People don't understand the real meaning of Murder. I, Cathrine Danielle Clark, do know the real meaning of murder. Only the real ones could understand if they know how to read my letters or the paper; the paper should tell you enough about Miss Cathrine Danielle Clark.
The year is 1952 and the summer sun is shining, beating down onto my back while I sit on the dock of the river in my backyard as I watch gators and fish swim. My father always said that we should not fish in the river because we could pull out a gator. I never really understood the meaning of that but my older brother Jodie did. I didn't go to school much either growing up. My mother wasn't around and no one really told me what I had to do; I lived freely. I lived as if I could fly and my hair flew through the air like a leaf in the fall breeze.
Summer was my favorite season because I liked the smell of the burning asphalt on the roads and how steppin onto the pavement hurt. Fall was too cold and I couldn't have the heat that I had loved for the 4 to 5 months that I had it. Summer flew in and out the window. Here then gone again, it flew away like a bird leaving the nest once it learned to fly.
Now, today is not yesterday and today I sit on the dock watching the gators swim far out. All of my family was gone, everyone had left years ago, 4 at the most. I haven't seen them since, I haven't wanted to either. They left like summer does; it's hot and steamy then it gets cold and the air crisps and burns your cheeks. It feels like the feeling of family leaving your side. I've been alone longer than I could stare out into the water. It feels like a normal thing now.
Though I had lived in a city, the city dazzled in the sunlight the same way that the water does while the sun is rising. Murder is what happened in that city, people went missing and no one would think anything of it. Not until someone said something in the paper or something had came up with the word "Murder" or "Suspect". Life was low and quiet because we lived in the fields of Georgia, hot and humid with hot rains.
I had a friend once, he loved the hot rains. His name was Tate. Tate and I were a lot alike until his name was written into the paper and labeled with Missing. I was surprised because he was my best friend growing up, but I also didn't feel bad. I was just glad my name wasn't written in the paper, not that I had anything to do with it of course. I stared out into the water some more. I thought about Tate's death a little and if it was worth it at all. He acted terribly towards me for the past two months, so was it a waste of time? The sun continued to burn my back. It almost felt like Tate was trying to burn me as if I did something to him, maybe I did? I don't feel like finding out because I think I would know if I did. The water sparkled while I stared out at it while the sun kept burning my back. I liked the feeling of the burning. It felt like my skin was peeling away but in a good way, sort of how when you take the first punch and it feeds off into an effect.
The sun sparkled into the water and I thought about my past experiences with Tate.
"You oughta hurry yourself up!" yelled Tate through the ruggish trees and brush.
"I got stuck by one of those needles, Tate!" I yelled back to him
"Oh god, hurry yourself up, it's taken you long enough, McFly!" replied Tate.
We were only about 12 at the time and we played along the river line near his house. Winters were cold, summers were hot. Huge puffy jackets to tank-tops and no shoes. The worst that could happen outside was stepping on an old rusty nail and catching tetanus, at least that's what Pa said.
I sat on the dock some more while my memories of Tate faded in and out. The sun had started to go down and the sky was now pinks, orange and purples and the clouds were long like feathers. The sunsets reminded me of my mother. Ma always liked to stare out the window and look at the sunsets. She said they were "God's Amazement." I never understood. My parents loved each other. It was obvious, my father was in the military and I would find letters from both of them. After my Mother went to bed I lit a candle and I would read some of the letters. All of them had a statement of "You're the best thing that has ever happened to me." I always felt my stomach sink. I think my father knew that she wasn't going to come home. I always wore a dog tag around his neck and before he left, and before I never saw him again, he gave me the dog tag and put it around my neck on a silver chain. My stomach sank again. I never saw him again.
My mother was a genius, my father commanded respect so when they died they left no instructions, just a legacy to protect. Death doesn't discriminate between the sinners and the saints, and the takes and the takes, and we can keep living anyway. We rise and we fall and we break and we make mistakes, is there a reason I'm still alive, when everyone who loved me has died? I'm willing to wait for it. I´ve waited and waited for some of my family to show up again. I have a brother but I haven't seen him at all. I reckon he'd come looking for me one day, doubting he still thinks I live in this old rugged shack. The window shutters are falling and they are rotted. I don't think anyone would want to live here again.
The sun stopped beating down on my back. I didn't feel hot anymore, I felt cold. I stood up and went inside to find a candle already lit. The candle had already been lit for a while. The candle wax had dripped down the candle already. I was confused. I closed the front door and walked around the house to find a dark shadow of Tate in a doorway. I blinked and he was gone.
My stomach felt as if it was in a whirl; it felt like the tornadoes of Oklahoma tearing up a city.
¨T-Tate?..¨ I said softly.
I was afraid of what I had just seen. Was I just caught? There was a knock on my front door and it was the paper man. I went to open the door to get the town's paper.
¨Oh, here you are Cathrine. I thought you would want this." said the paper man.
¨Why thank you.¨ I replied back.
I opened the paper to find a horrid sentence. ¨Cathrine Danielle Clark is a suspect of murder¨ as the headline. The words had slapped me in the face. I had been framed for something, next thing I know I'm gonna be in a courtroom and be told I'm guilty. I walked over to my living room and lit a match then I threw it into the fireplace and waited for the wood to light.
Once the wood lit I threw the paper into the fireplace and watched it burn. The small ashes of the paper fly up and out into the chimney. The tightness in my chest lifted as the ash lifted out into the chimney, I just wanted for the police to show up at my doorstep. Quicker than I knew, I heard a knock on my door followed by the sounds of police sirens. I got up and opened the door to see the police standing at my doorstep.
"Ma'am are you Miss Cathrine Clark?" asked one of the officers.
"Yes sir I am.. How may I help you this evening?" I asked.
"Ma'am, I need you to come with me, you're being held for the Murder of Tate Andrews." said the Officer sternly.
My heart had dropped, I felt like I was going to explode at this very moment.
"I-I did not murder Tate officer!.." I yelled as he took my arm and put it behind my back.
His arms gripped onto my arms, while he handcuffed my hands. He closed my front door and brought me to the police car. He wrote down my personal information such as my full name, birth date and my family information. I sat into the back cop car and thought about my decisions. It was easy to put blame on an outsider; I had no family to say I didn't do this to Tate. I mean why would I? He had been my best friend for years and years growing up. I sat in the back of the cop car looking out at the river and all of the trees in the yard, the trees looked like a dark shadow flying over, like the sky's darkness of the night was caving in on me. The trees looked like hands, ready to grab me for my sins. As the officer drove off towards town I started to think back to when Tate and I were younger and when we played in the woods together.
"Tate! Tate, wait!" I yelled while running after him.
"Gotta catch me Cathrine!" screamed Tate.
I tripped over a small rabbit trap and scraped my cheek. I wiped my face and all that came off was a palm filled with blood.
I snapped out of my memory and noticed that we were at the jail. The officer opened the door and took me by my arm then dragged me out of the car. Then walked me up to the doorway. I looked inside to see prisoners walking in a line. I began to sweat. I felt like I was going to die right there. I was being brought to jail for something I didn't even do. I was brought to a room where I could look out into the hall from the gray steel bars. When I got up and stood on the floor the floor felt as cold as an icebox in the summertime. I heard the keys jingle as an officer made his way down the hall. I sat back in my bed and sat up against the wall and looked out into the hallway to see him standing there, looking at me.
"Miss. Clark, I think you may have a visitor," Said the Tall officer.
I looked at him in confusion; I wasn't interested in speaking to such a person. The person that walked next to the officer was surely a Lawyer. His name was Tom Milton. He knew my father growing up while my father had charges against him.
"Cathrine Clark, I never would have thought such a girl would get herself in here."" Tom said.
I looked at him with a slight smile while the Officer opened the door and slid a chair in for him.
"Cathrine, I understand that you may be upset about the situation but I need you to work with me."" Tom said while he sat down in the chair in front of me.
I looked at him with no answer in sight. I wasn't going to talk to Tom nor consider.
"Miss. Clark.. Do you have any family that could maybe help you?" Said Tom nervously.
I gave no answer, once again.
"Well Miss. Clark, I need you to start speaking with me or else we won't get you out of this case." Said Tom in a stern tone.
I looked at him with a stern look and said nothing once again.
"I didn't do it." I said sternly
"Whether you did it or not, you are still here." Said Tom while he got up and left.
It got quiet for the next few minutes until an Officer came and stood in front of my cell.
"Your trial starts tomorrow." He said then walked away.
I lied down in my bed and hid underneath the covers then fell asleep.
The next morning I was expected to be awoken by the burning sun on my face but I was awoken by the sounds of keys Jingling and prisoner's screaming.
"I need to get out of here.." I thought to myself.
I needed to get out of here as soon as possible. Tom came walking down a hall in a suit ready to get me. I stood up and went over to the door in a dress that i was wearing before now. The same tall officer came to me and handcuffed my wrists behind my back and let me out of the cell into Tom's arms. Tom took a hold of my arms and walked me down the hall.
"No need to be nervous, you don't even have to talk if you don't want to." Said Tom.
I looked at him then back in front of me ready to walk into the courtroom. Tom brought me into the courtroom and walked me to where I was going to be sitting. I saw all of Tate's Family and none of mine. I felt helpless, anxious, and I was ready to run out already. I sat down on my chair and looked towards the front of the room while people murmured behind me. The officer came up to me and uncuffed me so I could move free. Doors were locked, there was no escape for me. The jury started my trial.
"We all are here today to start the trial of Tate Andrew's murder. The defendant's name is Cathrine Danielle Clark. If the Defendant is found guilty the death penalty is advised." Said the Judge.
The room gasped and I looked up at the Jury. If I was found Guilty I could be Killed? I need to get out of here as soon as I can. I've told myself this one too many times. I don't think I'll be able to get out of here. I may never see my home again or feel the feeling of the burning concrete on the bottom of my feet. I couldn't breathe.
"We will now begin this trial. Starting with where was Mrs. Clark on the night of July Thirteenth?"' asked the lawyer.
My Lawyer, Tom, stood up
"Ms. Clark was on her own at her house that night of Mr. Andrew's Murder." Stated Tom.
Tates Lawyer stood up.
"If Cathrine, Ms. Clark, was at home on the night of the murder, why is she suspected? Why is she sitting in this room at this moment?" Said Tate's lawyer, James.
"Ms. Clark was given with the following information to prove that she was guilty, a red hat that Tate owned was found in the defendant's residence." Stated the Jury.
I looked up and saw the Hat and other items they had found from Tate's body. I dug my nails into the wooden chair until it began to hurt. Tom stood up again and turned to the Jury and walked up to the Jury.
"Cathrine Danielle Clark is a Murderer!!" Screamed Tate's mother in the courtroom.
I jumped and took a deep breath, I wanted to sink into the floor. I wanted to cry, my chest tightened up like it was trying to suffocate me. Her voice echoed through the room, people gasped around me. I felt like all eyes were on me. The Judge looked at me like he wanted to kill me. He gave me the dead stare as if I had murdered someone.
"Now Mrs .Andrews, please sit down and keep the comments to yourself or you're going to be asked to leave." Said the Judge.
I sat in my chair and continued to look towards the front of the room while Tom stood up.
"Ms. Clark was at home on the night of the murder. The murder site had no finger prints or footprints. If I am correct James?" Asked Tom
"Y-yes sir, there were no fingerprints or footprints at the site, no." Replied James, Tates lawyer.
"So, why are we putting the blame on a young woman that was at home by herself that night?" Asked Tom, once again.
"People had said that they saw her and Tate go to the watch tower that night." Said James.
"So, we are relying on the people to give us the answers now?" Said Tom in a stern tone.
"No sir, we are not." Replied James.
Tom walked over to where we were sitting and took a heavy sigh. Tom grabbed a stack of stapled papers and walked back over to the Judge stand where James was sitting.
"I believe that this is the Email that you sent to the town Mayor about the Watch tower's dangers.
Please read the last three sentences of this page." said Tom.
"I repeat, I would like to address the dangers of the Firetower. The fire towers' rails have fallen from over 57 feet in the air. When pressure is pushed against the rails people can.. People can fall to a terrible death and or Injury.." Said James.
The room gasped in shock at the 3 sentences of the letter.
"Yes.. So you were aware of the dangers of the fire tower?" Replied Tom
"Yes.. Yes I was." Said James in a slight tone.
I looked up in a confused tone while the Jury looked up at everyone. The crowded room looked back towards the doors as my brother Jodie and some of my close family friends walked in. I looked back at them and smiled slightly while they sat down.
"Ms. Clark please stand up so we can announce the verdict." Said the Judge.
I stood up and looked down at my feet while my last interaction with Tate flew through my mind.
"Cathrine Danielle Clark is proven.." Said the Judge
"Go up the steps to the top Tate." I said while walking behind him.
Tate went up the stairs to the top while I followed behind him.
"Cathrine, why are we up here?" Tate said while looking over the railing.
"Because I want to be here." I said while I walked up behind Tate.
Tate started his own question but I didn't let him finish. I pushed Tate off of the tower.
"Not guilty" Said the Judge.
Boo's and claps filled the room while I took a heavy sigh. I sat back down onto my chair.
"Ms. Clark, you may go. thank you for serving your time here for the state of Georgia." Said the Judge.
I walked out of the courtroom and out of the Jail towards the street.
I murdered Tate Andrews.
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