“To Time, Death meant nothing.140Please respect copyright.PENANAWE6eZpOubn
For a far great many words to be read, those well-not written were treated as another passing tragedy, lost in the pages of history.”140Please respect copyright.PENANA6DxvxBj6FW
Tempus 1:24
140Please respect copyright.PENANAEbeMg67WIB
140Please respect copyright.PENANAomvkT3EOGp
140Please respect copyright.PENANAikDpmCfRBI
The Night’s Sun fawned at the street; through its Eyes, She could see. Death washed ashore a red sea- a sharp breeze of fresh and rotten meat, twinged from the entrails that splashed lethargically afront Her feet; a mural for Her, made in Her namesake. Were breathing a necessity, this scene disagreed; it spat upon the notion of Life’s existence and laughed that it even tried. She stood bare, upon ground unholy, and yet, what held this but Her? The world still turned, the wind still blew, and the bird still sang its song- nothing outside had changed.140Please respect copyright.PENANABHmCaevt9h
That was the part she found to be scary140Please respect copyright.PENANAMPgKG8YseR
.140Please respect copyright.PENANA7ewNkEsydW
.140Please respect copyright.PENANAancQcOSZFb
Therein, upon a star, lay a child of millions young;140Please respect copyright.PENANAWBGWUNIWsK
and it is said that It held a Name,140Please respect copyright.PENANAyIU9ZXQU2v
and Its name was Yssi.
This isn’t right... none of it’s right! How can so many people die and just- just- nothing? Shouldn't there be something? A sign? Acknowledgment? A scream?! Ever since life began, it’s always had an end, but not like this... not like this! It's too unfair! Life is unfair!
It was a being that knew of Justice;140Please respect copyright.PENANAXHjBOFdPid
It was a person who knew of Hurt;140Please respect copyright.PENANAw0w2LOq4Lj
0f so it was believed.
The others agree; they would- if they were still here. What’s happened? We were at the door and then... gone. Just gone. I guess it's only me again, now.
It was of a shape that held an Eye,140Please respect copyright.PENANArjdRJ2aJLc
yet It could not see with proper sight.
I can't stay idle. I have to find them, and find out what's what. But how...? I can’t hope to wander into everyone randomly... could I?
She now blinked twice,140Please respect copyright.PENANAuBCiEkpdMT
unto then,140Please respect copyright.PENANAIN3ss6DgPp
She saw with unspoken sight.
What... in this world... is that?!
What She had witnessed held a form unlike any other;140Please respect copyright.PENANA7tVkFUTqay
the creature was, in the truest make of the word...
140Please respect copyright.PENANAkeOH6QOTXh
140Please respect copyright.PENANADY8ExSDSTb
140Please respect copyright.PENANARwOtyrU59o
140Please respect copyright.PENANAce6Vv8sXRl
140Please respect copyright.PENANAuwfnhjVAs0
140Please respect copyright.PENANAXOYKGt5JSW
140Please respect copyright.PENANAs5VPrgDuLL
140Please respect copyright.PENANAOlYqBJC5p5
With words come association,140Please respect copyright.PENANA32waDj730y
along expressions of simplism,140Please respect copyright.PENANADHMAsxq8hk
to the effect that it emulsified a series of emotions into a name:140Please respect copyright.PENANAbkivC2q9d8
one, rarely used, was ‘Monster’;140Please respect copyright.PENANAJ2PpgXOn8C
another, regarded, is ‘Disaster’;140Please respect copyright.PENANAE5XxP6RUKI
that, of wide renown, ‘God’;140Please respect copyright.PENANAaqkyi6fUiu
an Invocation nay common-used,140Please respect copyright.PENANADtQ7dcr7qz
yet common-known.
This thing was ‘Disgusting’;140Please respect copyright.PENANAFL9ybvEN4M
that alone was all it needed to be.
This Creature was unseen,140Please respect copyright.PENANAVW6AddhL0J
nay in the worlds It had been;140Please respect copyright.PENANAP1txVib3SS
a novelty- a disgusting mystery;140Please respect copyright.PENANAtOX7yB6kux
yet, of that mystique, was not where Terror had taken habitancy:140Please respect copyright.PENANAROtPLoyayR
of corpses- the hors d’oeuvre,140Please respect copyright.PENANAQavETNocLM
garnished with maggots;140Please respect copyright.PENANAoFFufHkWUT
scum, festered in waste;140Please respect copyright.PENANA5gIIQiGjT0
of all that mortem could stand for and be;
140Please respect copyright.PENANAGYz9s6I4b7
140Please respect copyright.PENANAUiLTXrhSGE
140Please respect copyright.PENANA81p0CdDaOt
140Please respect copyright.PENANAiDat9M3f3F
the creature was eating.
140Please respect copyright.PENANATTQWxufMu9
140Please respect copyright.PENANAUBDWMTpj6T
140Please respect copyright.PENANAaiZampz9oP
It was there She became frantic:
I have to get out of here! I have to- bleaugh!
noise, She created;140Please respect copyright.PENANAnoDrC56874
molded, and retched,140Please respect copyright.PENANAeeZV5teAoo
from the recesses of Her stomach;140Please respect copyright.PENANAAhG6WgjdA5
to the orifice of Her mouth;140Please respect copyright.PENANAj9JtB4MPRT
noise, they heard.
I need to get away- but- the others- gotta stay and look for them- no, run!
She took one thought to stumble another,140Please respect copyright.PENANADMN003oUHl
and fell into a hole:140Please respect copyright.PENANAJ2QbdCf8Ot
of terrifying abode.
No, no, it wasn’t them! It wasn’t them being eaten! No! Don’t think that way!
She Cursed at Herself,140Please respect copyright.PENANASILcnYoNYx
and as a result,140Please respect copyright.PENANAfqDkfEHFBZ
She stumbled once more.
-ack! Get it together! Now's not the time to trip over a corpse!
Then, She thought to hide;140Please respect copyright.PENANA0q2RmFgKrd
then, She thought to run;140Please respect copyright.PENANAXCoOc5f8Rn
then, She thought to hide, once more.
I can’t hide! It knows I’m here! What if I just dashed out? No, it’s definitely faster than me! My stupid breasts are too large! What about a house?! Open, please!
It was a door of primitive make,140Please respect copyright.PENANAZSeNPLaheX
however resilient-140Please respect copyright.PENANAkZSMnCY7iK
no different from the town that made it;140Please respect copyright.PENANAGquRMzMZwc
it held significance in change;140Please respect copyright.PENANAZ09JyfnX6G
with Time, it could be a location;140Please respect copyright.PENANAYrlPMfe6TX
for now, it was merely progress;140Please respect copyright.PENANAvucYkGe1Pr
with Death... it is stagnant:140Please respect copyright.PENANANCt0tpzZpf
interesting, Death;140Please respect copyright.PENANALsOHbtXcKD
some call it Change,140Please respect copyright.PENANA67yfAVoDPb
some say it Static;140Please respect copyright.PENANAwSkLKcJjkl
Time could tell, if any truly remained- to be asked.
She wanted for focus;140Please respect copyright.PENANAT1HlgB1jtZ
formulated plans,140Please respect copyright.PENANAaoJcfmxV6R
and more.
Think- think- think! Use my brain and think! Just like in those detective stories! What was it? Uh... situation report! Sitrep! That’s it!
A bunch of huts around me; that thing in the marketplace ahead. I’m at least three huts away from the gate, and it already knows where I am. Even if I hide behind one and move the other way... will it hear me? Or smell?? Do I just run? No, I’ve already established that I can’t! Ugh!
She knew of the word Frustration;140Please respect copyright.PENANAklpVme3f8o
it was known to Her,140Please respect copyright.PENANAlQI5gAWyDq
for She lacked Intelligence;140Please respect copyright.PENANAzY0BpGa5XK
She lacked Wisdom;140Please respect copyright.PENANAKFVgGK7RJf
She lacked Wit;140Please respect copyright.PENANAOzr8cBSuSs
She had no Tact;140Please respect copyright.PENANAq7un0ihgvZ
it was all known,140Please respect copyright.PENANAV9Ghywygep
and yet, now,140Please respect copyright.PENANA1X74doUi2s
it was discovered.
Aaargh! I’m so dumb! No, no- calm down! Calm down! I can’t lose it! But I’m not good at this! What am I even good at? I don’t even have power-
Another, she rediscovered.
Powers! I totally have powers! I have plants! But... what can I do? With plants, what can I do? Are there even any? Yes! There are! Random plants sprout from the ground- like, tiny ones- on the sides of buildings! I don’t know what they are, but they’re always there! What do I do with them? What can I do? How can they help? How do I-??
She was frantic;140Please respect copyright.PENANAdek4l2S0ZQ
far it be known of poor quality;140Please respect copyright.PENANAJTeRprMbHO
to propose not for Her, who, thrived within.
Pollen! Of course- pollen! If I scatter it around, it’ll cling onto that thing, and I’ll know where it is! But could I? Could I sneak around? Would it work? It didn’t notice me earlier- only after I made noise; so it only works with sound? Not smell?
‘Thinking’ was the trait She had every right to oppose;140Please respect copyright.PENANAsLQbjrGkSG
She was a manner of being who would simply ‘do’;140Please respect copyright.PENANAJDHGnKClvb
and the panic allowed Her most of all, as it would enable Her too.
... or maybe it didn’t notice my smell until- or it could have been blocked by the scent of dead- or even- eaaagh! I don’t even know anymore! I just have to try!
She spoke words kind to newfound allies;140Please respect copyright.PENANAZiGTQvjRyz
there found no real need to so, yet She did all the same.
Alright, flowery friends, it's just us now! I'm counting on all of you, please! Thank you!
Yssi Level Up! Lv 2!140Please respect copyright.PENANAsY9jNoNUKg
“You did it! Wait... I did it??”
Yssi Power (Magic) Discovered:140Please respect copyright.PENANAUkn3EmVceB
Natural Set: Pollen Sensor ~140Please respect copyright.PENANAOjLRJ9v5uy
Yssi is able to use pollen from nearby plants for a very short duration as an intruder alert system. Yssi can recognize the energy signature of pollen and when it is released from surrounding plants, she searches for an area of accumulation, indicating that something has blocked the pollen's movement. This gives her a vague sense of where an object is. Due to the nature of pollen and its minuscule energy, Yssi is unable to focus on this technique for long and can only use it in an enclosed location, or nearby.
She and the creature danced to a song of Death;140Please respect copyright.PENANAIe7XrsyveZ
it came from the left, She moved to the right.
I just have to be really quiet when I-
She moved to the right, it came from the left.
She moved to the right;140Please respect copyright.PENANAqCKFrK3GnS
She heard a sound;140Please respect copyright.PENANA1XNk4G8msk
it comes from the right;140Please respect copyright.PENANAXfNBPxc64C
now, they come, from both sides.
There’s another one!? Of course there’s another one! Why did I assume there was only one?? Why was I impatient? What am I doing!? My life is at stake and I can’t stop acting like an idiot! Everyone else probably made it because they weren’t as stupid as I am! What do I do- what do I do? The doors are locked- what do I do??
An avid distinction to earlier panics:140Please respect copyright.PENANAq1Y4zN4J84
a loss to mindful thoughts;140Please respect copyright.PENANAEI8D8Dubkw
relinquish claim to Her own mind;140Please respect copyright.PENANAfoPegMA8H8
and in frightful silence, Fear moved to capture Focus;140Please respect copyright.PENANA1hbYjCyH5i
thus Her Focus was now on Fear.
Her hands bled;140Please respect copyright.PENANAYwR38rUkRf
this was a mistake:140Please respect copyright.PENANAdZWM2xorfW
it only hurt Herself;140Please respect copyright.PENANAQlv0LR61Xo
Her hands bled;140Please respect copyright.PENANAAwjBUy4Hvq
Her fingers trembled;140Please respect copyright.PENANAbNGss73yt2
Her nails creaked;140Please respect copyright.PENANAK305Xjqz6m
to counteract the door,140Please respect copyright.PENANArmmTmXxi3L
She became unhinged.
Magic! Magic- magic- PLANT! W’do I do w’plant!? Plant! Door! Magic! Door! Magic! PLANT!
Growth;140Please respect copyright.PENANA7rW7Rw1Nxl
simple,140Please respect copyright.PENANAGyOCXIzK0P
When Time was still young, younger than it was before, one of the first questions was posed:140Please respect copyright.PENANA37tv0un6CJ
‘If, on a whim, Nature were notioned to destruction... do you think you would be protected, within your sedentary, sedimentary homes?’
One must, in order to feel safe;140Please respect copyright.PENANAy1wVie3EWF
for, given reason,140Please respect copyright.PENANAdKPwdhSVgX
a small copse of trees, spread,140Please respect copyright.PENANAYByJ4ujTn5
could encompass the circumference of a whole world;140Please respect copyright.PENANAZZeLfgfTaI
Quoth the Ravenous, ‘one feels lucky they have no taste, nor sense to devour.’
And so, trees, unbound to the little town, made their roots, easily, underground.140Please respect copyright.PENANASAk9VNQmh9
Time? Distance? Space?140Please respect copyright.PENANAuFNoUB0hyE
A simple door held nothing in relation.
Get-in-get-in-getin! Okay! I- ACK! Not again! Huff~ huff~ falling is loud; loud is bad! Thank goodness I landed on this... this... this... don't. Scream. I'm lying on something squishy and that's okay. Everything's okay. Do not-
"Help... me..."
A voice, in the void, to be heard,140Please respect copyright.PENANAZXicEsp5H8
that spoke a language unknown,140Please respect copyright.PENANAZq63pw4hfB
yet strong Intent behind words;140Please respect copyright.PENANA4DbXwzka4g
that, alone, was understandable, if directed towards It.
The voice kept speaking,140Please respect copyright.PENANAfGmIVaZ3ir
as She consoled;140Please respect copyright.PENANAlcEhH1Au06
hushed;140Please respect copyright.PENANAjCTiUtBVwr
She was yet to realize that a voice could not listen.
"Mommy... help... daddy..."
A Child;140Please respect copyright.PENANAmuNeDo3Htr
much like Her;140Please respect copyright.PENANARzuJGQDtUM
much like It;140Please respect copyright.PENANAC04kYo0VXZ
however more youthful.
Death had festered upon the wake;140Please respect copyright.PENANAQQGXy2YjVs
She refused to let It claim the child;140Please respect copyright.PENANAmavfV7eC1U
for shame that in Darkness,140Please respect copyright.PENANA78v1PrkGcC
Her Eyes held little sight:140Please respect copyright.PENANAj2vKxd6wwi
She had forgotten to See.
Are you okay? Are you- HYA!? Wet?! Is that... blood? Oh... my... God.
An Invocation!? Blasphemy! Yet to her fortune, it remained unheard.
Gods did not like to be Invoked;140Please respect copyright.PENANAEZK6DKM3m1
not for petty matters;140Please respect copyright.PENANAFwxsM7QRbu
not for Death;140Please respect copyright.PENANANWysIbyswn
They hated It the most;140Please respect copyright.PENANAvXtR2v5C53
It had been problematic to Them;140Please respect copyright.PENANAbLJiChM59Y
As It had been to Her.
Hiii~! That’s such a massive gash! I have to tend to the wound, right now- but how?! I have no medically thingies- much less experience- and even if I could, he’ll definitely scream and- and-
Clarity of mind wandered in and out of focus;140Please respect copyright.PENANACu9UpI0j0u
as of now, it holds the image of a grove’s creek;140Please respect copyright.PENANAB57HlJJWRh
running, but clearly- albeit, with a wash of foam.
Storm:140Please respect copyright.PENANAZJ3i5Z4aNd
the Thoughts alert- they fly;140Please respect copyright.PENANA4tCW27euSE
Ideas peek from their hedges and disperse into the night;140Please respect copyright.PENANAzj1TRh99iV
She’ll lash forward, trying to catch as many as She can;140Please respect copyright.PENANAKT6Q2VTG8N
yet only at its latest moment, has She noticed the ‘why’.
Plants can grow over;140Please respect copyright.PENANAwEzyNrS2Jq
mask;140Please respect copyright.PENANAtFTVnjhTmo
Eyes.140Please respect copyright.PENANACJoy55slAD
hide;140Please respect copyright.PENANA1q45rAxdZx
from seeking
Forget being quiet! It’s already an emergency- but that’s good; gives me options! Like... like... what do people normally do?! Call a doctor? No, you- UGH! Something I can do... um... it’s uhm... umm... closing the wound! Sewing! Yes! I GOT IT! I GOT IT! I DID IT!
The timing was early,140Please respect copyright.PENANAN9VldjwwvM
but celebration forth-coming;140Please respect copyright.PENANACVdXGSqLGr
She had long awaited it;140Please respect copyright.PENANApGiv9ruTlO
She anticipated as it came;140Please respect copyright.PENANArHoJN9hYrM
this... ‘moment’.
But- plants! Plant’s fibre! Oh my goodness- I’m actually smart right now! I’m- okay, breathe! Breathe! Breathe... huff... okay! Okay- okay! So if I take a strand of fibre from a plant! I can use it as thread! Then I just need needle! Oh, I’m actually doing it! I’m actually going to save someone for once! Yes! YES! I can save someone!
Roots with thorns;140Please respect copyright.PENANAeRR3L4FlqA
boundless teeth;140Please respect copyright.PENANAQb8Rk91LGq
made to tear,140Please respect copyright.PENANAjt7p4JHRsB
and made to eat;140Please respect copyright.PENANAkUKMfS7IWa
to Her, they were needles;140Please respect copyright.PENANAtrfQNoQAkV
to Her, they were useful;140Please respect copyright.PENANAQbltGBHVuN
to Her, the child could now be saved.
Why do these roots- you know what, nevermind- let’s do this!
But She could not.
C- come on! I said let's do this! What's wrong, me?! W- why...?
Her fingers were shaking;140Please respect copyright.PENANAWaqWh4rqRh
She was frantic;140Please respect copyright.PENANAqNUSYiOUb6
anticipation set;140Please respect copyright.PENANAeOsDcBqhoT
adrenaline faded.
I can't afford to waste time! Please, just stop for a second! Focus! Focus! Focus! Phew... alright! Let's do this!
But She could not.
Why! Why?! Just stop shaking already! Didn't I already calm down?! Why?! Why are you still shaking?! Stupid hand! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! Please! He's dying! Please! If you want to shake then shake later! For now, just for now, please! Just work already!
It is said that in the time of mortals, the greatest observation came from within; a sense of self-awareness. It was what set them apart from beasts, and at times, even the Gods. Those who know their boundaries, and reach within it, shall find they have more than those who do not. Those who try to break outside their Domain, and reach for that which they may not attain, shall find themselves caught in a precarious Plane. From that location, one should either fall, far beyond where they had initially began, or ascend, to a place they cannot comprehend. Thus, it would be, to command the realms of what can and cannot, as does a God; ‘those that acquiesce to the universe’, and ‘those the universe acquiesce’. This applies, of course, as well, to Her; and It.
Her tears were a-let down;140Please respect copyright.PENANARirTub6TNz
they fell in disappointment,140Please respect copyright.PENANABJwuEcVFmy
and CRASHED unto the floor;140Please respect copyright.PENANA8I2KUylHSE
they carried the heaviness, in Her heart, that bore;140Please respect copyright.PENANAZkSnKCbQyw
Her Hope, now weightless, as a cloak, She wore;140Please respect copyright.PENANAO7RG9O5uiK
it CRUMPLED from the might of the atmosphere;140Please respect copyright.PENANAtPN5ob9kt0
like a diamond in its rough; her mind was not clear.
Focus! It’s not hard! Why can’t I just FOCUS!? Why- can’t I- feel- why can’t I feel my arms- why?? Just! Aaagh! Think! Properly! Stupid brain- stop buzzing- just think!
Hysteria: a mental breakdown;140Please respect copyright.PENANAYUjb9t4Ube
for She hated none in this world; she was kind;140Please respect copyright.PENANA1mSqBSMJr8
none but Herself, for It was cruel.
Powers! But how!? I know that I healed myself but... can I transfer that? Could I heal someone?? I just have to- I have powers- things should be working, right?? Right?!
She attached to a new source of reliance;140Please respect copyright.PENANAScZMJesZFA
She rendered Herself futile.
140Please respect copyright.PENANAPOx3Sg02qy
140Please respect copyright.PENANAeZ4xwLUU3N
140Please respect copyright.PENANAUxOWXPZLrh
140Please respect copyright.PENANADmh4ZxtSix
140Please respect copyright.PENANAt0JbQOrlCj
140Please respect copyright.PENANAxLXDYhcGfY
140Please respect copyright.PENANARbuJ0agJkw
Why am I so useless when I’m alone? I finally get a chance and... and... all those years... telling myself I could help people if I was just... better! Was that a lie?! What was all that complaining for, then?! Excuses!?
The Past haunts Her;140Please respect copyright.PENANAv9onAYb3Uc
She is soon to be taken;140Please respect copyright.PENANAQXdiEuyTdu
Time wished to stake its claim;140Please respect copyright.PENANA3cYKPmtCwL
yet Her Soul belonged to It;140Please respect copyright.PENANAe3Nj2t1HON
Her Soul could not be taken, not lighly;140Please respect copyright.PENANAmxHbdMoyKr
It could not be denied;140Please respect copyright.PENANAqlM2hcnx1e
It held governance over Death, and, by extension,140Please respect copyright.PENANAxu8uCmNMH6
What was that childish name they used to mock me with?140Please respect copyright.PENANAGgeZmPKuUN
That's right...
140Please respect copyright.PENANAYLttrp9hom
140Please respect copyright.PENANAto0j7fAwU4
140Please respect copyright.PENANA9SPHdw8AUx
140Please respect copyright.PENANAAEg2w3whph
140Please respect copyright.PENANAbXwVxEeejf
140Please respect copyright.PENANAVxeUX0eNx1
140Please respect copyright.PENANAXCeULr4eOn
In our Reality, those who share in the eyes of Crystals warn of a figure that lurks;140Please respect copyright.PENANAiI38DkSJwX
It stays not in shadows, in dark wynds, nor where the cold spiders sleep, but worse:140Please respect copyright.PENANAzZWdQIQ7B5
It stays in the reflection of one’s Eyes- where none can escape Its sight;140Please respect copyright.PENANAeBQUsXdubj
It saw lives lived in their last, as Its own, and only, Life;140Please respect copyright.PENANAL83SPeNBDL
It became not a person, but a watchful guardian, providing eerie sense, to they upon Death.
Then, to a day, came a Name;140Please respect copyright.PENANATF5oiOwicP
familiar, to it, but not;140Please respect copyright.PENANARr96pXKBG7
nor could be, yet the intentions to have been.
It was a paradoxical name;140Please respect copyright.PENANAOnJypKRQOs
one that could not be who it conveyed itself as, and one that must cease to exist;140Please respect copyright.PENANAZNlBkzmBMn
wherefore it had to be someone else:140Please respect copyright.PENANAJOAfQQzoYb
albeit the same name- but it was someone else;140Please respect copyright.PENANAiosuX0QmPG
it had the same name- but it was someone else;140Please respect copyright.PENANAos79IJeSCM
the exact same name- but it was someone else;140Please respect copyright.PENANAG3wt1FSf0A
the Eye can tell- but still, it would be, someone else.
That could be why, that as she died, she could not recognize It:140Please respect copyright.PENANAMdvrYwavdm
not because It had become different,140Please respect copyright.PENANAxeRvyXvliZ
but because she was someone else;140Please respect copyright.PENANAFy4roxUaif
not because It wore a mask;140Please respect copyright.PENANAP8zz795ve1
because she was someone else.
And as two strangers greeted Eyes;140Please respect copyright.PENANA0tpkfpYfwS
she saw the face of Death,140Please respect copyright.PENANA2XtZctH67K
and the face of Death saw someone else.
Yet that hollowed mask began to form fissures- pieces fell outward;140Please respect copyright.PENANAvFIVTgqQaU
something crawled from the inside, looking to escape- like spiders, webbing fate:
“It’s me. It’s Yssi.”
The mask was too strong;140Please respect copyright.PENANAwWAyr94PJw
It let nothing to leave;140Please respect copyright.PENANAaaCMDHqEmD
small cracks were not enough;140Please respect copyright.PENANAvgaxuZK8Hr
It had to crumble140Please respect copyright.PENANA4oI7SvKwPm
It could decidedly not;140Please respect copyright.PENANAHty1vHrtLa
It had to break;140Please respect copyright.PENANAlXKShQWS4d
It decided to not;140Please respect copyright.PENANA6Y0t5FIW1n
and from there,140Please respect copyright.PENANA8DXtmc7T05
something inside broke to compensate.
And torn from the other side of the veil-140Please respect copyright.PENANAsITmu79XXt
where stars roam,140Please respect copyright.PENANA1KB7WPWHD5
whispers shared their truth with a small, broken heart,140Please respect copyright.PENANAhdll54HDWa
blowing a soft breeze into the rifts of the dark...
“And time and space; beginning, and lifelike motions, and decay, came together in one place, to decide on a name for their new child. They pronounced it: Death.”140Please respect copyright.PENANANpi4BxCLsA
Grim 3:61
It all lead to this:140Please respect copyright.PENANAC6w4ojuzck
there was no regret,140Please respect copyright.PENANAxsLpSi7HHi
for regret could not be forgiven;140Please respect copyright.PENANAVtG3QQpIO7
It held a strong position,140Please respect copyright.PENANAB6BETdxKq3
where Good was done,140Please respect copyright.PENANAC0psB157SV
where Good could happen,140Please respect copyright.PENANApXPAXA2bvh
where a Soul could be saved;140Please respect copyright.PENANAyyiebcfLag
to regret would be to deny,140Please respect copyright.PENANA5WJvpfwAmr
to regret would be to forget,140Please respect copyright.PENANABqU9l56lqb
and Death was far too kind.
That changes nothing! There's no way to make up for idling by; you always have to try! But I did try! I tried and failed miserably! So I tried again! I kept trying! I'm still trying! I’ve tried so hard and why?! After all these years, why can’t I do one thing right?? Why can’t things go my way!? Am I just wrong!? Should people be made to suffer?? WERE people made to suffer!? Someone's life is in danger here so why!? Why am I still thinking about myself!? Of course people shouldn’t suffer- it’s just that I can’t do ONE SINGLE THING RIGHT! I finally have the chance... IF THE WORLD WANTS TO LASH OUT THEN LET ME BE ON THE SUFFERING END- WHY!? WHY EVERYONE ELSE- WHY ANYONE ELSE?! WHY!?
You see?140Please respect copyright.PENANATTqQhETIPB
For some;140Please respect copyright.PENANAHxmJCho0ZU
to all;140Please respect copyright.PENANAmcCQyy9Vcy
Death was far too kind.
Now,140Please respect copyright.PENANAnf3Vs1VuYI
She could not breathe;140Please respect copyright.PENANAJhurxvdSTI
She could not think;140Please respect copyright.PENANAPNSfs7LJOq
She could not see;140Please respect copyright.PENANARLOwG0Jelk
She might as well have been dead.
I- huff- I can't- I can't- why is everything so fuzzy?!
Hysteric;140Please respect copyright.PENANAGxAZDodEWu
erratic;140Please respect copyright.PENANAwODsICOTNL
lost it.
My ears are ringing- what’s happening!?
Anxious;140Please respect copyright.PENANAM7DrEjuLAe
dizzy;140Please respect copyright.PENANAzWhtAvVf7V
shortness of breath.
Help- help me- help me, PLEASE!
Palpitations;140Please respect copyright.PENANAZlPVDMIFNp
trembling;140Please respect copyright.PENANAgiOhPGKAF1
I can’t f- I can’t f- wha-ah-ah-ah-
These symptoms fancied a diagnosal;140Please respect copyright.PENANA73bpVqey1D
they call for a panic attack;140Please respect copyright.PENANA2KyvloGHXF
and the cure?
140Please respect copyright.PENANAMzUPpZREbT
140Please respect copyright.PENANAiRml1Bbk0l
140Please respect copyright.PENANAsFmepl3fhA
140Please respect copyright.PENANAyyIkEgucQV
Nothing can be done.
140Please respect copyright.PENANA65LH1I2bmY
140Please respect copyright.PENANA0jbYeN1cy5
140Please respect copyright.PENANA59tBu0OVxU
First, there were flashes;140Please respect copyright.PENANAwbMFULEo53
then, the images;140Please respect copyright.PENANAU65oa7aMMJ
then, the memory of coming back.
Yssi.140Please respect copyright.PENANA0t385xAMBa
Who?! Who’s there?140Please respect copyright.PENANAr6fY8Ij9BB
You can save them.140Please respect copyright.PENANAtfWlkqmN2o
I can't! I can't!140Please respect copyright.PENANA923jFbSjly
You have.140Please respect copyright.PENANADq9ejT127m
When!?140Please respect copyright.PENANAgzWq3RNBob
You did all you could.140Please respect copyright.PENANAMXJtReRxyL
AND IT WASN'T ENOUGH!140Please respect copyright.PENANAwbb9HYb1IW
It was for them.140Please respect copyright.PENANA1ZCVGM0QGl
How?140Please respect copyright.PENANAwKUEwrpW7M
Was I not for you?140Please respect copyright.PENANAGnyk0lq5Fa
Lyn...140Please respect copyright.PENANAMPy82Lx31W
What do you think of yourself? Failure?140Please respect copyright.PENANAuaBcHIxMvb
...140Please respect copyright.PENANAzRc9Usk3VE
I failed as well.140Please respect copyright.PENANAOT7028H7rb
You didn’t!140Please respect copyright.PENANAkisaVp4pIS
I couldn’t finish my lessons.140Please respect copyright.PENANA5W5OHBYLSi
But you left me with enough!140Please respect copyright.PENANAs1CmYxMrys
So did you.140Please respect copyright.PENANArM7pTWQVkr
But-140Please respect copyright.PENANAXjOSg8IkKA
When you’re the only person who cares, you’re the only person who matters; a victim’s logic from a victim’s mind.140Please respect copyright.PENANAJ7ypcNADgZ
So, what? I was just... the only thing they had? Someone better equipped could have helped them but unfortunately, I came first!? I was just in the way?? I was a hinderance?!140Please respect copyright.PENANA7bFwNlFD8e
They needed to need someone, and you were there. So they latched their needs onto you. Because you were there, Yssi. No one else was- it wasn’t a coincidence. You were the only one who cared. You’re the one who’s there. Always, in their final moments.140Please respect copyright.PENANA6plWd6TO56
I... but why couldn’t it be at ‘a’ moment. Why is it always when they die...? Why can’t I get to know someone... hah- hahah... you know... I just realized... I haven’t seen a real, proper living thing. I don’t even remember what they look like. My eyes...140Please respect copyright.PENANA01R8sPBDMJ
You’ve spent your time listening, having learned nothing. You’ve spent your time looking, having seen nothing. You’ve spent your time acting, having done nothing. You’ve spent your time enough. Now, use it, sparingly; not to waste it all.140Please respect copyright.PENANAkmo5XBInOz
But I...-140Please respect copyright.PENANA8CV6FgNzRX
Yssi, your eyes have been able to see for a while now. Have you not noticed?140Please respect copyright.PENANAnNfIMg7CMu
... I can see... I can see!? I’ve been using my eyes!? My real, actual eyes!?140Please respect copyright.PENANAUGuud9F31C
Hahahahah! What does the world of the living look like? Focus, Yssi. Pay attention.140Please respect copyright.PENANALH4vLTB798
Right! Focus! If the fibre’s detached, I have do it by hand- but if I could control it... I won’t have to worry about trembling! So... breathe life into this thread...? What if I reattached it to the plant? Come on! This is the root you came from! These are your roots! Think of it as your mother and go back into mommyplant! No, no...?
What if I extract a new string but left just a tiny bit attached? No, too short. What if I used my powers? I could lengthen them... but that would take the focus off the barricade. If I pushed it into overgrowth then... I might even hurt the tree. Then two things would have died meaninglessly! My eyes tell me they’re fine, but if I use Sight... the tree’s lifespan is definitely being used to reinforce growth. Sorry, tree... I wish I could give it back to you. I’ll be more careful from now on... but-
Agh! There has to be something! Something I could use! Something! Wait... me. I'm- I'm a living thing, right? I'm part of nature! That's right! What if I could attach the root to myself!? K- ku~! Errrrg! Just stab it in myself! Grr- IT’S NOT WORKING! He's already lost so much blo- BLOOD! I'M SO STUPID, WHAT AM I THINKING!? I’ve been panicking and looking around for so long- letting him bleed out the entire time! Pressure! That’s what I couldn’t remember! Wounds need pressure, you- ugh! WHAT ARE YOU DOING, YSSI!? YOU'RE ACTUALLY SO MENTALLY-NOT-WORKING-BRAIN THAT YOU- MURDERED-
The barricade. I- I lost focus on the barricade.
H- haha. Oopsies. As usual, stupid, pathetic me...
140Please respect copyright.PENANAZciz9hYspr
140Please respect copyright.PENANAqr3hHa3F1r
140Please respect copyright.PENANAKig4vxwpFB
140Please respect copyright.PENANABdrQlWc761
On that Gloriful Day, It was here140Please respect copyright.PENANAlJZ0ySxa47
Death had arrived
140Please respect copyright.PENANAMmIgtQ0ACT
140Please respect copyright.PENANAGg7we4DkbN
140Please respect copyright.PENANAMsmNMg50Vc
140Please respect copyright.PENANAFbOB714oSG
140Please respect copyright.PENANAs0SCQakG2e
140Please respect copyright.PENANAgSWdyW5KNT
140Please respect copyright.PENANAf8GaWwMcAK
140Please respect copyright.PENANAQ0T4AUHRcj
“There are some who live their lives with a purpose; others who find one later on. I didn’t have one of those. I just wanted everyone else to be happy. And if they were, I’d be content to just sit around. I suppose that’s what you would call loafing- but you know? No matter how worthless, no matter how useless, I refuse to die. Because there’s still hope- for me, as long as I’m still alive.”140Please respect copyright.PENANAmcGJuySsgU
Yssi ‘Here, and Now’
140Please respect copyright.PENANAXGcU0dkUjr
140Please respect copyright.PENANABJGGPZ3THn
140Please respect copyright.PENANA2m8Y3ijYDT
140Please respect copyright.PENANAhevITL8Iqi
Thus ends Chapter One
The Book of Death
-----------------------140Please respect copyright.PENANANofs0f77fv
Author's Note:140Please respect copyright.PENANAen9GK2Tua0
Hey~! If you liked it, check out the rest of the story for free on cieleporia.itch.io/mystory to enjoy the full experience with proper formatting, as well as more chapters in the series!140Please respect copyright.PENANAF3hXfrhPZH
140Please respect copyright.PENANAjJyYvgcByf
The one you've just read is called Issue #14 Death - The Door That Should Have Never Been Opened, which is followed up by Issue #15 Lost - The Path That Should Have Never Been Taken; two chapters in our first serious arc!
The story has three parts; Issues #1-#13 on introduction, Issues #8.1-#8.12 on development, and now, we've entered into our first big arc in Issues #14+!140Please respect copyright.PENANAAy2F1Xz4H4
140Please respect copyright.PENANAd5WTgcTNW9
I've designed it so you can begin at whichever part you like, so you can start reading the serious arc now!