Ember awoke the next day shivering under the poor excuse for a blanket on the floor of Echo’s tent. The sun was shining through the flaps and Ember squinted her eyes to try and avoid it, After a moment, though, she knew she couldn’t fall back asleep. Sighing she stood and realized Echo was already up and about.
She grabbed her blanket and wrapped it around herself before stepping out of the tent and into the day. People seemed to be milling about everywhere, bustling about. There were a few fires going for warmth and on the outskirts of the makeshift camp there seemed to be a few training sessions going on. People practicing their powers on targets and others that were sparring. A few children seemed to be living in the camp and sat in a group with a woman giving them reading lessons
“Look who decided to wake up.”
Ember turned to see Ellison walking up to her, wide, innocent smile across his face.
“Yeah. Long day and all that shit.” Ember looked back over to the children learning to read and felt a sharp pain at the fact that these children could read and she couldn’t. At all. “Children in a war camp. Safe.”
Ellison rolled his eyes. “Like they’d ever get near anything dangerous. We have methods to protect our healers and children from The Ravens.”
“Oh, is that what we call the militant powerless?”
“What? No. They have powers. They just think we should sit down and let humans lead.”
Ember gave him a sidelong glance. “Why? I mean, I know I’m just a human, but why the hell would you all just sit back and let us rule?”
“I don’t know. None of us do. Some people are just crazy I guess.”
“So, how exactly do you plan to ‘take over the world’?” Ember started walking, holding the blanket tightly around her as Ellison walked alongside her. He gave her a glance and smirked.
“Yeah, I’m not going to tell you that. No offense of anything, but I don’t trust you.”
Ellison laughed. “Sorry, kid.”
“This is a huge camp. How do y’all travel?”
“Do you see that guy over there?” Ellison pointed to a rather large man with shaggy brown hair and a beard that was just as unkempt and dirty looking. Ember wrinkled up her nose.
“The dirty looking one?”
“Yeah. That one. He can open these portal things.”
“Why don’t you just open one where you want to go?”
“Well, the more people we have to transport the shorter he can take us and the longer it takes between jumps.”
“Why not go in small groups?”
“Oh, we do. Still takes a lot of effort.”
Ember frowned. “Would have been a really cool power, too, if not for all the fucking limitations.”
Ellison laughed again. “Oh, Zane’s over there. I need ta talk to him about something. Talk to you later!”
Ember watched as he walked away, cocking her head to the side and admiring his backside as he moved. ‘Damn. That man is fucking gorgeous.’
“You’re not his type.”
Ember turned to see Echo standing behind her and flushed at being caught.
“Yeah, yeah I know. Too young.”
“Nah, female.” Echo winked at Ember.
Ember looked over Echo in surprise. “What?”
“He likes men.”
“Damn it. Here I thought the only obstacle was me needing to age faster. Turns out I’d have to grow a dick, too.”
Echo laughed at that, before looking a little annoyed with herself. “Well, that and he is taken.”
“My god, why the hell is he so hard to get? Who took him?”
Ember’s jaw dropped. “No way.”
Ember looked over where Ellison and Zane were standing together and talking, looking one hundred percent professional. If anything Zane seemed irritated.
“They don’t act like a couple.”
“Yeah, Zane is very private and Ellison respects that. But, they’re together.”
Ember sighed. “Guess I should probably just try and get over my little crush then.”
“Everyone has a crush on Ellison.” Echo clapped a hand onto Ember’s shoulder. “So, you’re fine.”
“You seem nicer today.”
“You seem less obnoxious.”
“Hmph.” They were silent for a moment, before Ember asked, “What’s your power, Echo?”
“Oh, me? I manipulate the earth.”
“So, kind of like Zane’s telepathy except for limited and shitty.”
Echo whacked Ember over her head. Ember grit her teeth together and clenched her fists hard. It’s not that it hurt but she’d sworn no one was ever going to lay their hands on her again. Not if they wanted to get out alive.
“To a degree. But I can also make plants grow, reform it, and make it when none is there. Which, I’d like to remind you, is better than nothing. Which what you have.”
Ember did her best to keep the smirk off of her face.
Echo continued speaking after a moment. “Why are you even here? Why do you give a shit? You realize the new world will suck ass for you. You have no powers which just naturally makes you little more than an animal now that humans have began to move further into evolution. An ape that can talk.”
“I know what the winning side is and I want to be on it.”
“So, if we don’t pull through you’ll switch?”
Ember shrugged. “No one trusts me anyways. Besides, where will I go?”
“Where’s that?”
“I don’t know. I’m not you.”
Ember shrugged and pulled the blanket tighter around herself as a cold breeze blew past.
“Are you cold?” Echo looked concerned for a moment.
“No, I enjoy standing out in the freezing snow with just a blanket and light clothes.”
“Oh, that’s too bad. I was going to offer you some of my winter stuff, but if you’re alright…”
“Oh, well, I suppose I wouldn’t mind it.”
“No, no, you said you enjoy the cold.”
“Haha. That was sarcasm stupid.”
“Oh, now you’re being mean to me? Definitely no warm clothes for you now.”
“Come on, Echo.”
“Say please.”
“Please stop being a bitch.”
Echo gave her a look.
“Fine. You win. Please may I borrow some clothes?”
“Why, of course dear roommate.”
The dark skinned girl grabbed Echo’s pale hand in her’s and led her back to her tent, before pulling out a duffel bag. She threw a pair of sweatpants, a sweater, a jacket, a scarf, and a hat at Ember, who quickly stripped down to change.
“Woah, woah! You’re not even gonna let me leave first?” Echo cried, seeing the blonde standing in her underwear.
Ember looked down, feeling slightly cold with only her bra and panties for coverage, but the tent wasn’t as cold as outside and if it made Echo uncomfortable it would be worth it. She placed a hand on her hip and leaned over, popping out her hip and breasts.
“What, do boobs scare you?”
“Boobs don’t scare me. I just don’t want to see yours.”
“Why not?”
“Ugh! Just put some clothes on for the love of god!”
Ember chuckled as she watched Echo leave the room flustered, before pulling on the clothes Echo lent her. They were huge on her, which was predictable as Echo had a few inches on her.
She stepped out of the tent, only to be stopped by the large, dirty looking man that was apparently in charge of moving locations. His hand landed on her shoulder and held her in place.
“I see you’re new.” His voice was as gruff and rough as the rest of him, managing to actually scare Ember a fair amount.
“Uh, yeah. I am.”
“What’s your power, girl?”
“Ah, er, no power.”
“Yeah, um, no power. I’m just, well, normal.”
“Are you suggesting we’re abnormal?”
“No, no! That’s not what I meant.”
“Then why’d you say it?”
“Well, um, ya see, when I was little my dad died—”
“I don’t wanna fucking sob story.”
“It’s not! See, my dad was powerless but my mom was telepathic and she raised me and she and I thought she was the only person with a power around and, so, uh, I thought up until recently it was normal to not have powers.”
“That’s awfully arrogant. And what about her parents?”
“Well, one, who the hell assumes they’re the only one in the entire world that has a certain trait? And if she had powers her parents should have, too. It’s a genetic thing.”
“She was an orphan.”
“Where’s she now?”
“Ya know, the new world won’t be easy for you. Zane has a lot of ideations about humanity and how they’re like children and need to be cared for. Most don’t buy into that, though.”
“So I’ve heard.”
“You seem to be awfully accepting of that.”
“What am I supposed to do?”
“Fight for your rights?”
Ember shrugged. “Too much work, not enough payoff.”
“Hmph. Well, we're moving on today—“
The man was cut off by the sounds of alarms blaring. Ember covered her ears, looking around in shock at the sudden noise.
“Fuck!” the man cursed loudly. Ember spun and looked around, watching as the camp came to life. People were running around. There were screams, yelling, commands and what looked like total chaos. Groups of other people were rushing into the camp from every direction. Powers were being used and Ember heard people scream and fall.
Ember jumped as flames licked at her feet There was a man standing yards away from her and the portal man. He dashed for Ember and the man with her, casting flames from his hands as he did. Her eyes grew wide, feeling true, intense fear the first time in her life. She flexed her hand, ready to reveal her power if need be. Just as the fire wielder went to strike and just as quickly, the portal man opened a portal, one right in front of him and Ember and the other side behind the fire wielder. His fire went through the portal and then out the other end, frying him in his steps.
Damn. Maybe that power wasn't as useless as Ember thought it was. Portal guy grabbed Ember’s hand and started dragging her to the center of camp.
“What's going on?!” Ember yelled over the noise of battle as she stumbled to keep up with him.
“No fucking shit!”
“You really think now's the time to talk!”
Ember pursed her lips, unwilling to admit he had a point.
“Why'd you save me?!”
He stayed silent and continued pulling her, before shoving her over into a group with small children in the center of camp, the farthest away from the action. “Stay there!”
“I'm not a child!”
“You may as well be!”
“Fuck you!”
“Watch you're goddamned mouth in front of the tots!” With that, he ran off.
“What the hell is a tot?” Ember muttered to herself as she looked around at the children around her.
“We’re tots,” a small boy said.
“Of course you are.”
“Who’re you?” one of the girls asked.
“I’m Ember.”
“That’s a weird name.”
Ember made a face. ‘Children are annoying.’ She sighed before lowering herself to the ground and sitting. No need to stand if she didn’t have to. One of the girls came over and sat down on her lap and hugged around her neck.
“Miss Em’er, is ever’thing gonna be okay?”
“I don’t know.”
“You’re a grown up. You s’possed to know.”
“I’m not really a grown up.”
“You look grown up.”
“Why are you here? All the other big people are fighting,” one of the little boys asked, coming up and taking a seat on her other knee as fellow children came up and sat around her as well.
“Well, uh, I can’t fight and so I’m on babysitting duty I guess.”
“Why can’t you fight?” one of the turds asked, looking up at her with his so-not-cute eyes.“Is it cause you’re not a grown up?”
“No, um, it’s cause I don’t have any powers.”
One of the boys gasped, throwing his hands to his mouth and the others looked just as shocked.
“Why not?”
“Well, I just don’t.”
“Why are you here then?”
“I don’t really have anywhere else to be.”
“Why not?”
“I just don’t!”
“What about your parents?”
“I don’t have any.”
“Like miss Echo?”
“Uh, I guess.”
Ember looked away from the children, watching the chaos unfolding around her. Screams and yells were heard from every direction. Elements were being flung around, people flew about and crashed into the ground. Blood splayed out and coated the ground around, making Ember feel sick to her stomach.
In the center of camp they seemed to be pretty safe. Everything was happening on the outskirts and the fight was trying to work itself inr, but seemed to be failing.
Ember looked around at the children once more, feeling strangely protective. Not a one of them looked a day over ten and yet here they were seeing skulls crack against the ground, bursting open, hearing people screaming as they burned alive, and watching people’s lives being snuffed out all around,
Not on her watch.
“Come in close,” she said softly to them and they huddled in. She raised her arms up in a hug and had them all come in to her, piling up on her lap and on top of each other as best they could. She held them all and told them to keep their eyes closed. They didn’t need to see the gore.
Eventually, after hours of screams, death, and violence, everything got quiet. Ember looked up and around, seeing how the fighting appeared to have stopped. The snow was littered in ash and blood. Smoke rose from the ashes, clearing the work of the fire wielder. People were still screaming in pain.
She stood, the children rising with her as she did so. They’d managed to come out on top. Healers rushed to the field and loved ones searched each other out.
As parents came to start grabbing children, Ember figured that was her cue to go ahead and leave. She slipped away and made her way back to the tent she and Echo shared. It was the only place she could think to go to. She didn’t expect Echo to actually be there.
“Oh, hi,” Ember greeted as she came in. Echo was standing and ridding herself of her shirt. She groaned as she raised her arms up to remove the offending garment. She gasped sharply after a moment and froze.
“What are you doing here?” Echo’s voice was strained and she was clearly hurting.
“Here,” Ember said, helping with the shirt. “What are you doing?” she asked once the shirt was removed and the oh-so modest Echo stood before her in just a bra and pants.
“I fell down. Trying to see the damage.”
“A magical battle ensues between warring groups and you hurt yourself by… falling down?”
“Shut up.”
“You need some help?”
“Are you sure?”
“I’m sure.”
Ember shrugged and sat herself down on Echo’s cot, watching and Echo struggled with finding and treating the source of pain. After a moment, Echo cried out in pain and about fell down. Ember jumped up and went to catch Echo before she fell down all the way.
“Fine, you can help me, I suppose.”
Ember led Echo over to the cot and had her sit down. Echo grimaced and grabbed her side, tears welling up as she bent down to sit.
“Why don’t you let the healer help?”
“I don’t like the way it feels.”
“Oh, so you do like the pain? Bit of a masochist, yeah?”
“Just shut up and fix me.”
“Bossy little masochist,” Ember mumbled as she knelt down next to where Echo sat and looked at the area she was favoring so heavily. The right side of her ribcage was starting to bruise up and would surely only get worse. Ember ran her fingers over the area and Echo gasped from the contact.
“Does it hurt to breathe?”
“Probably cracked ribs. Maybe broken.”
“Well, what are you gonna do?”
“Nothing to do. Not supposed to wrap them. Take some pain meds and wait or go talk to the healer.”
“That’s it?”
“Mm-hmm,” Ember hummed as she stood up. She wasn’t really sure about what she’d just told Echo, but she hoped it was right. She’d had a few damaged ribs when she’d been living with her mother. At the time she’d researched what to do, but she didn’t quite remember everything she’d read.
“... Thanks, Em.”768Please respect copyright.PENANAdtNeoU5TZO