxyuQZMa
The door to the room he entered was the only exit. The tables were arranged to form a boxy circle, creating the similar feeling of the hall having a bonfire in the middle of it. This was a place for friends. I don’t belong here. Why am I here?296Please respect copyright.PENANACQLsJUva7a
The ceiling stretched for what Ted could reasonably guess without a ruler was approximately fifteen feet high with a second floor. That floor was set up like an internal balcony, looking down on him were rails and bookshelves that layered the room.296Please respect copyright.PENANAHlSyi1Dt6y
Jennifer led Ted to the right corner, closer to the door, and close to Jack. Samantha came in shortly, with another girl, who Ted didn’t know. Michael came in, and he waved, trading a smile as he sat down next to Tim and immediately went into a side conversation.296Please respect copyright.PENANAgxcus9vP4f
The man leading the discussion looked at the clock in hanging above the white board at the back of the room, and the woman, presumably his wife or other equivalent, wrote something on the board, “Meaningless.” Both of them were casually dressed.296Please respect copyright.PENANA1jLgwZvQnM
Well, I knew that already.296Please respect copyright.PENANAa7wToQPypO
“Alright, so I see some new faces here,” the man began, greeting new people as they came in. “So, let’s get started while we have some stragglers coming in.”296Please respect copyright.PENANAgNOaVf1Z8u
“Icebreaker anyone?” the woman suggested. She looked up to the ceiling, her chin resting on her hand with her index finger resting above her nose.296Please respect copyright.PENANA3g3zc93CpM
“Well, I’ll start. What’s your name? Where are you from? What brings you to Boston? And uh, what do you wish you could see more of?” the man started, addressing the group sitting around the tables. “As you know, my name is Jack. I’m from Houston Texas. I was brought to Boston through work. I work as a nuclear physicist at your local plant. No, it’s not all that local,” he chuckled to himself. “So, if there was one thing, I wish I could see more of? Good question, if I do say so myself. I suppose I could stand a little more rain.”296Please respect copyright.PENANAxhWC0wohdx
Ted listened intently to everyone as they went across the room. They all went across the room, telling their name, their wish, where they were from, and their occupation. With a little more digging he could find out exactly where and what time they worked. This is dangerous information being given so carelessly. They came from numerous states, and numerous countries. He counted that there was at least one from every time zone in America, and every ethnic group.296Please respect copyright.PENANADhQeke112z
They for one reason or another, didn’t want to see any more from the world, but they desired to see less of something. They wanted less racism, less strife, less hunger, less death, and less conflict. Without adding anything, by just omitting these things could they obtain more peace, a perfect peace. A peace like ten years ago. That bloody peace. If you take one conflict away, you are only enforcing another. It is all meaningless.296Please respect copyright.PENANABPsgTFQPkx
“New guy. Hello? It’s your turn. It’s not time for bed yet!” He heard Jack’s whimsical cry, as he clapped his hands repeatedly.296Please respect copyright.PENANAW2K3lE99kf
“My apologies,” Ted replied, returning that smile back to his face. How long was I in that trance? This whatever it is, was taking control again in my mindlessness. I need to be better with it. “My name is Ted. I’m from Ohio. I came to Boston for a different change in pace. If I could see more of something—” his voice trailed off, “I can’t think of anything.”296Please respect copyright.PENANA5wugYnDMqW
“Nothing at all?” the woman asked.296Please respect copyright.PENANADK9ziC1tX8
Ted felt Samantha staring at him, and pointed his pupils towards her, seeing her frown as she studied him like he was some kind of rat in a maze. Jennifer nudged him with her elbow. A smile returned to her face. Ted blinked quickly with the sudden pressure assaulting his arm, and he felt the nerves in his fingers want to tremble.296Please respect copyright.PENANAmJLKeLAQju
“Come on Ted,” Jennifer pulled on his arm. “I know you want to see more. Everyone wants to see more of something in the world. What is it?”296Please respect copyright.PENANAAk7QbjCymC
“Now, now,” he turned to her with his wide child-like smile. “I’ve seen plenty of the world already. If I saw any more of it, that would be downright selfish of me. I can’t take in anymore of the world while the sights can be enjoyed by someone else.”296Please respect copyright.PENANAX5ENvQVkTV
“Well, I suppose that’s one way to look at the world,” Jack chuckled.296Please respect copyright.PENANAGNjpzwUa0v
“Well, if Ted doesn’t want to say anything, he doesn’t have to,” the woman replied. “We are an open book, but we don’t expect that of anyone here. Now, Ecclesiastes.”296Please respect copyright.PENANAhMQ0EETK0b
“Yes, one of my favorites,” Tim commented.296Please respect copyright.PENANA770OhNdguy
“You would say that,” Michael joked.296Please respect copyright.PENANAnd0VuotzIL
They studied the first chapter, and all Ted gleaned from this, was that everything is meaningless in life. Every dollar one made, every friend he made, relationship maintained, career goals, life goals, and everything in between, whatever they were was all meaningless. All these things were meaningless. I already know that.296Please respect copyright.PENANApwlKvnRh7R
Yes, Ted had money, he had a house. It was all pointless, and he knew it. He knew the feeling all too well. And he didn’t care for any of it. He doesn’t work for money after all, just for something to do, something to keep him busy from his own thoughts. It was all pointless.296Please respect copyright.PENANACKY550joQc
His hand started to tremble. No. Not now! Damnit! You stay still. He put his trembling hand in his pocket.296Please respect copyright.PENANAhcFHQNxKTZ
“Well, now we don’t like to popcorn it up here. We’ll split up into smaller groups of three or four and offer prayer requests,” Jack explained.296Please respect copyright.PENANAbx92oJS2BU
The chairs started moving rapidly into numerous smaller circles. Ted felt uneasy as his hand wouldn’t stop trembling, however, he kept the trembling to a bare minimum. Even a sniper couldn’t tell how slow his hand trembled, even though to himself, it felt like a speeding bullet.296Please respect copyright.PENANAr0NdqySygP
Ted was in a circle with Jennifer, and Erin. He looked at them with his bright smile. He was careful, he always was when dealing with circles like this. His ears would be his eyes, and he could sense the room, every movement, every noise, no sound, no matter how little would escape his ears, just like nothing and no one can escape the defense of his mind’s eye. He is as he’s always been, ever watchful, but no longer by his own choice. He became conditioned to it so much that it just turns on. This is the exact reason he’s failed at his one goal, that same goal he gave up on, he keeps failing. Again, and again, and again!296Please respect copyright.PENANAGbpIMAZT6X
“Well, now this is the part where we wear our emotions on our sleeves,” Jennifer explained. “Forgive me if I sound like a tour guide.” She turned her head to Erin. “Prayer request?”296Please respect copyright.PENANAqTckrpzsE8
Erin frowned, “I—I do.” Her voice was solemn, her head was bowed down low. Her eyes were wide open, staring blankly at the floor, as if what she was looking for was buried below the bowels of the church. Her thighs were closed shut, and her elbows met her stomach and one hand wrapped around her other fist, keeping them close to her, as if holding in some secret desire she longed to keep hidden. Her right heel rose from the ground, and then rested back down. Again, and again, and again. “My mother was di—diagnosed with stage four liver cancer.” Tears streamed down her face; she began coughing up tears.296Please respect copyright.PENANAr6BomKblep
Ted tried to look concerned. He noticed something else. He would have thought there would have been others around who would have rushed to console her weeping. But at last, he found that she was not the only one weeping in the room. There was at least one other person in the additional small groups weeping, likely due to some cruel hand fate had given them. Like the hand I was dealt. It was also the first time he ever noticed Jennifer not enthused. She wrapped her arm around Erin and pulled her close. She said nothing. She just let Erin cry over her shoulder. That was a prayer in and of itself. Words needed not say more.296Please respect copyright.PENANAdPme7161wK
Should I really be caring about this right now? No.296Please respect copyright.PENANA3PzEcdsqu4
Ted did his best to show his concern, however, he retained that smile. He moved his chair a little closer and put his hand on Erin’s back.296Please respect copyright.PENANABaO804QOpa
“Ted,” Jennifer began, shedding her own tear. “Before I begin, do you have something to pray for?”296Please respect copyright.PENANASfuyYLmax6
“Nothing that cannot wait. This is more important I think,” he answered. But is she?296Please respect copyright.PENANAxmEqgjZoVZ
“Okay, then please, but don’t feel pressured, bow your head.”296Please respect copyright.PENANAbn3MdygxXm
Erin’s head was already bowed down low, and tears dripped down from those closed eyelids. Jennifer’s tears were more controlled, but she bowed her head and was much more composed. Ted bowed down, but he didn’t close his eyes. He kept his eyes focused, his pupils continued scanning the room. The rest, as if they all received the order from the same commanding officer had their eyes closed, and heads bowed. Most were holding hands.296Please respect copyright.PENANA61Fwy3qgwo
He immediately wiped a tear from his face. Was this genuine? No. It can’t be.296Please respect copyright.PENANArw9mPTja4l
“Amen,” Jennifer finished her prayer. Ted tuned out the entire prayer as he was focused on his own individual thoughts, and the behavior of everyone in the room. One by one these prayerful people rose their heads up, opening their eyes. Many of them were happy, as if a burden was lifted from their miserable chests. How?296Please respect copyright.PENANAhpNCVo7eCS
The room was filled with chatter again. Thank God. The silence irritated him. He could find that he could no longer keep tuning everything out, not in the silence, not like this. Silence was much better when lives were on the line. He looked around the room again, some people were getting up, and putting their chairs right back towards the tables and were leaving. Some of them left in pairs, and others left by themselves after departing amiably with someone they engaged in a good conversation with.296Please respect copyright.PENANAsM0RAkXnvc
He sought to do the same. He got up before his hand was grabbed by Jennifer. “Hey,” she wiped her face clean from tears with her free sleeve. “I told you we wear our feelings on our sleeves here. I hope we didn’t scare you off.”296Please respect copyright.PENANAsYdcg0zafi
“Miss Jennifer, I’m afraid it will take a lot more than that to scare me off,” he lied, turning to Erin with a solemn face as she was still weeping and wiping tears from her face with her palms. “I am sorry. Truly I am.”296Please respect copyright.PENANAkxHGmcc1sE
“Ih—it’s not your fault,” she looked to him, “You don’t have to be sorry. Buh—but I appreciate it.”296Please respect copyright.PENANAawylhVGASm
“Now,” he turned without skipping a beat and returning that smile to his face. “I must really be going.”296Please respect copyright.PENANAwmosyNab8v
“You’re not coming out with us tonight?” Jennifer frowned.296Please respect copyright.PENANAiOgzxbTr7k
“Not tonight. Maybe next time,” he said. He tried to pull away, but Jennifer wouldn’t let go.296Please respect copyright.PENANAsQtsRpEcwZ
“Wait. Let me get your phone number,” she said.296Please respect copyright.PENANAcIKpVxgs8H
“As you wish, milady,” he spoke dryly.296Please respect copyright.PENANAV6UiPzaGrj
“My, my, aren’t you the romantic,” she pulled out a pen and piece of paper from her purse and handed it to him. He immediately wrote down a phone number on the piece of paper and handed it back to her. “At least you’re honest about it. Unlike some men.” She took out a piece of paper and wrote her own phone number on it. “Here, take mine.”296Please respect copyright.PENANAPei1iCEmSx
“It’s a pleasure,” he took the phone number and placed it in his wallet.296Please respect copyright.PENANAbxR4yqhsJm
“Now, now, Tedward,” she smiled at him. “I think you know the pleasure is all mine.”296Please respect copyright.PENANAsi0ATud83y
“Of course, it is,” he smiled back. You have no idea how true that is. “Maybe I’ll see you next week or around. But I must be going.”296Please respect copyright.PENANAushSqKSkYZ
“Good night, Ted,” Jennifer said.296Please respect copyright.PENANANwb5Rd3BFv
Samantha transitioned from her seat, pushing it in, briskly walking towards them, trying to catch up to Ted. How good of a host could she be, if she didn’t at least make the effort to make sure he was comfortable. After all, it was her who invited Ted to the study; however, he made a beeline for the door, at a brisk pace she knew she couldn’t keep up with. She glanced over to Jennifer, who turned to Erin. For a moment, Samantha thought that perhaps, Jennifer came on too strongly for Ted’s comfort, prompting an exit, or perhaps something else was going on with Ted, something unseen.296Please respect copyright.PENANA6my71LCkJX
“Are you coming out tonight? If you are, I believe it’s my turn to buy you one,” Jennifer’s hand wrapped around Erin’s shoulder.296Please respect copyright.PENANAODXKdbDgxh
“I think I need a break,” Erin said. “I need some rest actually. Maybe next week. I just—I just need to get some sleep. Start fresh in the morning.”296Please respect copyright.PENANAVeUjuJGjXs
“What’s wrong?” Samantha turned her gaze towards Erin, noticing wiped tears and reddened eyes. She placed her hand on Erin’s back, rubbing it.296Please respect copyright.PENANAiYB46cjiXm
“My mother has stage four cancer,” Erin said abruptly.296Please respect copyright.PENANAopsL1uYjpJ
Samantha felt a sudden weight fill up from inside her chest as she covered her mouth with her hand. “I’m so sorry. I’ll pray for that, and healing for her.”296Please respect copyright.PENANAQbTBXyF0EQ
“Some rest will do you good. I understand Erin,” Jennifer said, “I’ll put your chair away. Don’t worry about it. If you need someone to talk to, you can always text or call me.”296Please respect copyright.PENANAFLNl8humgl
“Thanks,” Erin stood to leave.296Please respect copyright.PENANAfkpzFyxvo1
Michael followed and put her chair away. He smiled at Jennifer. “So, how did it go?” he asked.296Please respect copyright.PENANASlQqJxROMd
“My dear, Michael, whatever do you mean?” she snickered as she pushed her chair back in.296Please respect copyright.PENANAM0IOD0E3OD
“You got him alone,” Samantha shuddered as Michael mansplained himself to reiterate the obvious. This was one of her pet peeves. I’ll work on that.296Please respect copyright.PENANAFGFvlBcdHV
“Well, I certainly couldn’t let you hog him. Besides, I don’t think he’d care to listen to more of your business monologue,” she gave him a slightly annoyed glare. “I suppose we can finish this up at Teri Nation. Let’s be off. I have very important business at Teri’s Empire.”296Please respect copyright.PENANATaxSadlozA
“Only you can make it sound so much better than it actually is,” Tim chuckled, shaking his head.296Please respect copyright.PENANACT4e86KN6t
Samantha, along with Jennifer, Michael, and Tim followed the crowd out of the room and back towards the lobby where there seemed to be an abundance of people, talking with each other like old friends. Samantha always found it interesting that these people seemed so close to catch up weekly, even if they were only apart for a single week, to her, every Tuesday seemed like a reunion. They briskly exited the church, and recruited a few people to go out, not that they needed to do that, Brian would take care of that, as he always did. But it was good to show interest to the newcomers.296Please respect copyright.PENANAIvrI04tTif
Samantha and her immediate friends walked to Teri Nation and walked towards the back end of the bar. It was much less crowded than last week. Perhaps there was some foul thing in the air. Samantha did notice four unique individuals by the bar, towards the end of it where she met Ted from last week. Two men, and two women having strong gin. They were talking to one another in a variety of accents, that is what got her attention. Samantha picked one up as Irish, and the other English, and one she could only guess as Russian. The fourth wasn’t quite Russian, but it had a similar sound to that of the eastern European countries. It would seem odd since Russia declared war on neighboring countries as of late, and as if these individuals were speaking to each other as if there was no animosity between their nations. She found this most peculiar.296Please respect copyright.PENANAhTKHjpmKFd
Scott made their drinks, Samantha was drinking a dark beer this time, and Tim was held off with a white wine sangria. And of course, Michael and Jennifer got whatever the special was. This one he served in bola glasses.296Please respect copyright.PENANAqchQuzS33P
“So, Scott, what have we the pleasure,” Michael began.296Please respect copyright.PENANA5KubzkS2As
“Or displeasure,” Jennifer added.296Please respect copyright.PENANA12xNwtaV9Q
“Of drinking today?” Michael finished. They drank well together. Tim and Samantha were smiling as it was rare that they could get this close together with the two of them. They paired well together, like a fluffernutter sandwich. Their banter bounced off one another like they had been friends for years, but truth be told, they’ve only known one another for a year, and they all met here, at this bar through Café.296Please respect copyright.PENANAKbIA4VEC0j
“It was some recipe I found on some website,” Scott answered as he printed out separate slips. Jennifer already took a sip. Samantha guessed she enjoyed it with the way Jennifer rubbed her buttocks against the stool, “I don’t know much about it, but last time it was made a lot of people died.” There was silence. Scott turned around. “I’m kidding. Its vodka, chocolate, and seltzer. Nothing too fancy. I may have put some basil in there.”296Please respect copyright.PENANA6RhaqsZLYF
“Oh my God! I am allehgic to freaking basil!” Jennifer joked. Scott’s eyes lit up in surprise, like he was looking at a dead person.296Please respect copyright.PENANADs11o7EJKK
“Isn’t that my line?” Tim laughed as he brought up his glass to sip his sangria.296Please respect copyright.PENANANvypFT2ot7
Jennifer placed two fingers on her lips as she looked Scott in the eye mischievously. “Two can play at that game.”296Please respect copyright.PENANA8wqfdsYhDA
“Okay, cool,” Scott laughed it off and went to his other guests as he walked backwards with two thumbs up.296Please respect copyright.PENANANFVPqG9d5y
“Alright, you’ve kept me in enough suspense. Now that you’ve had him all to yourself, what was he like?” Michael asked.296Please respect copyright.PENANAXPowfDcG1u
“Yes. I am dying to know. Spill the beans, Jennifer!” Samantha pushed.296Please respect copyright.PENANAiGrZ2ALfOt
“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” Tim put his hands up defensively. “You leave my beans out of this. It wasn’t my fault.”296Please respect copyright.PENANAWd8nfvRpIT
“No, Tim, it wasn’t your fault. And we’re certainly not talking about your beans,” Michael jeered. “Besides, that was actually some good chili. Jennifer, spill it!”296Please respect copyright.PENANAFert67Ck3L
“Fine,” she took another sip, “Really nothing more than what he shared from the rest of the group, during that very questionably boring icebreaker.”296Please respect copyright.PENANARWCm5zcklN
Samantha pondered with the fresh liquor to her nose, and then she remembered something which she neglected to mention previously, but perhaps a sensitive question, “Jennifer, did you make note of the scars on his face?”296Please respect copyright.PENANAJfQ24cKTkY
“I did notice those scars, like lines or streaks across his cheeks. I didn’t say anything. That isn’t something you want to ask someone who hardly knows you,” Jennifer said, trading that playful smile of hers with those half dropped eyelids. “Your brain is working, what is on that mind.”296Please respect copyright.PENANAW4gZx3q5pF
“I haven’t formulated a complete thought. I’ll have to get back to you,” Sam’s gaze shot back to the other end of the bar.296Please respect copyright.PENANA6nuZBOLEuK
“Did he have something to do? He seemed in a hurry to leave,” Tim’s smile faded.296Please respect copyright.PENANAuA0JMb5kuk
“Yeah, I wondered about that too,” Samantha commented, turning back to Jennifer.296Please respect copyright.PENANAycZ9kj46CC
“Well, he didn’t say. I was able to snag his number before his prompt getaway.”296Please respect copyright.PENANAfZAAi1tsH9
“Getaway. Yes, that’s the appropriate word for it,” Michael poked fun at Jennifer again. “It’s hard to escape your clutches.”296Please respect copyright.PENANA9Bbk1JIFUn
“I wonder if it had anything to do with the study,” Samantha wondered if that was the most appropriate study for someone in a field fueled by money.296Please respect copyright.PENANAxTsRwjFIyw
“Could be, honestly it isn’t the best first book for someone. After all, a wise man once said, ‘Meaningless, meaningless, it’s all meaningless’!” Jennifer rose her hands in the air as she sat back down on her stool and cross her fingers.296Please respect copyright.PENANAmIrAMrcQKr
“Well,” Samantha said. “Tell us how you really feel.” 296Please respect copyright.PENANA37Mgt83QOV
They all looked at Jennifer, waiting for her whimsical response.296Please respect copyright.PENANAtRDLXZ09cB
“My thoughts on the matter are all entirely ‘meaningless’.” Jennifer smiled.296Please respect copyright.PENANAwot6DJF2f1
Michael, Tim, Jennifer, and Samantha all laughed at the joke. It was ironic, and certainly the lesson could be very depressing if taken out of context. After all, not everything was meaningless.296Please respect copyright.PENANAGlDL6YBsAU
Samantha could feel her hair standing on ends. Her hands remained in place as the ripples in her cup of beer moved towards the end of the glass. She looked closely, and Tim, and Michael didn’t seem to notice. Jennifer put on her sweatshirt in response to the chill. Where is this coming from?296Please respect copyright.PENANASYcQsQAZgl
She looked at the strangers in the bar. She noticed one of them, the taller man, the one with the Irish accent appeared to be flicking his fingers back and forth, violently tapping against a piece of paper on the bar top. She looked back down to her cup and drank some more. She fixed her eyes back on the man and the piece of paper was gone. I’m not that drunk, am I? I hope not. I barely had a drink. Was she imagining it? The paper was gone, and the man didn’t appear to be tapping anything anymore. This man wore a black suit to match his lengthy black hair tied behind his back.296Please respect copyright.PENANAmnwdaOsA2y
“You okay there, Sam?” Jennifer glanced at her, and she tossed her head back.296Please respect copyright.PENANAqP8jJujGou
“No, yes,” she corrected herself. “I just thought I saw something. It’s nothing.”296Please respect copyright.PENANA8l9enxUWCo
“Soooo,” Jennifer began.296Please respect copyright.PENANAiU5un8sAZN
“Are you okay or not?” Michael asked, putting his hand on his hip disapprovingly. “I’m beginning to worry about you.”296Please respect copyright.PENANA0IImiE42MT
Samantha moved her gaze back over to the strangers. “I thought I saw one of them violently tapping a piece of paper. The tall one,” she whispered.296Please respect copyright.PENANADdX5W2vBqm
Michael shifted his attention towards them, hiding his body and face behind Samantha just enough to avoid looking suspicious. “Are you sure it isn’t the air conditioning going down again? You’ve mentioned this numerous times now. I really don’t believe a person could be the cause of it. Besides, tapping a piece of paper isn’t exactly unusual.”296Please respect copyright.PENANAksyU9lFLJm
“I—I’m not sure,” she replied.296Please respect copyright.PENANAQoRhezsN4C
“Well, only one way to find out for sure,” Michael said.296Please respect copyright.PENANAkO1YMQyXRq
He took her hand. “Michael! Wait! What are you doing?”296Please respect copyright.PENANAUqP6iCsqxq
He ignored her as he pulled her to the strangers. One of the women there looked at them and smiled; she had a very youthful face with red eyes. Samantha found her eyes to be especially peculiar, unless; was she high? The tall man looked surprised and turned to them, there was an unpleasant scowl on his face.296Please respect copyright.PENANAc7H3Otl06T
“Well, well, well, what sort of beast have we ensnared?” he said in his Irish accent.296Please respect copyright.PENANAWTYLfKE1S1
“Well, we’re here every single Tuesday night, and haven’t seen you here before. Me and my friend here would like to say hi and introduce ourselves. My name is Michael, this is Samantha, Sam for short.” Michael introduced himself and her charmingly.296Please respect copyright.PENANA0rkRpjtmnd
“Hii!” Samantha introduced herself awkwardly. No matter how hard she tried, she didn’t do well in friendly social situations, she was great on the phone though.296Please respect copyright.PENANANZ5sCYTnhp
“Okay,” the man said. “And to what do we owe the unfortunate circumstance for such a forced introduction?”296Please respect copyright.PENANAteC6WC8Xyb
“Culain, I do not want another repeat from last week’s escapade,” said the girl with black hair. She was the one with the Russian accent. “Please, it was a mess. We don’t need another one.”296Please respect copyright.PENANAksywkD5K57
“As you wish, Ilya,” he replied and returned a sneering smile towards them. “Now, I don’t know what it is you think you saw, but you didn’t see anything. I don’t know what you think you felt, but it was nothing. You don’t know anything. Now kindly piss off!”296Please respect copyright.PENANA8P6UwdN9uu
“Wow!” Michael replied nonchalantly. “I was just being friendly. There was no reason to be rude. And what we—”296Please respect copyright.PENANAi33Vi1R51R
“What you think you saw was nothing. Now, before I lose my temper, kindly piss off,” the man called Culain said. “The less you know, the better.”296Please respect copyright.PENANAaOadRpKZyA
“Michael, let’s go,” Samantha pulled on his arm and shrunk back behind him. She didn’t trust them, nor did they seem like people, or at least the man called, Culain, she wanted to be friends with. Culain seemed like a man that would sooner hurt you, and then make you apologize for inconveniencing those around you. Michael nodded to her and turned around, pulling her back to their quartet.296Please respect copyright.PENANA08Xh12YOTs
He seemed unnecessarily rude and unprovoked. There was so much anger in his voice, despite that smile. There was a raw emotion to his tone, as if they were less than he was. It is wrong for me to judge the man. I don’t know who he is or where he comes from, or what he’s going through.296Please respect copyright.PENANAEHuz37MGW6
“There once was a couple in a bar; in life they hoped to get far, thought they were destined, their ankles nailed in, I needed their love to be marred.” Culain mocked them as they retreated.296Please respect copyright.PENANArVMXkM9eoh