Now, when it comes to building your own fantasy world, you'll want to have an initial plan for your world, and think of the time it's set in. If your fantasy world is in the far future, you might want to think of the cities and places your characters will encounter. Of course, it may be a bit to early to be thinking about your characters, so it'd likely be a better idea to just come up with ideas for what your fantasy world will be like. There are many different types of fantasy worlds you could use for your story, which can make world-building for you a bit complicated.
While I understand that first paragraph was a bit weird, I'm just going to hope this next one is a bit more understandable.
First, in steps of your world-building, you might want to think of the timeline. Like, Harry Potter is set in a bit more modern time, and Wings of Fire is in the B.Cs. When do you want your story to take place? Before you start world-building, you should think of when the story will take place.
Perhaps it'll be in a medieval time? Or it'll be in the far future! Depending on your world's timeline, you'll want to develop your world ideas from there. Maybe you'll come up with kingdoms, countries, or cities. You can also mix your fantasy world with a bit of real life.
I said earlier, Harry Potter was set in a more modern time. The story was set in a more fictional Great Britain, and the author added more fantastical places into the story. But if you dislike, or HATE, that idea, (Considering the fact that ppl have said the author's transphobic), you could always base it off of other series, like Percy Jackson.
Don't forget you can still set your story in 1900s,medieval, or even ancient times. There's a multitude of stories/series set in such times, like Wings of Fire, or Eragon.
With that, have fun, and spend lots of time thinking of timelines for your story! It may take quite a while to actually think of story timelines, but once you get an idea, you can build up your world and it's lore from there.