I turned to my family and friend and my boy friend and said to each of them
i told my little sister Kate : I'm sorry i was the one that ate all of your Oreo's . 'Even though i was about to leave she sure did look like she was about to kill me.' but on the bright side they were mighty delicious. Right when i said that she tried to lept out of older brother carters hands .
I turned to my brother : sorry' i spit into your muscle milk because you wouldn't let me try it. Also i was the one that put that note in your locker that said go to the cafeteria for a good time and mrs marie was in there . 'she was the school, old janitor and she always tried to hit on him lol'
I turned to my parents and said: i will come back one day even if i die trying
Then my best friend Zaida: you will never forget me ok my one and only bets friend
Finally my boyfriend Chase : you are most definitely the most best thing that has ever happened to me and i really want to put you in a body bag and take you with me . so when I'm gone go up to your room and there will be a note on you bed . there is some really important information in there i love you and alway will . i kissed him on his head and went to turn but he grabbed me by the wrist and kissed me with so much passion on the lips . then he said" will go with cause if you go i go and if you die i die too thats how its going to be.