My English teacher makes it a point to screw with me, when I've done everything the way I've been learning to for years and then messing up ONE DETAIL on the formatting and I get a D. I now have a C overall in the class and 3 paragraphs due about Ethiopia Friday, when I was running a fever, but it will probably still be considered late because clearly, I'm a psychic and can tell when I'm going to feel like passing out when I sit up. Every time I think about going to school tomorrow I just want to cry, because I will have no idea what's going on and clearly it's my fault because I got sick. What's the point? I know how to write, that's my only plan for a career. I'm 16, I can drop out, why torture myself in life more than necessary?! To make my parents proud? Please. To get a diploma for a job? I don't want a 9-to-5. I just