I think it might be nice to write a bit about how to introduce oneself in Korean here - I'll try to keep things easy to grasp!:')
To start, it is always good to say or write 안녕하십니까, which means Hello!
an nyong ha shim nee ga!
Then you can start introducing your name!:)
제 이름 은 (your name!) 입니다.
czae ee lem en (your name!:)) im nee da.
After that, you might like to talk a bit about your interests!^^
제 취미는 (your interest(s)!) 입니다.
czae chee mee nen (your interest(s)) im nee da.
If you have more than one interest, you can use 하고 (har goo) to separate the interests!
E.g. Interest A하고 Interest B하고 Interest C ...
Below are some interests which you might like to put in the blank!:)
그림을 그리는 것 (Drawing)
ker leem erl ker lee nen got
농구하는 것 (Playing Basketball)
noong goo ha nen got
노래를 부르는 것 (Singing)
noo lae lerl poo ler nen got
피아노를 치는 것 (Playing the piano)
pee ah noo lerl chee nen got
기타를 치는 것 (Playing the guitar)
kee ta lerl chee nen got
달리는 것 (Running)
daol lee nen got
영화를 감상하는 것 (Watching/admiring films)
yong hwa lerl garm sarng ha nen got
책을 읽는 것 (Reading)
czaek erl eelk nen got
음악을 감상하는 것 (Listening to music)
em ark erl garm sarng ha nen got
Lastly, you can finish off with 만나서 반가워요, which means It's nice to meet you!:')
만나서 반가워요!
marn na sor barn ga wor yor!
Sorry for taking so long! I hope it wasn't too hard!
Till next time then!:')