A hat, short brimmed, covering round reflective sunglasses. The world was outside. Earbud of nirvana and a blue shacket. The world is outside. Where do I go? I can’t go out there. I have no words or expressions to share. Even the eyes have no response to the weights and expectations of the passing faces. Where to go? Home is here, home is far away. Doesn’t matter. The heart isn’t here. A sneeze to the left. There’s something real. Now it’s gone. Impermanence. Anything to keep is a goal you’ll never score.111Please respect copyright.PENANAB5BDPsc2MH
I am thousands. Thousands of faces, thousands of words, thousands of people.. they’re alone too. No staying, no leaving. You don’t want to. There is no healing, there is no breaking. Up or down, you’re nothing. You’re everything. The past chases as the future flees. Home is now, but nothing is present. Where to feel. Sit
A baby rabbit falls between the rusted grates of your storm gutter. You reach down to help it and see the hell in her eyes. Snap. Peace.
Why do we survive other than to grasp our illusions. We’ve lived in the storm gutter, but no one is finding us. Find your own peace. Alone.