We arrive in the cook-house, & I am pant making.
Try making to skip arm in arm with someone that is more active than yourself is exceedingly tired-making.
My neyes keep flash making about my condition. So annoy making. I knew I should have taken them out.
I just woke up, too.
" Why! If it isn't the young Master & Ara! What 'ould you like today?" the round, bustl making woman that is the head cook lyrically says as she bustles about, cook making. It somewhat reminds me of myself in the lab.
" We would like a little basket with something for break-fast, Tilly, if you please." Her full name was Matilda, but from the time I can remember, she told me to call her Tilly, so I did.
" Aye, lass. I'll have it ready soon enough. I'm a mite busy with what of yer beau com making o'er, but I'll 'ave it done in a jiffy, so don’t worry yer pretty lil' head."
She walked into the Frosteam Box & shook her head.
" I know you aren't supposed to do our work for us, but would ye mind pass making by the hen-house & pick making up the eggs on yer walk? That eggler bot has been malfunction-making recently. That's the other thing I was meanin' to ask ye. Do ye think you could take a look at it? The contraption is a glitchy thing, it is." She grabbed the basket I made & dropped some ham, & a few boiled eggs in the frosteam side, along with a couple glasses of creamy milk.
I can smell the deliciousness that is the food & my IEMP growls again.
" Say, Tilly, is that milk fresh? Everything smells so good.. It could almost make you full just by smell making it!"
" Aye, that's one bot that isn't malfunction making. Fresh milk from a few minutes ago, matter of fact. That there milk tube contraption ye built works wonders, it does."
" Compression Pipe Transporter." I say.
" I dinna know why ye come up with such complifiscated names for yer contraptions. I say we just call 'em as we see 'em & we'll be set. Then, I'm just a lowly kitchen cook. I s'pose nobody would listen to me after all."
I chuckle at this. She would say something like that.
" I almost forgot, Tilly." she was pack making the heasteam side of the basket now.
" Yeah?"
" I'm sure we can pass by the hen-house on our way back, right Peregrin?"
She looked up oddly when I said his name. I wonder why.
" Sure, darling. We can do that."
I controlled myself & plastered a smile across my face while Tilly looked back & forth at us, her brow arched.
She finished pack making the basket & walked over.
Then, instead of hand making the basket to me & being on her way, she placed the basket on a table & put her hands on her hips.
" Now, I know it's none of my business, but all the same... Is there anything I'm a-miss making here? If I didn't know any better, I'd say something out of the customary is go making on between you two."
I look at Peregrine pointedly, tell making him with my stare, with all my being, tell making him I told you so. Burn making into hi-
He grins.
" Well, Matilda, I think that's a proper question to ask my darling, as I'm not certified to answer it myself. Is there anything going on?"
He leaned on the table & wiggled his s&y-coloured eyebrows at me, remind making me of some sort of old fishwife listen making in on some common town gossip.
" Peregrine! Go making on? Us? Peregrine! We're cousins, for Zeus's sakes!"
He turns to Tilly & gestures.
" & there you have it."
Tilda frowns.
" Well, if it counts for aught, again, I say, none of my business, but I have always shipped you two to the aether. Besides, I never really like that foppish fellow. Always seemed bit foppish to me. I had the hope that my ship was go making to sail. I s'pose I shall have to wait on christen making it."
I look down. The truth is, he's always been a rather effeminate person, I truly can-not deny it. I wonder what all that stuff & balderdash about ships & christen making is, though. Know making Tilly & her completely bizarre expressions, it probably refers to her think making Peregrine & I would make a good couple or something along those lines.
" Tilly... We are cousins! I can-not believe you would even ponder such a thing in your head! perchance a couple centuries ago it should have been all fine & d&y, but.. It's an outrage! Why do you even consider it?"
Tilly smiled a bit & shook her head, retir making back into the room & wash making her h&s.
" Now that, Ara, is not something I should answer. That is something should ask of your dear fellow, there. That's what, aye. Ask that of the master, not I."
I arch my eyebrows at Peregrine, a-wait making an explanation.
He sighs, plucks the basket off the table, & takes my arm again, head making towards my lab. Or rather, his parent's lab that they gifted to me so that I could take care of my... peculiarities.
" Come along, darling, we should do a check-up on your facilities before go making out."
He skips along the halls until a servant stops us, shock written on her face. She bows, & then says a few quiet words.
" I know perchance it isn't my place, missus Gadaranine, but I'd say it's not quite proper for you to be dressed in that sort of way. It's not proper."
Peregrine steps in front before I can muster up an answer.
" I dressed her that way, is there still a problem?"
The servant turns scarlet, her eyes dart making about in embarrassment.
" No, sir. I apologise for my words, if you are gracious, please act as though they never were uttered." & I watch as she scutters away, still mumbl making about the preposterousness of it all & how indecent how she didn't get paid enough to do that & such.
I st& in front of Peregrine, releas making my arm from his.
" What was the mean making of that, then? You must know that she took that in a completely wrong way, Peregrine! Do you want Hermes's parents to hear of this? Something is seriously in the wrong with you today!"
His only response is a twinkl making in the eye & a slight smirk.
He grabs my arm, & off we go again.
Do you think something is seriously in the wrong with Peregrine? Tell me in the comments!
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