Chapter one
I had just gotten out of the airplane when all of the suppen I had police every side of me I ran to the closet place I could to hide"why- why me?" I punched the wall of the house, store or whatever it was I sart to look around for a wepon of some sort but all I could see where mirrors I punched one of the mirrors and let my hand just bleed out "I. .want. .to. .go. . home" all I could think about was my mom,dad,brother,sisters yes even sisters but I new crying about it wont get me anywhere so I get up and take a buntch of glass shards and start cutting deep into my skin but then I here a cop yelling cop2:"GET OUT WITH YOUR HANDS UP" he must of heard me and seen the blood on the floor I put the glass shard down in a diffrent spot then hide in the shadows hopping for them to go way but it took them at least 1 hour to think i wasnt in here I was a criminal a wanted criminal there was no excape I thought there crying and soked in blood ill I wanted to do was scream but I new if I did they would serowned this place like volgers so insted I counted to three"1. . .2. . .3. . .4 . . 5" I now I went over three but come on im a criminal now. Three days later I left the house and went to find a discise so I can get food I was starving like I haddent eatin in weeks no months no years I was so hungry I could have eattin a house but I had to eat mice no gormay meal but mice it was the worst t=tasting thing ever but in a place of magic you can never be to carful and yes this is a magical place people with no magic are called human3.4 people with magic are called gods im a human3.4 or so they thought I had kept my magic hidden since I was 5 years old because it was to dangerous for kids to see or have I can control it now but I keep it hidden till I need it for somthing importent and its time to come to use is son but just not now. . .