Four months later, it was time for Leave to start in just a few days. Over the last few months, Azhem and Aredhiel had fallen deeply in love.
While not legally married in either of their cultures, they had nonetheless committed themselves to each other in an obscure, ancient Saurian binding ceremony.
They truly liked each other, and trusted each other completely. They regularly went on patrol together to keep each other company, and were each other's absolute best friend.
They rarely spent time apart. Azhem would go on patrol by himself some days, but mostly they enjoyed doing simple things, even the everyday mundane things in life, together.
The two rarely disagreed on anything. Aredhiel got to know him quite well hearing him speaking with his friends.
When Azhem and his friends were discussing politics, she found out that he had very strong, definite political views. His friends seemed to have them as well and argued quite spiritedly amongst themselves. The friendships all stayed intact, despite their strong political differences.
Aredhiel didn't know enough about Ulzuix politics to say anything. She kept out of politics. She wasn't interested in politics, not even Aezkhean politics.
She knew even less about religion. Aezkheans, especially her kind of Aezkheans, didn't have a religion per se.
They believed in a Creator, and that the universe had been created by an intelligent being, but didn't know the being's name. They just called the being Creator.
Azhem, like 99% of all Ulzuix, was a Christian. In their dealings with humans and Federation Directorate a few centuries earlier, they'd come across Christian groups wanting to learn about other alien races. Within a few years, Christianity had spread over Sauria and other Ulzuix planets.
She regularly attended services on the ship with him. Aredhiel liked his religion, telling him his God sounded very similar to Creator.
Leave was now five days away. That evening, they excitedly started preparations for the Ulzuix Christmas celebration.
The next morning, shortly after they'd finished breakfast, as Aredhiel walked into their Gathering Room to bring something out to Azhem, there was a huge collision from outside the ship.
One of their recliners fell on them after becoming airborne due to the impact, breaking her wrist and lower arm. Her hand was impaled by a large chunk of glass from their coffeetable.
Her wrist, lower arm, and ankle, as well as his leg, were all pinned underneath their airborne recliner.
A little more than thirty minutes after the impact, rescuers arrived. They were finally able to get free from under the recliner, and able to get to sick bay, covered in blood and barely able to walk.
Each had compound fractures, along with glass in their hair and scalp from the shattered glass from their curio cabinets and coffeetable, and various bruises.
The crash had been so severe that the hallways looked like a bomb had hit the place. Live wires were dangling. There was utter destruction. Their deck was destroyed. Almost every deck on the ship had been completely obliterated.
Finally they arrived at sick bay.
“Help! They need help!”, one of the crewmembers helping them called out.
The doctor rushed over and quickly examined them. He put them in a bed right away, letting them sit together.
Azhem was immediately diagnosed with a compound fracture of the right leg as well as various cuts and bruises.
Aredhiel was diagnosed with several compound fractures of the right wrist, lower arm and ankle, and an impaled hand. Both required immediate surgery.
What they didn't realize, and what they hadn't seen as they arrived, was that an Empire news crew was there. They'd been there interviewing the ship's crew about going on Leave for Christmas, and were reporting the news of the disaster to the Empire.
It went on news broadcasts as a Breaking News Special Report, and everyone across the Empire saw it.
Unbeknownst to both Azhem and Aredhiel, they were on camera and everyone, including his entire family, was watching.
He gave her a quick yet passionate kiss, and they both said, "I love you!"
He was then immediately rushed into surgery.
There were no other operating rooms available to operate on Aredhiel, so it was decided to operate on her right there in the triage room with just a local anesthetic.
Aredhiel was given artificial blood since, being Aezkhean, especially an Aezkhean elf, they weren't sure if their blood was safe for her.
While they were being examined, the reporter said quietly,
“As you can see, a warrior and a woman I'm assuming is his wife have been seriously injured and are here now, being treated. He's been brought back right into emergency surgery.
”Let's listen in if we can. We don't want to get in the way. They've both been seriously injured in this disaster. The woman appears to can't be! Is she an elven woman?
“They're going to operate right here on her hand, with only a local anesthetic and possibly twilight sleep while her hand, as well as her wrist, arm and ankle are being cut open and fixed. Apparently they have to rebuild the tendons and ligaments in her hand.
”Let's listen in.“, he reported.
She was given a local anesthetic by the doctor. Two minutes later the doctor started slowly pulling the chunk of glass out.
She let out a blood curdling scream. The doctor hadn't realized the medicine didn't work instantly in Aezkheans, as it did in Ulzuix.
He apologized for hurting her. She apologized as well.
”I'm sorry. I shouldn't have screamed like that. I'm so sorry.“, Aredhiel said, tears streaming down her face.
”It's alright. I'm sorry I didn't realize it didn't work instantly in your kind like it does in our race.
“I'm going to have the nurse give you just a little more anesthetic in your intravenous line, just to help take the edge off. You're doing well.“, the doctor said.
Since Aredhiel was awake during her surgery, the reporter politely asked the doctor if she could be interviewed for a few minutes.
The doctor looked at her. She nodded and said it would be alright as long as it was alright with the doctor.
He said that it was, then told the reporter that there were to be only questions pertaining to the crash. The reporter agreed and started the interview.
The reporter said, ”Ma'am, may we have your name please?“
”I'm Aredhiel.“, she replied.
”Are you really elven?“, he asked.
”I'm an Aezkhean elf, yes.“, Aredhiel replied.
”Can you tell us what happened today?“, he asked.
”We'd just finished breakfast. I was bringing something out into the Gathering Room before starting my baking for the Ulzuix Christmas celebration when we heard and felt a large crash. Our furniture went airborne. Glass from our coffeetable and figurines flew all over our cabin. We were hit by the glass, and our airborne recliner fell down and landed on us.
“That's how both my wrist, arm and Azhem's leg were broken. Our coffeetable shattered and impaled my hand.“, she replied.
”Could you tell us how the hallways look, how the rest of the ship is?“, he asked.
”It's devastation, total devastation. Live wires are hanging everywhere. It took us 30 minutes just to get out from underneath our furniture, and another twenty minutes to get through the hallways to get here.
“Maybe we could have gotten here quicker if we had been able to walk better, but we couldn't with our leg injuries. I don't know what we'd have done if other crewmembers hadn't found us and rescued us!“, she replied.
The surgery continued while she spoke, although she was drifting off a little bit as they gave her abit of twilight sleep.
That was only for a minute or so. She was then asked,
”How long have you lived on the ship? How did you come to live here?“
”I'd been traveling from Aekzhea with others to Porzhu. We apparently got off course, and ended up on Sauria. Our shuttle crashed. I was injured, and the only survivor.
“After I'd been walking for two weeks, I was rescued from mutants by Azhem.
“He was on Leave. A few days later he brought me here. I've been here ever since.”, she replied.
Two hours later, Azhem was finally out of surgery. The news crew had been busy interviewing other patients and checking out the damage to the ship for their viewers.
They arrived back in the triage room just as Azhem was being wheeled back from surgery. He had blue hospital pajamas on.
”As you can see, warrior Azhem has just returned from surgery, and is now being greeted by Aredhiel, the elven woman. Let's give the couple a minute before seeing if we can speak with them.“, the reporter said.
The news crew, along with the entire Empire, watched as Aredhiel climbed into his hospital bed and sat next to him.
The couple hugged and kissed each other, inadvertently announcing their romantic relationship. She updated him on her injuries, and told him about the news crew.
Eventually the reporter asked if he could interview them. They agreed as long as the doctor said it was alright.
After the crew was updated on their conditions, the reporter asked Azhem if his injuries dampened his enthusiasm for the upcoming holiday.
“Not at all. I'll be walking slower than normal, but I'm still excited for it!
”Christmas has always been a favorite holiday in my family. I told Aredhiel just last night that there were times I ate so much when I was younger, that I think I'm still digesting some of that food from Christmas dinners years ago! My grandmother's Apkha is simply addictive!“, Azhem replied, laughing.
Aredhiel and the news crew laughed as well.
“Excuse me, but it's time for them to be transferred to the rescue ship for continued medical treatment.”, the doctor said, ending the interview.
Once they were situated in sick bay on the other ship, the same reporter stopped by and said there was a live stream request for Azhem from Fyrah.
Tired and still abit groggy from major surgery, he said "Maybe later", but the reporter said "It's from someone named Conh. He's insisting on speaking with you.“
Reluctantly, he agreed to speak to him. He requested that the news crew leave the room so they could have some privacy. The reporter agreed to his request, and took the photographer with him.
Azhem then accepted the live stream request and within seconds, his best friend appeared on-screen.
“Well hello there, stranger! Long time no see...literally! You're looking better, and alot less bloody, than when we saw you on the news a few hours ago!”, his friend said, smiling broadly at him.
“Thanks. You look good. It's great seeing you again! How are your Christmas preparations coming along?”, Azhem asked, smiling broadly as well.
“Alot better than yours, apparently. They're coming along great! What the hell happened out there?”, Conh asked.
“Ships are rushing to get home in time for Christmas. One was going so fast, not paying attention, it crashed into us. Our cabin and deck, everything's completely obliterated.
”Lots of shattered glass from mirrors, curios, etc., obviously, furniture crashing and pinning us down. It took over half an hour for us to get loose so we could get to sick bay.
”There are no fatalities as far as we know, but hundreds of casualties, some minor and some serious to critical, like us.
“Thankfully another ship was around soon afterwards. They're the ones who picked both of us and the others who were the most seriously injured up as soon as we were all stabilized.
”That's where we are now. I doubt our ship can be repaired. Conh, it's really bad. You said you saw me on the news report? We each had surgery. Aredhiel has a broken arm, wrist, and ankle. The tendons and ligaments in her hand had to be rebuilt. I have a broken leg.
“We're both sore all over.“, he replied.
“We're all so glad you're going to be okay! What's this I hear? You're married now, and your wife's an Aezkhean elf?”, Conh asked.
“We're bound to each other. Aredhiel's an Aezkhean elf, yes. We're extremely happy together.”, he said, smiling broadly, hugging Aredhiel.
“Aredhiel, this is my best friend Conh and his wife Lekh. Guys, this is Aredhiel.”, he said, putting his arm around her shoulder.
“Hello.”, his friends said.
“Hello. It's nice to meet you.”, she replied somewhat nervously.
“Welcome. How are you?”, Lekh asked. She was smiling broadly.
“I'm alright. And you?”
“I'm doing well.”, Lekh replied.
“I've been thinking, Azhem. Since you'll be on Fyrah for Leave, why don't you two join us here for Christmas? Stay as long as you need to, until you're both fully recovered and receive your transfer orders! Let us take care of you!”, Conh said.
”I'll show Aredhiel how to make our dishes and, hopefully, she'll show me how to make dishes from her culture!”, Lekh replied.
“Are you sure?”, Azhem asked them.
“Of course! Why wouldn't we be sure, silly?”, Lekh asked.
“We'll gladly accept the invitation. Thanks! I'm sorry we don't have anything to contribute to the dinner, or even gifts to give you and the kids after losing everything today, but I'm sure Aredhiel and I can make some of her culture's food if you'd like, and contribute that way!“, Azhem said.
”That'd be wonderful! I'm so excited! We'll expect you two to relax and recuperate more than anything! It's non-negotiable! We'll get everything arranged for picking you up at the pod terminal! Just let me know when and we'll be there!“, Conh replied.
The stream lasted a few more minutes. Azhem was thrilled to be able to celebrate with his friend and his friend's family.
Azhem had found out that, after her surgery, while he was still in surgery, Aredhiel had gone back to their cabin with some crew members in heavy suits and helmets.
She'd managed to salvage all their clothes, including his dress uniform, plus their toiletries, her makeup bag, nail polish bag, her purse, and everything else she could that had survived the crash. She made sure she brought their shoes too.
She'd tried to get his family pictures off the walls, but the frames were shattered. She was unable to get any of their food other than tins of his favorite cookies, treats, and coffee due to glass and curio fragments being in everything.
Azhem and the men she'd gone to the cabin with were quite shocked at her bravery, especially after having just undergone major orthopedic surgery under local anesthetic in the triage room. She was of elven heritage, but she was every bit as brave as they were.
Five days after the collision, Azhem and Aredhiel were finally well enough to be discharged. By then the ship had reached Fyrah.
He'd kept in touch with Conh twice daily to update him on their conditions, as well as where they were on their journey.
They and the other patients were wheeled, along with their belongings, to the hangar bay to board the waiting shuttle.
Once at the shuttle, everyone walked inside and strapped themselves in. Each had a cart with their belongings in front of them. Everyone was very excited about Christmas. Mostly, though, they were all grateful just to be alive.
Christmas was a major celebration in Ulzuix culture, and the crew was quite thrilled to be able to celebrate it on their home planet this year.
Azhem was just happy to be able to celebrate it with his friend, something he'd not been able to do for a few years.
This was also Aredhiel's first time celebrating it, and their first Christmas as a couple. She was excited to see Azhem's home planet for the first time as well.
As she looked out the window, she saw a blueish-green planet.
"This is Fyrah, my home planet!", Azhem said.
"It's beautiful! It looks like Aezkhea!", Aredhiel replied. She saw Fyrah's two moons as they flew closer to the planet.
She saw what looked to her like cities and towns below them as well as lakes, rivers, mountains, canyons and, at one point, an ocean.
"We're about five minutes out", he said as the shuttle flew over what looked to her to be another ocean.
Finally a tall massive building came into view. "That's the transport pod terminal we're going to.", Azhem told her.
The shuttle landed, and everyone disembarked to wait for their loved ones to pick them up.
"We're here! Welcome to Fyrah, my home planet and the ancient seat of our government!”, he said happily.
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