1,002 miles, from California to our new home, well my old childhood town of Port Angeles, Washington. My feelings about the move were a mix of excited and sad, sad I was leaving the few friends I made and the fact we were moving once again. But excited because my mom told me they were thinking of making this our final move. My dad and older brother, Silas were already up at the new house and were hopefully unpacking. My mom has some song on the radio from an old band she liked as a teen which I didn’t mind. I focused my eyes on a faded sticker on her dashboard that looked like some kind of cat or maybe a dog but couldn’t distinguish it. I then looked out the window to see nothing but dense forest of tall trees and a fog that was slowly rolling in. The sky above was dark even though it was only 1 in the afternoon and the rain which was merely droplets before, had become almost a downpour. Even though we were almost surrounded by trees the rain still covered the car causing my mom to turn the windshield wipers on.
We had an hour left in this too-long road trip with my mom and we were both too exhausted from the drive. I plug my earplugs in, the somber music ringing in my ears. Befitting of the current environmental mood while I stared out of the window at the forest with rain pouring outside. I zoned out with each passing second, envisioning myself in that forest right now just enjoying the rain. One of the few types of weather I loved well besides the snow, I was never one to like the heat so maybe this would be a good change for me. 7 years since I’ve been to my childhood hometown, wondering how much has changed since I last lived there. Even though I had lived an hour from there in Forks for a few years, I’ve never been back and wondered what happened to the few friends I had there. I came back from zoning out to notice my mom beginning to stop the car I noticed a few feet away was a huge sign.
The City of Forks Welcomes You
It was a wood sign that was painted a darkish green with the words in white only Forks was slanted besides a wooden picture. It was circular with a picture of what looked like a logging truck, river and ocean, a tree some mountains, and a lone white fish. Seeing that sign brought back the memories of when I lived here during my preteen years, it’s been 2 years since I’ve been back. I remember one friend I had in Forks his name was Ashton. Ashton was the first person to befriend me when I moved to Forks even though I was a quiet shy kid he helped me get out of my shell a little. My mind wandered now wondering what happened to him after I left or if he even still lived there. My mom got out of the car I got out with her thinking she wanted to stretch her legs out which was something I needed. I breathed in the cold forest air it was a nice feeling compared to the city of California though I shivered a little from the cold air. Even though I had my hoodie on I could still feel the cold air as the wind hit my body. My mom stood a few feet away from the sign while looking down at her phone while I stood by the car. I waited a few minutes not exactly sure what my mom was doing or even what she had planned. I leaned against the car with my hood up as rain droplets covered the top of it, the rain had slowed down to almost a sprinkle.
“Annabel?” My mom asked me.
“Yeah, mom?”
“I want to take a picture for the photo album, go stand in front of the sign for me, please.”
I nodded then began walking over to the sign not realizing how big it was until I was inches away from it. I stood in the middle of the sign because I didn’t quite know where my mom wanted me to stand. She lifted her phone and motioned for me to move a little to the right until I was to the side of the sign. The wooden picture to the right of me, my mom moving further back to get the full sign, and me as well. She smiled at me then held the phone up I smiled not sure when she was planning on snapping a picture. A few minutes went by of me just standing next to the sign smiling. My cheeks began to hurt but finally, my mom put down her phone which signified she took the picture. We began walking back to the car but I had a strange feeling that something was watching me from behind. I quickly turned around to just see the forest just empty forest but as soon as I turned my back the feeling was there once again. I ignored it thinking I was probably just being paranoid, opening the door then getting inside the same seat I was in for the past few hours. Soon we were back on the road driving through Forks seeing some of the places that they put in as well as the places there when I lived here. My mom pulled the car into a gas station to fill up before the last leg of our moving trip, I got out of the car and grabbed my bag from the floor.
“Hey, Mom I’m going to go check out the town and stretch my legs.”
Mom made a small noise to me like she was saying it was ok since she was preoccupied with the gas pump. I slung my bag around my arm before walking down the sidewalk keeping my phone in my pocket in case my mom called me. I passed by a few stores mostly clothing stores or the occasional camping supply store. I noticed a small diner up ahead and decided to go inside to have an actual meal that didn’t consist of toaster pastries and gas station pizza. I pushed the door open hearing the bell that hung above the door ring loudly alerting everyone I was there. The diner was one of those that you could just go to a table yourself so that’s what I did. I went to a booth set my bag on the seat and slide into the seat next to my bag before sighing with relief. I sat there a few minutes before I was greeted by a waitress, she was around my mom’s age with red hair in a sort of beehive hairstyle. She handed me a menu before noticing another customer that needed her help. The smell that filled the air was a mix of coffee, sausage, butter and waffles all the things that reminded me of good home memories. Memories of waking up on weekend morning to the smell of waffles and maple syrup and to come downstairs to see my mom in the kitchen. She always wore this pink and white plaid apron whenever she cooked it was similar to the one the waitress was wearing though hers was red instead of pink.
“Have you made a decision sweetie?” She asked me.
I looked up to see the waitress had suddenly appeared in front of me I began to wonder how long I was zoned out for and quickly looked at the menu. It took me a few minutes to find what I wanted which were blueberry waffles with maple syrup and chocolate milk. She smiled at me before taking the menu and heading back, I was happy with my choice as it was something I’d always get. Whenever I lived here we’d come to a diner similar to this one for breakfast if my mom couldn’t make us it. That was my go to when I was a kid but as I grew up and got even more self conscious I started eating less and less. But this was a big change for me, our possible final move deserves a reward so screw it. I grabbed my phone to text my mom that I was in a diner as well as invite her for breakfast, my treat of course. Before we moved I had a summer job as a waitress for some fast food place that offered car side service saved most of my money from that job. My parents set up a bank account for me even set up direct deposit and let me have a debit card to spend the money I got for working. So far I had around four thousand dollars in my bank right now due to the fact I didn’t really spend much. A few minutes went by before the front door bell rang though I noticed no one cared about the noise. I hear my mom’s cough as she found me sitting in the booth and joined me, smiling at me a strand of her blonde hair sitting on her face. My mom always had long hair like down to her back it was a beautiful golden blonde color and her hair was wavy. But with this move she decided a change would be good for her which resulted in her chopping her hair to a now chin length. Her hair still retained it’s wavy look and it fit her more than her long hair did and I think she loved her new look.
“What’d you get sweetie?”
“Blueberry waffles and chocolate milk.”
“Your got your childhood breakfast? I remember you’d always beg me and your dad to take you to Sonny’s for his waffles. I wonder if that little diner is still around.”
The waitress noticed my mom almost like she knew her personally though I didn’t recognize her face though it looked oddly familiar to me. She went back to the kitchen for a few minutes I grabbed my phone and looked at it for a few minutes. A new text from an unknown number I didn’t even bother to read it before blocking the number as it was probably my ex, Carter. I didn’t even notice the waitress was standing besides me and looked up at her. She wasn’t alone she brought a tall boy who had a neatly trimmed short beard and dark brown hair that was lazily swept back. The man looked familiar too but couldn’t put my finger on it though his eyes looked like someone I knew but then I got to his nose. It was my old friend Ashton how I knew was cause he had a mole on the tip of his nose that was always recognizable. It’s been 2 years since I lived here but yet Ashton changed so much since then, he seemed taller finally grew facial hair. But then here I sat same mid-length black hair that curled at the ends, same pale skin that made me look like a ghost. Only difference was I gained more weight and was 225lbs and very self-conscious. I averted my eyes to not seem like I was staring at him and began feeling my cheeks get red. What the hell was happening to me, why am I blushing after seeing Ashton. I shook my head before smiling at the both of them in a friendly way trying to act normal.
“See Ashton, I told you it was them.” She pointed out.
“Yes, mom.” He muttered.
“Oh my god….Cheryl is that you? God it feels like ages since we last talked, I thought you worked at Sonny’s though?” My mom asked her.
“Oh yeah, I did till Sonny’s went belly up last year. Luckily I got a job here and even get to work with my son.”
“I wish we came down here before just for one last Sonny’s breakfast. But you remember my daughter, Annabel right?”
“Gosh, look how much she’s grown. Still growing your hair out, do you have a boyfriend sweetie?”
“Mom!” He exclaimed.
“What, Ashton? I was just asking. I mean with the way things are going with you and Bailey you might be single too.”
“I have to get back to work.”
Ashton walked away from our booth going back behind the counter and into the kitchen door while my mom and his mom began conversing with each other. They reminisced about the old days when we lived here as well as what they were up to since then. They seemed focused on each other for what felt like hours but was only a few minutes. She took my mom’s order before heading back to the kitchen and then dealing with other customers. My mom pulled out her purse looking through it for something before pulling out her personal organizer, which consisted of a calendar pens and pencils. She mainly used that one for her job though she added a new calendar for this upcoming move I guess she forgot to leave the calendar. The expression on her face was that of someone who meant to do something but forgot and just realized. She quickly grabbed her phone her fingers quickly tapping on the screen for what I could only assume was her messaging her old assistant or coworker about the calendar. By the time she had finished typing the waitress was already back with our food handing my mom hers first before mine. The waffles were a light golden color with small specks of dark blue in random spots there were three on the pristine white plate with a blue line going around the inside. It was covered in maple syrup and to compliment it was a medium-sized glass cup of cold chocolate milk. While my mom got two eggs cooked on both sides but the yolk was still runny, two pieces of toast with butter and grape jelly and 2 sausage links. Which was complimented by a coffee with 2 creamers and 2 sugars, her go-to.
We finished our food but my mom wanted to stay to chat with Ashton’s mom before we left for the road once again. I grabbed my bag before scooting out of the booth telling my mom I’d explore the town a little before we left. To which she waved her hand while continuing her conversation I smiled and left some money on the table to pay for our food. I walked out the door walking a few steps before something caught my arm from the side pulling me to the side of the diner. I jumped a little not knowing who the hell grabbed me or whether I’d have to fight, which sadly had no skill in. I looked in front of me to see Ashton, wearing a tight short sleeved white shirt and a white apron wrapped around his waist. He ran his hand through his hand the scene had so much awkward tension you could cut it with a knife as we both just stood there in silence. A few minutes pass before anyone speaks even then it was mainly ‘Hi’ and ‘How are you?’ normal things you’d say to strangers. A few more minutes passed by, the awkward silence only getting worse the longer we stood there. I couldn’t believe that the man in front of me who used to be a skinny an inch or two taller than me had become this. He was way taller than me and from what I could tell he had developed muscles while keeping his thin frame.
“So…..what’s bring you back to Forks?” He asked.
“We are just passing through while on the way to our new house.”
“Oh? Where’s this new house?”
“Port Angeles.”
“Back to your childhood town, Bella?” He teased.
“Yep, too bad Forks isn’t my hometown though. I miss the weather here.”
“I mean you could always visit.”
He gave me the nickname Bella due to the fact I was obsessed with the Twilight movies as a kid. He smiled at me sweetly which caused me to blush bright red which on my pale face was extremely noticeable. That smile though, that brought me back to when I lived here. Hanging out with Ashton on the beach even though it was too cold to go swimming we still hung out, sitting on a piece of driftwood talking about our dreams. He’d always tell me how he envisioned himself getting out of Forks, traveling the world enjoying life. I smiled back at him, I couldn’t believe I got a chance to reunited with Ashton, I missed these good memories with him. We began walking down the street just talking, reminiscing of our childhood memories both the happy and sad times. He talked about the time someone put the principal’s boxers on the flagpole while they rose and waved in the wind. I revealed that it was a going away present I left for Forks before we moved.
We ended up stopping in front of a store that was themed around the Twilight movies, I loved those movies which Ashton knew so we decided to go inside. The inside of the store was around medium-sized full of everything Twilight related, clothing, dolls, perfume, as well as bumper stickers and stickers. I began browsing through the clothing finding a cute hoodie with the words ‘Forks Bites’ on the front, the perfume, and a few posters. I looked around some more noticing that Ashton was nowhere to be seen thinking maybe he left and thought I was too weird. I passed by a cardboard cutout of a character hearing a voice from behind me to which I looked back and saw nothing but the cutout. I got closer to it listening closely to it when suddenly someone jumps out from behind, I jumped a little closing my eyes. Just to open them to see Ashton bursting out with laughter.
“I’m sorry, Bella. But that was pretty funny, you were so scared.”
“Same old Ashton, you used to do this to me as a kid.”
“So what did you get, Bella? Any merch of your boyfriend, Eddy Cullen?”
“No, just normal stuff like artistic posters. Though I did get a perfume.”
“As a welcome back gift, I’ll buy something for you…..only catch is I don’t want you to know what it is till you get to your new house, deal?”
He reaches out his hand towards me waiting for my hand to join his, which after scaring me I left him hanging for a few seconds before I shook it. Immediately after I shook his hand he disappeared into the store leaving me by the Edward Cullencutout. I stood there for a few minutes not really sure what to do or if I should either stay here or go outside and wait for him. The thought began running through my mind of what I should do, scenarios playing in my head usually ones that ended with a negative outcome. One that always came into my head was the one where I’d go outside, while Ashton is inside wondering where I went and If I just left without a word. The other is staying then Ashton goes out thinking I was outside and thinking I left. I was stuck in a limbo of negative thinking when I felt a tap on my shoulder, turning around to see Ashton. He was holding a tote bag with the Twilight logo on it the bag looked full to the brim which was not at all what I was expecting. I was more so expecting maybe one or two items at most but not a whole tote bag full of mystery items. He smiled while carrying the bag besides me all the way back to the diner where my mom hopefully was. We go to the door when I noticed my mom’s car in the parking lot ahead of us. Ashton follows me to the car helping me with my new items by putting the mystery tote in the back seat and putting a seat belt on it. He closes the door then smiles at me and opening my door.
“I miss these times with you, Bella. We should definitely do this again in the future.”
“I’d love to.”
“Good, Welcome back to Washington, Anna.”
I smiled at him as he closed my door smiling at me some more as my mom pulled out of the parking lot and down the road. I turned back to see Ashton waving goodbye to me and just couldn’t help but blush like crazy. One thing I never expected from this move was to reunite with old friends especially Ashton this only made me wonder who else I’d reunite with. There were some people I’d love to reunite with then there were some I’d rather never reunite with and honestly regretted ever meeting. But this meeting with Ashton made me even more excited about this move which began to even out the nervousness I had about this move. I sat back in my seat just smiling as we made our way out of Forks, the dense forest all around us again though this time the rain was slowed down to less than a sprinkle. My head pressed lightly on the window as I looked into the forest seeing small animals such as rabbit, squirrels even the occasion deer. I envisioned what it would be like to live in the forest almost like camping but forever just living off the land enjoying the nature. Maybe living in a house in the tree built from my own two hands and just relaxing living a carefree life. That was my dream as of right now to just live in the woods, writing, drawing and taking photographs of the animals and nature around me. Though it may not seem like a realistic dream to have but I didn’t care I wanted to achieve that no matter what.
With this move I had a few hopes, the first was that I’d try to be more social and make new friends. Second was to figure out my future goals such as college and all that then finally learn new skills that’d help with my dream. The first goal might be a little bit harder due to the fact I get very anxious around people then begin to overthink. Which ends up biting me in the ass at the end, but that’ll be another goal, to better myself in a mental way and a health way. I kept looking out the window a soft acoustic song playing on the radio as we drove on the song was relaxing. Almost too relaxing as my eye began to get heavy occasionally closing until my head leaned forward and I jerked it back waking myself up again. This continued on and on until I couldn’t fight it anymore and just leaned back with my pillow on the door laying my head down on it and falling asleep. I wasn’t asleep for long when my mom suddenly stopped the car jerking me back in my seat scaring me half to death. I looked in front of us to see what looked like a mama black bear and following behind her were two small cubs. The mama looked straight at us the headlights illuminating her black fur, the cub didn’t even notice their mom had stopped. They were play fighting with each other swiping each other with their paws and pouncing on one another. I slowly grabbed my camera to take a picture steadying my hands to get the perfect shot and got it. I took a few more pictures just to be safe because it was the first time ever seeing a black bear out in the wild especially one with cubs. As soon as I put my camera away the mother bear turned towards the forest and continued on her way the cubs following behind still play fighting.
Me and my mom didn’t say a word the rest of the trip just listening to the music on the radio while I tried going back to sleep but was no use. I grabbed the camera again to look at the newly taken photos which most were good except for one that looks like some type of blur that went across the photo. That was odd as I didn’t really have shaky hands and none of the previous photos had this blur on it. Maybe it was a one off chance of a glitch or something, but thankfully the rest of the photos were fine. I put the camera back in my bag leaning back in my seat as I got myself comfortable. Minutes went by that felt like hours but we were almost at the new house, in a few minutes we’d be there. Then finally I could unwind and lay down in my own bed to relax, only issue was school was set to start the next day or I think the day after that. I wasn’t really ready to start my 11thyear in a new school with kids who had grown up together and went to school together. I’d be an outsider in my own hometown, a place I was born in and lived till I was 10 years old. I breathed in deeply as we got closer and closer to our new home which luckily was in town as well as a 5 minute drive to the school. My mom drove down a neighborhood road while I searched for the house wondering which one it will be as this will be the first time seeing the house.