Once upon the time, there was a man call John. He is 5 year old. He was having dissociative disorders . When John was young, his dad had tortured and raped him. Therefore, his brain had controlled him by making new characters to protect himself from the danger.12 year ago the polices had know about what his dad had done with him so his dad got catched and they had to send John to the boarding school. He thought that he could ran away from the hell but he didn’t know that he going to met the real Satan. Fist day in the school. Mr jason he was the director of the St George’s boarding shoocl. He called john to his room. He asked john to introduce himself. He came more closer and nearing closer to John. He put his face to him face and told John to take off his plant.Jason forced and tortue him after that he told him to keep it to secret. Jason told him that John had to met him evey day after school in his office.