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Ps.愛普西隆只能說單音節詞彙-優先觀看最新集數(這裡會超前更新1-2話)-加入會員群組Telegram Group
HK$28 /month
Ps.德爾塔只能做體力勞動工作-包括Tier 1內容-不定期寄送特別插畫高清電子wallpaper,以及全彩實體Postcard-與你分享每月漫畫原案草稿電子檔
HK$58 /month
Ps. 伽瑪是普通階層,相當於平民-包含Tier 1及2內容-不定期全彩A3實體海報(郵費到付)(款式與插畫相同)-不定期私密聚會(如有疫情就安排線上)-實體漫畫優先購買親簽版
HK$98 /month
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You can pay with non-card methods if you subscribe for 12 months.
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This is a one-time purchase.
If you don't cancel before the trial ends, you will automatically be charged the subscription fee every until you cancel. Renews automatically every , unless you decide to cancel. You can cancel your subscription at any time.
You can pay with non-card methods if you subscribe for 12 months.
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