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[FOR NEW MEMBERS] welcome to Penana!
Nor9 years ago
If you're reading this then you are probably quite new to Penana. You are the reason I'm doing this.
My name's Nor. I have been on Penana fir a few months now, but I already know my way around as I had a mentor (I'm not going to say his/her name in case they get embarrassed). Unfortunately, not everyone has a mentor.
If you want someone to guide you, assist you and be your friend here, reply to this post now.
oneminusheart9 years ago
Nor, you still have a space for someone to mentor?
I'm as lost as a kitten in the stormiest of days...
Trying to dramatize it so you take pity on me >-
Nor9 years ago
@oneminusheart, there's always room for another little lost kitten!
oneminusheart9 years ago
@Nor, is that a yes? x)
Nor9 years ago
@oneminusheart, YES!!! (Honestly...) :)
oneminusheart9 years ago
@Nor, YAYYYY!!!!! Hurray to Nor sensei! Hurray to Penana!
so the drenched lost kitten finds a mentor to teach her the ways of life xD
(i get dramatic at times, my bad.)
Nor9 years ago
@oneminusheart, I noticed. I'll look and find a mentor for you. Prepare to learn, little kitty!
oneminusheart9 years ago
@Nor, you won't be my mentor? :"(
Nor9 years ago
@oneminusheart, look who's trying to earn favour! Sure I'll be your mentor if you're THAT desperate (and let's face it - who isn't!) X)
Stormie Dawn
Stormie Dawn9 years ago
Hey! I'd love a mentor! I'm a bit of a geeky goofball sometimes, but as long as the mentor doesn't mind, then I'm totally game!
Stormie Dawn
Stormie Dawn9 years ago
@JellyKat, yay! Thanks :D
Nor9 years ago
@Stormie Dawn, I know that jellykat will be a great mentor. Have fun and keep writing!
Stormie Dawn
Stormie Dawn9 years ago
@Nor, thanks! That's what I plan to do :D
LexiMeghanChase9 years ago
Hi! I'm in need of a mentor here. I'm so absolutely lost. I don't even know how to add a chapter to my story. XD I need help. Please. XD
LexiMeghanChase9 years ago
Wait. Haha. I found how to add a chapter. XD
Nor9 years ago
@LexiMeghanChase, why doesn't Andrew be your mentor?
Andrew Knight
Andrew Knight9 years ago
@Nor, It's up @LexiMeghanChase, I'm okay with that
LexiMeghanChase9 years ago
@Andrew Knight, Awesome! Nice to meet you! :D
Andrew Knight
Andrew Knight9 years ago
@LexiMeghanChase, and you as well!
Andrew Knight
Andrew Knight9 years ago
A note to all newcomers: "chapters" are referred to as "issues" here on Penana in order to accommodate for writing that doesn't format with chapters "blogs, poetry, screenplays, etc.).
Makoola9 years ago
Hi! I'm kinda lost on this website. I know some basic stuff, except adding a cover. So, if you may, can I have a mentor. Please?
shnuffeluv9 years ago
@Makoola, If you still want one, I'd love to be your mentor!
Makoola8 years ago
@shnuffeluv, sorry, haven't been on for so long, however I would like to take up that offer.
Makoola8 years ago
@JellyKat, Thank you! That will help me a lot.
shnuffeluv8 years ago
@Makoola, Haha, it's fine! If you ever have any questions, or just want to talk, let me know!
RiverSong9 years ago
I just joined today, so id really need a mentor!
Andrew Knight
Andrew Knight9 years ago
@RiverSong, what kind of genres do you write? We'll find someone who fits well
RiverSong9 years ago
@ViridianMind,  I am a Fantasy/action/adventure writer, but I dabble in other things as well. I'm not afraid to go out of my comfort Zone. Mostly, I'm a novelist, but I do short stories as well. I'm looking to become a published author, so if you can help me get there, that would be amazing. Also, I have a question about co-writing. How exactly does one join one? Do you put up a character page in the comments?

What do I need to do when I want to plot something with another  user? Do you guys have some sort of discussion thread where you can post ideas?

And does this site have a roleplay forum? Just wondering, since I LOVE roleplaying!
Miria Klutz
Miria Klutz9 years ago
Hi, I'm new, and I'd really really love someone who could coach me through my writing, or through this website, and to hopefully be my friend...

That grew more depressing the more it went on...  

I'm really ambitious, but I know my stuff is rather weak, and it would be really great to have a more experienced writer toughen me up!
shnuffeluv9 years ago
@Miria Klutz, I can mentor you, if you like!
FilleEcrivé8 years ago
Hey everyone, I'm new here , and I would really really love it if someone could mentor me. I am really passionate when it comes to writing and would accept every pearl of wisdom that comes my way, and if it comes from an experienced writer then that's even better!
ElizabethBecker8 years ago
I can mentor you if you'd like
FilleEcrivé8 years ago
@ElizabethBecker, Sure!
ElizabethBecker8 years ago
@FilleEcrivé, have you learned the basics of Penana?
FilleEcrivé8 years ago
@ElizabethBecker, As far as I know, yeah
ElizabethBecker8 years ago
@FilleEcrivé, that's good. As far as tips just be yourself and let your writing express that. My inbox is open if you've got questions or need any tips :)
Andrew Knight
Andrew Knight8 years ago
For all you new folks, a good portion of my blog is dedicated to putting together advice for young writers. I cover a very wide variety of topics and I'm sure there's something helpful for everyone lurking around in there. If that's your thing, come check it out :)
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