My breathing slows as the trudging through the forest stopped, finally in front of that same field, I saw her. My goddess. There I saw her, light breaths escaping her mouth as she laid down on the grassy terrain. I lightly watched her in this peaceful form unworried form while, watching my own silhouette to not disturb my resting beauty. The sun was setting, even the birds, grew more quiet as the sun went down. Yet my goddess, my rose, was still sleeping growing more weary of my silent goddess, I lightly lifted her, for the magic I use was no joke. My goddess did not stir, nor whine even I knew she needed to brought to her home in time.
Slightly weary, I tremble as my resting rose was near me once more. The plants, My children, picked up our unconscious goddess with utmost care. While still keeping pace, who knows what this girl, my goddess, has done to me. She was just a mortal, yet why? I ask myself that everyday, maybe soon she may have a answer I can understand. Until the day comes I will wait, even if it means waiting to whisk her away to be mine. Hopefully one day she will understand, but until that day. I will wait for you my budding rose. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
As I lightly stir from my slumber, something was off. I remember falling asleep outside, but I shrugged it off ignoring the slight feeling something was wrong. As I sit up and stand up with the window ever so slightly cracked letting air through I gazed at it for a second, before heading over to close it. I then yawn and stretch, my shoulder lightly popping at the action. I go over to my dresser and get dressed, finally pulling over my dress top, I hear my roommate, Lilac shout my name from outside the door, 'Noelle, you need to hurry up. You've been in there for ages' she would exaggerate. I pulled the door open and stared at her, before saying sorry and walking away. Though I grew to fear that is what I shouldn't have done. She lets me off the hook this time, though whos to say it wont happen again if it does, she probably won't spare me that time.
I head downstairs ready to head to into the safe haven I call my home. My eyes slightly wince from the sudden light of pushing open the door before adjusting. I head down to the market, and along the way I greet some of the others there. I remember the day we arrived here, the forest around was so beautiful. We had been running for days, me being younger I remember it a little too much. But it slowly slips away through time, but that's a story for another time. I finally reach the market, and greet Alfonso one of the only bakers & Minotaur here. He greets me as I walk up to the counter, seeing his husband working in the background. He asks me 'What'll be today, Noelle?' he states with his usual friendly simile. 'Just a loaf of white bread, out on a errand. We are out of bread again' I state remembering Lilacs antics, I lead with a light sigh.
Alfonso, looked at me with a light grin. 'well, you know them. Can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em' He'd say with a hearty chuckle, as his husband Timothy ran up and gave him a kiss before heading to the patrol groups. He'd stare at his husband for a second, before setting the bread on the counter. 'That'll be 3 bucks' he'd say to me as his eyes returned to mine, I set the money on the counter before heading off with the bread in my bag. I saw some of the younger kindling running amock playing with each other. As I head to the butcher, I gaze towards the nearby meadow, through the forest noticing a foal standing near their mother far off.
After I finished up my business in the market, I head to my place and drop off the food. Heading to the meadow once more, I relish in the quiet chirps of the birds, the light swaying of the wind and general background chatter of the village. Before noticing a particular person, slightly resembling a human. Even I could tell that she may not be quite human as she seemed.
End of Part 1, Act 1 // Word count: 762