THE PAST: October 1st 1998
"Are you still sulking Alazar?" A high pitched squeaky voice pushed its way into my subconscious. I glared at the annoying fur ball, the size of a basketball nuzzling my arm.
I ignored the question that seemed to be asked fourteen times a day. I stared at the shiny obsidian gates of the Kurkainia graveyard.
"I'm waiting." I said curtly, focusing on the gates with all my might.
All that surrounded the graveyard was forest, the only way into the graveyard was through the gates. The forest consumed all who entered, I would constantly look into the forest afraid something would come in and take me. It was always dark in the forest, permanent night time. It made my skin burn.
There were two ways out. I turned to look at the cliff behind me that seemed to reach the sun. It was almost poetic, they call that cliff, The Last Sense Cliff. The wind is all you feel and the clear water is all you see, the saltiness is the last thing you taste. Regret is all you think. Then its over.
Tragic but poetic.
"Alaaazaar!" a whimpering whine made me cringe. I looked at the fur ball and two bright green eyes opened.
"Yes Abel?" I asked in the sweetest voice I could. He was a sensitive little thing.
"Don't keep torturing yourself!" He head-butted my hands gently. His fur was soft to the touch. He was the only warm thing in this god forsaken place. He was a baby wolf I had found laying on my tombstone. 'waiting for me to wake up,' he said.
"I'm not Abel!" I sighed exhausted hanging my head in my hands.
He gently nipped my hands. That was his way to get me to stop doing something, continuously nipping at my fingers.
"Alazar Christian Kross Saint." A deep, monotone voice shook the graveyard. The ground shook. The tombstones knocked against each other. The waves crashed violently against the walls. The trees shook so violently some of them topped over to the ground.
"A-A-ALAZAR!!" Abel screeched hiding behind my legs shaking, ears flat, tail between his back legs.
"Abel!" I picked him up and ran to the gates. Pain arose in my chest. I winced but kept moving. I reached the gates, I grabbed desperately for the handles. The ground began to crack around me. I grasped the handle and yanked. But it wouldn't budge.
"COME ON!" I yelled defeated and angry. I felt Abel shaking in my arms.
This was all too freaking. The gate began to turn bright red, a searing burning sensation stung my hand. I yelped letting go stumbling back.
The graveyard was silent. I turned back and the graveyard was the same as it was. No cracks the tombstones were back in their proper place. The trees gently swayed to their constant inaudible song.
"Alazar." The deep voice from before, suddenly caused me to feel calm, all my worries vanished. I froze sitting on the ground. No one has spoken to me in ten years. Well, except for Abel.
I turned, slowly, to look behind me. I saw a man in a bright all white suit. It all blended together, it was crystal clean, bright white it was hard to look at.
The man knelt down to my level, he smiled a kind smile. He had silver eyes, I could see the world in them, the reflection in them was as crystal clear as a mirror. He looked different. his skin was a tan color, I couldn't tell where he was from.
At a young age I was thrown into proper schooling, religion, proper behavior, learning keen observation skills . Although I'm ten that hasn't stopped me from trying my best to continue my lessons from five years ago. I started learning at age four, rough I know but I endured it I was happy. I was gone for a long time, I knew I was dead but I just couldn't accept the fact that my family would stop visiting only after five years.
But this man stumped me, completely. His hair was black, the sun was absorbed by it, it was a deathly black. It made me extremely uncomfortable. His smile was a kind, heart warming one, teeth a bright white and straight. He was at least 6 foot. He was muscular but not excessively muscular, those guys are so weird and gross. All those muscles, it was unnatural.
Abel had run off, whimpering. The wuss.
He held out his hand to me. I was hesitant, but he was patient. I could see it in his eyes, he meant me no harm. I took his hand, a rush of energy consumed my body, traveling up every vein, electrocuting every nerve. I blinked, confused.
His skin tone changed once he stood up, he was in the sunlight's rays now. He was Caucasian.
"I-I don't understand!" I gasped, trying to wrap my ten year old mind around the sudden change.
He chuckled and it rocked the ground. I struggled to stay on my feet.
"Alazar, there are a lot of things you will not fully understand." he reached his hand out into the darkness, it went to tan then he pulled back his sleeve, then it changed into a darker pigment. it continued until it's pigment then it went back to match the rest of his body.
"Y-You just changed your skin color to every race in the world!" I was astonished. He wasn't human. Once that terrifying though entered my mind everything else seemed insignificant.
He nodded and readjusted his sleeve.
"I did. Alazar I have something for you." He took out a medium size box, wrapped in blue wrapping paper. Pulled it out from where you might ask, well He pulled it from his inside pocket!
"I-I am not completely sure I want it." I stuttered scare. Nothing was asking sense logic was completely becoming insignificant in this conversation.
"Don't be scare, its nothing dangerous." He put it on the tombstone in between us.
"Now Alazar, It's your tenth birthday-"
"How do you know that?!" Panic began to set in.
"I know everything about you, about your parents, about your brothers. Even about the man who killed you." He glanced at his watch with a troubling expression.
I could form words, my heart sank. I try so hard to forget about that moment.
"You have been ignored by heaven and hell for a reason."
"Ignored?" I could barely talk above a whisper, everything was making my heart constrict. I could process anything he was saying.
"Yes, you have been chosen to be the gate keeper."
"Gate keeper?"
Normally at this time anyone would've lost their patience with me. But his tone did not waver, neither did his smile.
"Yes, the gates to heaven and hell are here, Alazar and you have to make sure they stay closed at any and all cost." his gaze pierced my soul. Well what remnants of a soul I have left.
"Why me?" I choked on the words. I didn't understand questions were flooding my mind. Is this why I died? Did my parents know? Why did they stop visiting me? Who is this man?
"Because you are my prophet." He smiled kindly and put a hand on my head and a blinding pain shot into my head and it felt as if pins were stabbing into my eyes.
I screamed in pain.
Images flashed in my head. All to fast for me to process.
He finally let go. I collapsed on the ground, gasping for air. Tears streamed down my face, wheezing.
" Alazar, breathe. It's okay." he gently cooed in a fatherly voice.
"W-what did you do to me?" I looked at my hands, panting.
He gently helps me up and leans me against the tombstone. He whipped out a glass shard form the air and held it in front of me. My eyes had turned a bright golden color. My once green eyes now were a golden shade. My mouth hung ajar.
"I-I-I" I stuttered. There was to much weirdness in one day for me.
"I unlocked your potential. I don't have a lot of time," he checked his watch one more time. "I can't explain all you are to you now but here." He pulled a medium sized leather bound book.
A word made up with a language I did not understand.
He waved his hand over the book and the letters shifted.
I blinked the tears away.
"..The voice of god?" I studied religion but my beliefs have been scrambled by anger, hatred and sadness.
"Ahh so you can read it!" He said with a hint of excitement.
I looked at him with exhaustion and much more confusion.
"This book is written in the language of the angels, Enochian. Only prophets and other angels can read it!"
Angels? Prophets? This guy must've broken out of an insane asylum or something.
"Well, it is time for me to go!" He flashed a picture perfect smile at me and raised his hand.
"Read it Alazar. It will answer all of your questions." He snapped his fingers and he disappeared.
I stood there dumbfounded holding a book given to me by some madman, containing secrets and myths about prophets and god knows what else!
I sighed and sat down, rubbing my eyes. I leaned against the tombstone he placed a bright blue wrapped box on. It fell off and hit me in the head. It was rather heavy.
"Oww..." I groaned and set it next to me.
I had nothing better to do so I opened the black leather bound book.
The biggest mistake of my life.