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Writers Law!!
Writers Law!!
HELP! Stuck between a rock and a hard place!
Cynderz8 years ago
As you know I'm currently writing my novella series"the Tales of Twilight Heart! But I'm dying to start writing about my main character who doesn't appear until the 5th book of the series:( So I've been considering starting the the Main Story (as Tales of Twilight Heart is the prequel) The first book titled "Meltdown!" is a two part Novel but there are so many big reveals especially in the second part that I don't want spoil the novella's. I really want to keep the mystery but I really want to start the main series and start using my main character😩 What do you guys think? Leave your thoughts bellow!
If you have any similar delemas post it here and we'll try solve them together!
Createology8 years ago
Have you considered combining to first and second books to make one and then combining the third and fourth books to make one so that your main character can arrive in the 'third' book instead of the fifth?
Cynderz8 years ago
Conflagration Blitz
Conflagration Blitz8 years ago
Or do a time warp??

I like @Createology's idea
Frances8 years ago
I say write while the fire is in you. If you have the passion to start with that part of your story first then do it and tie up the loose ends in your earlier books later. Or write them in tandem, when you sit down to do your writing, write a chapter for Meltdown and then write one for your prequels. That way It will stay consistent as well.
Cynderz8 years ago
Thanks for your help guys! :) Ive decided to write Book 2 and Three at the same time! I will then write Book 4 once Book 2 is done, then start Book 5 once Book 3 is complete. i also pushed the introduction of my main to the end of Book 4! Hope you'll continue reading The Tales of Twilight Heart!"
Cynderz8 years ago
So stuck right now! I need an emotion or a facial expression. So i ask this of you guys. How would you look at a person who says something cruel and sadistic, it makes you frightened of them but you don't find it surprising but your concerned about them because they can say something shocking like that? Is there even a word for that? Please Help!!! x(|
Frances8 years ago
@Azaliea, check this article out, in fact check out this whole site. Bryn Donavan posts my favorite writing resource blog. This whole thing is a gold mine. This particular article gives a whole list of facial expression descriptions. You might find what you are looking for 👍🏻
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