"If you are referring to the white suit, He didn't say much." I said shrugging, it was the truth. He barely stuck around to tell me his own god damn name.
Lucifer growled in anger, kicking a tombstone. The pieces flung everywhere, it was reduced to a pile.
I rolled my eyes, pinching the bridge of my nose in exhaustion. Dealing with this child was taking a lot out of me.
"Summon me when you can actually be useful!" he seethed, snapping his scorched fingers, disappearing.
The graveyard went silent once more. I rolled my eyes, pinching the bridge of my nose.
Something still felt insanely wrong. I trudged over to my tombstone. The eerie feeling was mixed with a sense of disappointment and the stinging onslaught of sad memories. I sighed shaking my head, throwing the thoughts from my mind. I trudged over to my own tombstone. It was cracked and tilting over. The trees groaned. The waves quieted.
I bent down and rubbed the dirt from my name etched in the face of the stone. I sighed groaning looking up into the clouds.
I so wished to be free of this curse.
"Alazar!" A deep, yet excited voice rang through the graveyard. I smirked slightly and tilted my head in the direction of the voice.
A giant black wolf bounded in my direction. He was the size of a full grown horse.
"Hi, Abel." I said with a tinge of sadness in my voice.
I turned back and started to dig into the dirt in front of my tombstone.
"Mh? Alazar what are you doing?" Abel nudged his nose into my neck. I chuckled pushing his wet nose away.
"I have business to attend too Abel." I said curtly, my voice turning rather cold. It wasn't on purpose but the job came first, being nice to talking wolves came second.
He tilted his head to one side. I couldn't help but smile.
My hands were getting caked with dirt and grass.
"Come on.." I grumbled. I knew I didn't bury it this far down.
Finally, my fingers touched the aged leather bound cover of the journal White Suit gave me on my tenth birthday.
I read it once, that was enough for me. Knowledge was easy for me to obtain, remember, and analyze. Ever since that day.
I pulled it from the dirt and plopped down next to my tombstone.
Abel growled, his hair standing on end.
"Why is that here?" He growled lowering his head, getting ready to attack.
I was taken back.
"Abel, calm down. I have to read this okay? You can go back in the forest if you wish but I have to do this." My voice wavered. I was unsure why I had to but, I knew it would probably make things right.
I opened the cover, It had my name scribbled in the front corner. I sighed opening to the first page, which was the first chapter.
I rubbed my temples in aggravation, a headache began to surface.
The first chapter was about a prophets duty, skipped that.
I flipped to the second chapter.
Which was all about heaven, the laws the angels follow and how to open the gates. Skipped that.
I flipped to the third chapter.
I paused, lingering. I gently rubbed the worn page.
" Hell cannot open."
Very inviting first line dontcha think?
I flipped to the fourth chapter.
Before I could even read the first word the ground began to shake violently.
"A-A-ALAZAR? WHAT IS HAPPENING?" Abel's ears flattened and he lowered his head searching. I stood up searching.
"Abel run!!" I yelled running towards the gates.
Abel disappeared in a puff of black of smoke. I rolled my eyes groaning he never listens. Whenever he did that he reverted to his puppy form. He scurried into a hole in my tombstone.
"God damn it!"I yelled jumping over cracks forming in the ground, the closer I got to the gates the worse it got. I looked up at the gates and saw something I never thought I would.
My family, they were trying to get into the graveyard.
The gates were shut and they were sealed. Every Sunday it was this way. It never was a problem because everyone would be at church. Sunday was god's day so the dead would be judged once more to see where their souls would be sent too. I just made sure no one came in. But this.. this was something else the graveyard never reacted this way to people trying to come inside.
I froze, I was three rows away from the gates. I just stared.
My father, my mother and my three brothers, Sebastian, Salazar and Alaric. A bright blonde long haired women with bright sky blue eyes stood close to Sebastian holding a little girl in her arms, who was a spitting image of Sebastian. Adrian was also there, along with his right hand Damien. Even Death was there.
I couldn't breathe the graveyard stopped shaking, groaning and cracking. The air was still, with deadly anticipation.
My eyes stung with the threat of tears. 12 years, they didn't visit me for twelve years.
Anger started to boil once more, my heart constricted it felt as if a tombstone was dropped on my chest.
I couldn't move even if I wanted too I couldn't.
"Daddy, why isn't the gates opening?" the little brown haired girl whimpered sucking her thumb, twirling a strand of her mothers blonde hair.
Sebastian sighed rubbing the back of his head sighing.
"I-I don't know honey."
She was Sebastian's daughter.
"It's been a while Alazar." A deep voice echoed through the graveyard. The trees began to sway violently, I heard the roaring of the waves slamming against the cliff in anger. The graveyard groaned warning me to go no further.
Death. I met his hell fire gaze.
I met the eyes of my family. One by one I saw emotions flicker in their eyes. Guilt, surprise, tears began to bloom.
"A-Alazar baby? is that you?" My mother croaked covering her mouth as tears began to spill over.
"Uncle Alawar!" The little girl squealed. I had to giver her credit she tried.
"H-How.." my father drifted off staring at me.
Hatred boiled in my soul. I walked down to the gates slowly, gripping the book till the whites of my knuckles showed.
Adrian stared at me in shock and happiness glittered in his eyes. He was my teacher, I never thought I would've missed seeing him.
"A-Alazar... open the gate." My big brother Salazar chuckled nervously smiling tears streaming down his face.
I couldn't help but smile, my smile grew the more they cried.
I reached for the gates, they all took a step back with excitement and tears of joy.
I shook the gates to make sure they were still locked. Their sad smiles melted into confusion.
I held onto the gates sighing.
"You all think that I.. I would let you in here? You didn't visit me for 12 years." my voice wavered with anger and sadness.
"A-Alza-" My other big brother Sebastian started.
"Shut it" I hissed in anger.
"As far as I'm concerned you are all just annoying people coming to visit a dead son." I shoved the gates and turned my back to them.
"The graveyard is closed. Leave." I snarled starting up the hill.
"Abel!" I summoned he appeared by my side.
"ALAZAR! WAIT!" My father yelled after me, I heard the gates rattle behind me.
"If they get in Abel, attack." I hissed walking up further. He just sat there and nodding. Heading down the hill.
I blocked out their calls, my heart began to break and a single bloody tear slide down my cheek.