I have no idea what I'm doing and it's my first time writing something like this so I had to do some research. And this was my result. I'm gonna place the websites I referenced over here. Hopefully, you'll like my entry, haha.
Link 1, link2, link3, link4, link5
WARNING - Cursing, death
Agent 7: Agent 6, Agent 7, over.
Agent 6: Go ahead agent 7, over.
Agent 7: Assistance reques- [unintelligible] 5th floor.
Agent 6: Agent 7, say again, over.
Agent 7: Assistance requested at main building, 5th floor, over.
Agent 6: I read back, assistance requested at the main building, 6th floor, over.
Agent 7: Correction, 5th floor, over.
Agent 6: I read back, assistance requested at the main building, 5th floor, Foxtrot five, over.
Agent 7: Correct.
Agent 6: Info on situation? Over.
Agent 7: Unidentified movements and sounds guns firing reported on the 5th floor. Two employees dead. Over.
Agent 2: (sounds of music in elevator) This is agent 2, approaching 5th floor. Agent 7, exact location? Over.
Agent 7: Agent 2, lobby area, over.
Agent 4: This is agent 4, on the fifth floor, lobby area. Agent 7? Over.
Agent 7: Agent 4, I’m at your 8 o’ clock. Over.
Agent 2: (gunshots firing) Requesting immediate assistance in the 5th floor cafeteria! (sounds of glass breaking) Whiskey Tango Foxtrot! Situation’s not good! Unidentified person is armed with three guns and four knives! Requesting immedi- (sound of bullet fired and agent 2 grunting) Requesting immediate backup! Over!
Agent 7: Agent 4 and I are on our way. Update on the situation. Over.
Agent 2: (whispering) Person is male I count five dead bodies. One’s injured in the leg. I’m currently hidden behind the kitchen counter. Requesting back-up. Over.
Agent 6: Agent 2, keep calm, Agent 7 and 4 are approaching the cafeteria. More back-up is on the way. Try to keep an eye on the target. Keep us updated. Over.
Agent 2: I have eyes on the target. Target is approaching the injured victim. I’m going to stop him. Over.
Agent 4: Agent 2, passcode to enter cafeteria is requested immediately. Over.
Agent 2: Munday_nine_nine. Mike, Uniform, November, Delta, Alpha, Yankee, underscore, nine, underscore, nine.
Agent 7: We’re in the cafeteria, requesting the current location from agent 2. Over.
Agent 2: Target is communicating with the injured victim, at the table near the window at the corner of the cafeteria. I’m hidden behind the pillar eight feet away from the target and victim. Over.
Agent 6: This is agent 6, back-up has reached the main building. Agent 2, describe the target. Over.
Agent 2: Agent 6, Brown hair, about 180cm tall, we- [unintelligable] Disregard this transmission-out.
Agent 6: Agent 2, say again? Over.
Agent 2: (sounds of shuffling) Male with black hair, about 170cm tall, wearing all-black. Over.
Agent 4: Agent 2, we have eyes on you and the target. What’s our next move? Over.
Agent 2: Agent 7, I need you to shoot to the ceiling on my call. Agent 4, you have to get the injured woman immediate medical assistance. I’ll tackle the target from behind when he’s distracted by the gunshot. I say again, the injured woman requires immediate medical assistance. Over.
Agent 4: Roger.
Agent 7: (sounds of cocking a gun) Roger.
Agent 2: Agent 7, on my call, one, two. . . three!
Agent 7: (sounds of gunshots, breaking glass and yelling)
Agent 4: I have my hands on the injured woman. Commands? Over!
Agent 2: Escort her out and get her medical attention! Over!
Agent 4: Roger that!
Agent 2: Agent 7 watch out-! (sounds of firing)
Agent 7: (sounds of yelling and cursing)
Agent 2: Fuck! Shit!
Agent 6: Agent 7! Agent 2! Is everyone alright? Respond immediately! Over!
Agent 7: Fuck, I’m alive! Got shot in the leg! (sounds of firing) Losing blood! Agent 4, is the injured victim out of the building? Over!
Agent 4: The woman is safe and under medical care! I’m approaching the 5th floor, once again! What’s the situation? Over.
Agent 2: Agent 7 is shot in the leg, we lost the target! We’re assuming the target is heading towards the 8th floor. Over!
Agent 4: I’m using the elevator! I have a chance of running into the target! I read back, the target is heading towards the 9th floor. Over!
Agent 2: Correction! 8th floor with an echo! Over!
Agent 4: I read back, 8th floor with an echo! Over!
Agent 2: Correct! Agent 7 has retreated for medical help, agent 7’s been shot in the arm too. Watch out for the target, he’s heavily armed. I’m approaching 8th floor by foot. Over.
Agent 4: (sound of elevator door opening) (sound of footsteps) (mumbling) I have eyes on the target. Target is unaware of me.
Agent 6: Back-up is approaching 8th floor. Keep me updated. Over.
Agent 2: Agent 6, command back-up units to be silent. Over.
Agent 6: Roger that. Over.
Agent 4: (sounds of crashing and breaking wood) Target has eyes on me. (heavy panting) Back-up requested. Like, right now. (gunshot sounds)
Agent 2: (heavy breathing) On 8th floor, approaching towards agent 4 and the target! Over.
Agent 4: (incoherent yelling) Fuck! [unintelligible] I’m shot in the shoulder. Managed to get a shot on the target’s left thigh. Over!
(loud firing sounds and screaming)
Agent 6: Agent 4! Agent 2! Are you alright? What is your status? Respond immediately! Over!
Agent 6: I repeat! What is your status agent 4? Agent 2? Do you copy? Are you both alright? Respond immediately! Over!
(incoherent sounds)
Agent 4: (heavy gasping) Agent 2 was shot dead in the head. Target got away. Over.
Agent 6: Back-up is on the way agent 4! Over! (mumbling) Charlie foxtrot.
Agent 7: (whispering) Agent 6, I have eyes on the target! 5th floor, lobby area! Over!
Agent 6: Agent 7, keep your eyes on the target! Make sure the target is not out of your sight! Over.
Agent 7: (snickering) Alpha Mike Foxtrot!
Agent 6: Negative! Agent 7! Wait for back— [unintelligible]
Agent 7: (gunshots firing)
Agent 7: Oh shit! (crashing) [unintelligible]
(more gunshot sounds)
Agent 4: (heavy breathing) Target’s dead. Over.
Agent 7: Agent 4 shot him on the head and neck. Over.
Agent 6: Copy. Medical assistance is on the way. Over.
Agent 4: [unintelligible] Copy.
Agent 7: (shuffling sounds) Shit’s a charlie foxtrot.
Agent 6: Stay in your locations. Over.
Agent 7: Wilco. Agent 7, out. 486Please respect copyright.PENANAyrTRTEnibS
Agent 4: Wilco. Agent 4, out.
Agent 4: Agent 6, Agent 4, over.
Agent 6: Go ahead agent 4, over.
Agent 4: Agent 7 passed out. Over.
Agent 6: Copy. Medics are on the fifth floor. On the way to your location. Stay there. Over.
Agent 4: Roger, out.