"Oh come on Kin, why not," a pink headed and fit guy whines to a minted haired guy with a lean and small body. "Because I am going to start my first day at college, Ricky." Kin and his four friends are sitting in his room. The brown haired boy wraps his arm around Kin's shoulders, "But you're the same age as us, is it because we are not cool enough for you? Wowww!"
Kin sighs, rubbing his neck. He leans against the guy's muscular chest, sighing. "No it's not that, Sota. I just have a lot of papers to print and everything. Since I don't have the books yet."
Sota looks at Kin, sighing. The blue-haired small framed boy then says, "Okay, how about you print half the papers now and tomorrow we can help you print the rest?"
"Yeah, my brother is right. We can help you out. Plus you have the same English class as me, so I can help you out if you really need it," Kay's twin brother, Jackson offers.
Kin bites inside his cheeks a bit, thinking. 'I mean, he isn't wrong. It won't be too bad to go to the bar with them anyways.' Kin breathes out , "Okay fine, Kay and Jackson you have a point. But you guys are paying for my drinks." Ricky and Kay cheer, jumping up and down.
Jackson runs his hand through his long pink hair, happy that Kin agreed. Sota smiles softly and looks towards Kin.
Kin sighs, "Okay let's get ready." Ricky and Kay get up and grab their keys. "We will pick you up at 6 pm sharp." They wave at Kin and Sota as they leave the room. Hearing the front door closing, Sota lets go of Kin's shoulders. "Well you should get ready, Cutie." Kin rolls his eyes at the nickname.
Sota has always been called Kin Cutie, ever since middle school. Even though Kin told him he hated that nickname, Sota still called him that just to tease him. Sota always loved Kin's cute reactions. It's as if he can never get enough of it.
"Yeah yeah, and don't call me that." Sota smiles at Kin's reaction, "Okay fine...Cutie." As Sota is running out the room, Kin throws a pillow towards him. But Sota was out before it could hit him.
He opens the door and yells, "Make sure to lock my front door Ugly Hair!" He hears Sota yell back "Okay Cutie, see you at 6." He then hears his front door close and Kin sighs. "How did I even agree to go? I have to get ready for the first day tomorrow and print all this stuff out." Collapsing on his bed, Kin looks up at the ceiling. 'Hopefully this college is better than the last one.'
Kin was used to moving schools. It was either because of his parents divorce or his peers scaring him away. Kin just never had a good school life in the past. The only good thing about school for him was his friends Sota, Ricky, Kay and Jackson. They met during middle school, Sota literally dragged him towards the others. And boy was he not ready for the aura of the group.
Ricky always was the leader of the group and inspired to be the President of the United States. Now Ricky is studying to be a cook. He told them the reason why he changed, 'Too many responsibilities, plus I would have been too powerful.'
Kay and Jackson were known as the Pinky and Blue. They wanted to dye their hair so no one would get them confused. Kay was the most golden retriever boy that anyone would ever meet. But Jackson was more like a cat, less energetic but handsome just like Kay. Even their clothing style was different. But their dreams were the same, they both wanted to be dancers. That was one thing Kin had in common with the twins.
Then there was Sota, he was the one that got the group out of trouble. He was known as the teacher's pet in middle school, but that didn't affect him. He made sure Kin felt comfortable at the school.
When college rolled in, Kin moved back to his hometown in Tokyo, Japan to go to school there. But he didn't like it, and didn't talk to others because they didn't know him. Plus he thought it wasn't as enjoyable as America's colleges. He always messaged his friends saying he didn't like it there, and Sota suggested he come back. And that is how he ended up here, now looking for an outfit for the bar."
Sitting up, he grabs his phone off the desk next to his bed. Looking through his emails, he sees an email from a familiar email address. Without thinking he swipes it to the trash. 'I need to put his email as spam when I get the chance,' he thought as he rolled off his bed, landing on his feet. A text notification pops up, and it is from Ricky.
Ricky: Kin you better wear something hot, I swear😤
Kin: Ok chill....I will damn😭
Ricky: K.....and if you don't I will drag you out the bar and make you put something else on
Ricky: I MEAN IT 😤
Kin: Okay jeezzzzz
Kin chuckles at the text message and throws his phone on the bed. He winced when he saw it hit his bed frame. "I'm so sorry Mr. Phone," he looks down dramatically praying for his phone. He clears his throat, opening the closet for an outfit for the bar. "Something hot, but classy." Humming and scanning his eyes, he brushes his fingertips on his clothes. Looking for the right one, he stopped at an outfit. He whispers, "You are our winner today." Grabbing his outfit he runs to the bathroom to get ready.161Please respect copyright.PENANA4ixYLfGwHK