Zack raised his hand watching The Dark Force Leader. "Charge." His army streaked forward and The Dark Forces ran at them. Zack and Alex, the greatest pair of friends galloped forward on their stallions. Shadow's hooves thrummed in Zack's ears as cannonballs were fired and he hacked down his enemies. Opal, his wife, and Ruby, his sister, fought at a duo and were slicing at an incredible rate. No soldiers were near them. Just a heap of bodies. Zack felt his army pushing forward. Then, some idiotic dying soldier accidentally tripped up Shadow. Zack felt him give a tremor, then his world was flipped upside down and Zack was on the ground. He leaped to his feet, blocking any moves warriors hit him with. The King was a whirling machine of death. Zack hacked away a warrior's legs and he howled in agony as Zack plunged his sword into the ghoul's neck. He felt the dying warrior to bleed. Zack raised his sword to the sun as a wave of agony cut through him. His vision blurred and he stumbled. Confusion wracked his body and he looked down. A dagger had got him. Zack collapsed with a grunt and the clearing stilled. Opal sprinted over to him and Zack groaned. It was a dull ache in his stomach, like he was hungry. But he was so so tired. He couldn't raise his head. He needed to sleep. "Opal, please don't cry." He whispered as Alex crouched next to him. He was smiling. "Quite an adventure we went through there ay?" Zack nodded. "Opal, I love you so much. But look at the person who has always truly adored you. Someone that has time for you. "Opal looked at Alex and her eyes filled with sudden love and understanding. "Goodbye, my dear Zack." she murmured and stroked Zack's bloody cheek. "I...l-love, you....t-too," Zack let out a gasp, his world spun upside down and before he closed his eyes, King Zachery the Second watched his best friend and wife and kiss, crying in sadness and happiness and Opal gently closed Zack's eyelids. He let out a sigh and let himself be consumed by light.
Sad ending, wasn't it? Well I hope you enjoyed and please follow me! No hard eco just wanna make the LeafWings happy!