It was a normal day- him and his best friend had both gone to his house after a long day of school- but something was off. And he was going to get to the bottom of it.
Not just today, but for quite a while, his best friend had been… off. He’d been sighing a lot, he’d had a confused look on his face constantly, and he was constantly daydreaming. He’d always wanted to know what was going on in his head, but now he wanted to know more than ever.
Even now, as he sat on the carpet watching the TV with him, his brow was creased with confusion.
It somewhat angered him. Whenever his best friend was feeling uncertain about whatever, the had a pact that they would always go to each other to talk about anything, no matter how embarrassing. Were they drifting apart?
He too was not paying attention to the sitcom that was currently playing. He was too interested in person beside him. How his face contorted at different moments, how his arms would come undone and then come back together seconds later, how his eyes would occasionally flit up to the coloured lights of the television, how those amber eyes danced with thoughts.
It was a while until his friend snapped out his thoughts and noticed the sidewards glance the other was giving him. The amber bubbled, and that cocky smirk -that seemed to only show itself while they were alone- appeared on his face.
“This is new- you love this show.” He said- It was true, this room had once been dedicated to merchandise of the crappy cartoon that was currently airing. He hadn’t even noticed the show had changed. “Found something better?”
As per usual, he was embarrassed. The two of them were daydreamers, even though the other had no shame when it came to escaping into a dreamland. Although this time, he was certain his face wasn’t going red just because he’d been caught staring mindlessly.
He straightened against the side of the single bed, maybe in an attempt to dispel the blush by moving. “Maybe I have. You’re acting weird, why?”
“Hmm? How so?” He arched an eyebrow and leaned his side on the bed.
“Well, you’ve been, I dunno,” he waved his hands in the air, as if sorting through words in an invisible cloud that had materialised in that spot. “You’ve been sighing. And you haven’t been paying attention to anything. You’re not like normal.”
His liquid amber eyes flashed once again. He realised he couldn’t take his eyes off of his. “I’ve just been thinking about… Stuff.”
“Important stuff?”
He sighed again, and he cast his eyes down. “I guess.”
He paused, and as he indirectly gazed into that amber magma he contemplated. And soon, he came to somewhat of a conclusion as to what might be troubling the boy next to him. “Are you… In love?”
He saw his ears turn a shade of rose red- funnily enough, that was how the other blushed, and it was oddly cute. He tried to play off his obvious embarrassment “I guess you could say that.”
Now things were getting interesting. “Oh really? Who’s the lucky girl?” He grinned.
He got real close, the warmth of the other’s hands heating up his thighs. His voice was hushed, and the amber streams promised lust. “You really want to know?” The smirk returned.
Almost reluctantly, he nodded.
One of the warm hands was removed from his leg, and went to caress his face. “You.” And the moment of suspense was sealed with a kiss.