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Hi! Anyone like any of this stuff?
Hopeful Writer 123
Hopeful Writer 1239 years ago
Anyone like doctor who, SHIELD, lord of the rings, or any fandom in general? You can just throw one out there cause I'm in a ton
sar-low9 years ago
Dr.Who but i just started watching this summer. I have seen season 2 most of 3 (Most of 10's) all of season 6 (Half of 11 or so)   I really like the show. currently looking for spoilers on doctors  1- 9   for contengency reasons.

Percy jackson And Heros of olympus.

hurmmmm...... I love any thing published under the name Leomny Snickket.....

I read alot so lots of book fandoms.....
Hopeful Writer 123
Hopeful Writer 1239 years ago
So, what do u need to know about the classics?
You got all the time war stuff down?
sar-low9 years ago
Sorry I was off over the weekend. I know next to nothing on the classics anything would be amazing. and the Time War.... Well the Daleks and Time Lords started a huge war involving time itsself. It lasted a very long time, killing many many people. After using every forbiden weapon the timelords were out of options. Thats when the War Doctor (who did not call himself the doctor) Stepped in and stole the moment. The moment is a weapons so powerful that it self actulized (<- Spelling!) He then used the moment to destroy Gallifrey and the daleks thereby ending the Time War and his species. (But then that OTHER thing, with the.... well, you know. ummm..... 13?)
Hopeful Writer 123
Hopeful Writer 1239 years ago
@sar-low  probably that's a lot of what you'll need to know, I would recomand just letting any of your whovian friends ramble, that's how ive gotten most of my information XD
sar-low9 years ago
@Hopeful Writer 123, that is alot of work, she always askes me what I want to know I tell her start at the begiuning and then she is like what begiuning so I say any begiuning. then she is like ok and i wait the she will ask me some oddball thing.(example: Is coconut  milk real milk? No I am not lying she really asked me that) I answer ovbously confused and she goes ok thanks! are peculiar questions some kind of secret whovian code? But still thanks.
Hopeful Writer 123
Hopeful Writer 1239 years ago
@sar-low, I don't that particular question meant anything, but on occasion they are code for something
sar-low9 years ago
@Hopeful Writer 123,  Ok cool. I am good at codes. That what I study betwean quantom mechanics  and ciphers. Personally I like anagrams. The ceaser cipher is one of the easiest around. I learn ciphers so my notes are not readable. really useful in keeping out my nosey sister.
Hopeful Writer 123
Hopeful Writer 1239 years ago
@sar-low, ...I have no idea what you just said xD I'm planning on learing morse code!
sar-low9 years ago
@Hopeful Writer 123,  I am so sorry, sometimes I might ramble a little... ok alot. Most of it was about codes and ciphers.
Hopeful Writer 123
Hopeful Writer 1239 years ago
@sar-low, it's fine, so do I XD
sar-low9 years ago
@Hopeful Writer 123,  Great! I always feel bad when I start to ramble because people tend to loose the train of thought and get super confused.
Hopeful Writer 123
Hopeful Writer 1239 years ago
@sar-low, you understand me!
sar-low9 years ago
@Hopeful Writer 123, Cool! I think you get me to! Its a shame I am about to go offline for novemberbut feel free to email or message me. I promise I will try to get back to you.
Hopeful Writer 123
Hopeful Writer 1239 years ago
@sar-low, okay! Can't wait for NanoRimo
sar-low9 years ago
@Hopeful Writer 123, I know I cant wait. I plan to up date my novel once a week. I am about to sign out for november. So Good luck! I bet you do amazing!
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