I have a story to tell you all it all started in Tokyo, Japan I was a foreign exchange student I had just moved here from America. My parents had me go to this extremely prestigious school as my father had to relocate for his job. There was this girl she was so beautiful she went by the name Riho she was quiet kept to herself for the most part at lunch I would sit next to her and ask her if she would like to have lunch together, but she politely declined, and I left her be. I saw her walking to her class one day and these group of girls harassed her and threw her down on the floor, kicked her and belittled her. Even called her a few names in Japanese even I knew weren’t nice things. They saw me and I looked away as I wanted to avoid being the next one to be a punching bag, when they left I went over to Riho and helped her up asking if she was ok she nodded and began to cry. I hugged her as it was all I knew what to do in situations like these I walked her home and the next day I saw her in the hallway. My god, what had happened to her face, she was so badly bruised in the face I didn’t recognize her, “Riho oh my god what happened!” I shouted crying almost “who did this to you!” Riho didn’t speak, she just kept walking the hallway, totally ignoring all the stares she was getting. “Riho?” I said softly, she continued to walk, I let her be. Soon after class was over someone screamed down the hall “it’s Riho! She’s on the roof, she’s going to jump!” I jumped out of my seat and saw Riho standing at the edge. “Riho please! Come down, it doesn’t have to end this way.” The girls who bullied her came out and looked up and saw Riho. I glared at them, “you caused this. You cause all of this.” I got into her face, “if she jumps, I’m coming after you, Mei.” I walk away and just as I turned, Riho put her hands to her side and fell bad, I watched in horror as she hit the floor. The sound of her body smacking the ground, the bones breaking, I took a look at Riho one last time and let out a sobbing cry as they took her body away. The next day I saw the four bullies walking the halls, Mei Sakura Miku and Seiko, the supposed leader of the group. I clinched my fists hard fighting back tears I could hear them laughing school ended, and I walked home all 4 bullies were at their friend’s home who happened to be my neighbor. I couldn’t sleep that night all I could think about was Riho her smile use to brighten my day, but now she’s gone I began to cry small soft sobs, so my parents didn’t hear me it was about midnight when I heard a scream coming from my neighbor’s house the same house the bullies were at. Not only that, but I peeked out the window and I saw Mei she was facing the window, I just saw her mouth splatter blood out. “What the hell is going on over there.” My heart was racing then I see Riho behind Mei as she fell to the floor my eyes locked with Riho’s she smiled and went after the other three bullies while the neighbor slept. I was so terrified, “how could Riho still be alive…?” I said to myself and as I pulled the covers off my face Riho was standing there with both my parent’s heads, she smiled at me and dropped the heads picking up her shears she was using. “Riho I…” before I could finish what I was going to say she put her finger to my mouth “shhh I just want to hear your scream” she grabbed my neck and squeezes it. Gasping for air I let a teardrop from my cheek knowing this was it, I was dead. Riho met my eyes with hers, “you could have helped me, but instead you watched and turned away like I didn’t exist.” I didn’t know what to say, I knew nothing I said would fix this. She lifted her shears and opened them up and placed them around my neck, I closed my eyes and…