Well the age of the first taking was at the age of 6, Igor has blocked most of the event out.
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*Igors Pov*
The last 8 years have been mainly hell, ive been to 12 different homes, either they couldnt handle me and my AtTiTuDe, my interest or they caught me with some of my weed, if that wasnt the case then they was the one caught with drugs or some illegal shit and would have to give the kids back up to the system.
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I sighed as i was feeling a craving for some good weed, Davey wouldnt give me any right now, shits tight and i understand why he cant give me any of the good shit. I mean if i had money i would pay but i cant get a job until the summer.
"uhhhg" i groaned as i got down off the top bunk of my shared bed, i shared a room with like 4 kids, all under the age of 12, bt they all was mature.
Jackie, Luca and Miles. Jackie and Luca was Davey's own children, Me and Miles was Foster kids, Davey as a single parent who loved kids, 4 was his limit though. He always had dinner on the table by 8 and their was healthy chips and other snacks set out around 2 and 4 and in the morning we all eat at 6:30, it was either Cereal,Oatmeal or Davey would let me make eggs.
I started making the kids beds, they was going to get off of school in like and hour so they can get homework done. Ill have to pick them up today, Davey is doing some shopping dont know what for the kitchen is stalked with food.
I sigh as i get the beds made, the house had 3 bedrooms and a basement, Davey used the basement for weed and me Miles shared a room and Jackie had her own, Luca was 4 and didnt like sleeping by himself and he would often sleep with me or Davey.
Davey didnt said he didnt have favorites and i believe him, He said once i was 15 i would be able to move into the empty room.
I finished making all the beds in each room then started walking to the kitchen.
Whats out... "Hmmm" Davey sat out some apples,carrots annnnd
"Fuck yes!" He left out the damn blender and placed some bananas by it, my favorite thing.
I plugged in the blender and started making me a smoothie, i liked them thick and sweet, my Bubba would always make them for me when i wouldnt eat. I packed the smoothie into a cup with a lid and straw.
NaNa's Smoothie Cup!! was written on it, the kids and sometimes even Davey would call me NaNa. I chucked, the cup was new, i guess they made it this week.
Whats the time? I sighed as i pulled the phone out of my black jeans.
"2:10. Neat" I started walking out the door.
My outfit was nothing special,i had Black Jeans with some chains a tank-top and an oversized Orange Hoodie that said "Ruby".It was my Bubba's, he said dad had made it for him when he was 9, My Bub's has always been tall. He gave me this hoodie when i wass 5, it was for my b-day; which just passed 2 weeks ago, I had asked everyone to not make a big deal and they promised they wouldnt and they kept that promise, i got only a few gifts which i was pleased with. The kids had all gotten me, the pants i had on and a chain glove thing they got a good lookin one and i thanked them.
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I can see the school already, parents are parking in line so its almost the end of the day, Luca was with Davey and Miles and Jackie went to my middle school, Jackie was 11 she started school way early and miles was just barley 12.
I take a sip of my smoothie as i walk to the car rider/walker lane, as i lean against the brick wall I hear someone, that someone was Abby,my friend who would give me weed on some occasions.
"Igorrr" she kissed my cheek and i smiled, looking up from my phone.
"What is it Abby?" i asked as i put my phone into my pocket
"And why arnt you in school, they dont realise kids earlie."
"1, you cant ask me why i aint in school, where have you been for the past 3 days?! Hmm?" Fair, i havnt been to school since last friday
"2," she continued " I snuck out like 4minutes early" I sighed and tokk a sip of my smoothie. "Its not like they care, we are 8th graders and its was just 4 minutes."
She kept staring at my cup. "Want some?" i questioned, "Of course i do, lemmie guess... Thick Banana?"
she basicly melted, on days that we would meet afters school i would sometimes make her a smoothie, she favored these ones. I tilted the cup towards her and she started sipping from the straw all while getting on her phone then showing me something.
It was a photo of Miles and Jackie napping together in class, it was cute.
Miles had been here much longer than i had, Davey planned on making him official and adopting him. I kinda just barged in and was put ina room with himd, i tried my best to take up very little space and ive accomplished that.
"aww" Abby said now actually looking at my cup.
hen the hell is the bell gonna ring!
"They call me that, i dont know why"
'Its adorable!"
i leaned back on the wall and Abby leaned on me, we wasnt dating but others thought we did, i nor Abby debunked it becuase if we did then other pervy kids would start hitting on her, for some reason the kids here feared me, i dont know why but i was ok with it.
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the bell rung and kinds came flying out, none of them mine, i leaned up holding Abby on me as she had fallen asleep.
I was actually starting to panic bit, these two kids would always be out within a minute of the bell ringing.
I knew i needed to calm down but i could as more kids came running by, still none of them mine.
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(Next chapter?)
(please comment on how i should fix this and if you liked it or not!)
-XoXo Kole