Love is many things, not just one simple word. It’s still wanting to be there for someone even when you’re angry. It’s compromising on situations that you wouldn’t have before. It’s staying in contact with those annoying siblings and parents. (Unless it’s abuse but that’s not what I’m talking about) It’s trusting a person, letting them have freedom. It’s so many things. It can even be putting up with a pet that tends to get into trouble, not giving up on them.
With romance, it’s a passionate feeling. You yearn for them, fight for them, and stay with them, as well as give space when needed. You support your partner. You listen when they have issues. They listen to yours too.
It can also be like what I can only describe as a soft feeling. There’s just a sort of tenderness inside you when you think about them. You just admire them with all their faults. You think about them as a person and how much you truly care for them.
True love is reciprocated in all parties. Your partner puts in the same effort that you do, because they want to. Both (or all if it’s a poly relationship but I don’t have experience with those) parties put in effort whether the times are good or bad. You don’t just give up because you fight or disagree. You work through it because you don’t want to lose them.
When you find “the one” you’ll know. It’s a hard feeling to describe, but trust me, you will. You’ll realize that you’re just head over heels for this person and you truly never want to live a life without them in it. You want a future. And you’ll be able to feel assured that they care for you just as much as you do for them. Again, I can’t describe it in words, but you’ll know. It’s cliche but true.