Her prostitute mother used to hide her in a closet when she entertains her clients.
She would hear the moans and desires of their entangled bodies.
Diana was taught to remain quiet to avoid being kicked out and forced to sleep outside.
She mutters words to entertain herself, words that seem too vile for a five year old to know.
But one night, as she was about to drift to sleep inside the cramped closet, she hears the sound of metal hitting flesh.
Diana was familiar with that sound because she used to get hit with a metal rod.
She peeks for the first time and sees her mother repeatedly getting bludgeoned to death.
Her eyes could not seem to look away from the gory display. For the first time, in her five years of life, did her eyes sparkle with glee.
And in that moment, she felt something insidious grow, something that had insatiable hunger.