A sickening crack breaks the silence. A twisted humanoid form snaps its joints, adjusting itself, stabilising its footing. It's body twisted in knots.
"What the fuck!" A male voice yells from the end of the hall, a severed monkey's head firm between his hands, looking more alive than anything, but old. A small yellowed tooth falls from its mouth, it's jaw snaps shut as the tooth hits the ground.
"What the fuck! I just wanted her to be more flexible!" he screams shaking the head,
"Wh...what is happening to me?" the twisted humanoid whimpers before collapsing into a pile of fleshy mush.
The man falls to his knees, the monkey's head laying on the ground, its eyes staring at the man, its dead hazed eyes a whitish blue; the veins pulsing slowly,
"I... Okay, I'll take you" the man says, scooping the head up. He pulls a towel from the hall cupboard and wraps the head. He places the head down and cautiously walks over to the pile of flesh that was his wife. He pokes the mass with a soft whisper.
"You still here?" The mass gasps before letting out a scream, the kind of scream that would haunt even the strongest of people. The man jumps back knocking the head, the mass stops moving and goes completely silent.
"I'm so sorry, I didn't know what would happen" he pulls himself together, and slips on some underwear and clothes, still not sure what actually happened he sits, his head heavy in his hands as he starts sobbing loudly. The head staring at him from where the towel had unraveled.
"Fuck you!" He lunges up off the ground kicking the head across the room, tears still streaming down his cheeks. As the head settles at the other end of the hall upright the lights begin to flicker before completely going out, a loud panting can be heard; the man's heart beating with fear and anger.
He looks down the hall at the head as a shadowy figure picks up the head. Suddenly he can feel his heart seemingly being crushed.
He grasps his chest, collapsing to the ground.
The shadowy figure gets closer; the man's eyes locked on it, it's headless body pulls itself to the man.
Lifting the monkeys head above itself, it brings it down with such force it cracks the man's head open.
The shadowy being continues cracking down on the man's head until there is nothing but a puddle or blood, bones and brain splattered across the hall.