Few things strike fear like the night does. When the sun retires and the warmth drains into the night. Shadows become monsters summoned by the mind. People of the light tend to be tucked out of sight by the time the night drawls near. People become monsters of the night of their own accord. Sometimes it's circumstance. Sometimes an inhuman desire calls out and lures those of weak will to abide within it's shadow. Some were born in the night and can't crawl out on their own.
Down in an alley where the night slinks heavily was a small child. Rain fell in soft drops from the towering building she leaned against. Her small frame was curled in on itself. Rags hung off her shoulders revealing long red raised scars climbing up her arms. Most children would be crying in this part of town. Mist children feared the night and the monsters that dwelt there. This small girl wasn't shaking. Her blond hair might have dulled but her blue eyes were bright with vigor.
She didn't fear the night monsters, she knew the monsters that hid in the day were far worse. Fear didn't rule her like it once had. Fear was too commonly experienced for her to let it in anymore. Instead, she hugged her legs to her frame and thought. She thought of vengeance. Violent thoughts that made her relish the idea of retaliation over and over again. She played images in her mind until she wore herself dry.
As much as she thought about it the image of brutality never satisfied her. As she drew picture upon picture of rage-induced pain it was never enough. She would have to think of a worse way to punch. A more painful way to rip and shred and in the end it never gave release. After hours in the cold planning and imagining vengeance, she drew a conclusion. No matter how hard she hurt someone it would never bring her true joy again. It would not bring back her child's innocence. She could not heal broken trust that way. She also realized that satisfying vengeance wasn't what she wanted. She wanted an apology.
The girl wanted her tormentors to know they were wrong and to apologize. What she really wanted was to pretend it never happened to go back to the way things were before. Before she knew, before she saw, and before she ever said anything. The girl wanted to be whole again, but no amount of inflicted pain would bring that back would it? No. she wanted something that could not be, and the realization of it broke her further.
It was not the night that broke her, as it had broken so many. What brought her tears was betrayal and hurt that ran so deep words could not express. Monsters crafted by the night could only inflict expected pain. Someone who hid in the day targeted an unguarded heart. Silent tears began to flow down her cheeks as unheard sobs shock her core. If she couldn't have vengeance what could she have?
She refused to pretend anymore. The girl had seen too much and gone through too much to sweep everything under the rug and go back. Neither could she be happy living on her own and forgetting the past. Some had the capability to ignore but trial and fire had born in this girl a sense of justice few truly upheld. She refused to see others go through what she had. If she could not get her innocence back she would protect the innocence of others. As the rain fell she made a promise to herself, one unshakable and resolute. The girl would do what she could to see that no one else went through what she did. Tears dried up with the flame of her resolve. As she was calming down the girl started to feel the cold for the first time. She had to find shelter being on the streets for so long would attract unwanted company.
As if willing it to be strangers began to fill the ally. Laughter and crude vulgarity echoed off the buildings. They pushed and fell on one another seemingly drunk from what the girl could hear. Once they caught sight of the girl an uneasy quiet filled the space.
"Whatcha' doin' here little one?" A man asked causing her to look up for the first time since they entered the ally. Not answering the girl stared at the man and then behind him. Unaccustomed to being ignored the man's anger grew.
"What?! Little thing like you don't wanna look at me?" The man reached to grab the girl. "Brat's goin' ta learn some manners ta' day!" He said.
"UGGHHH!" No further had he gotten to the girl than one of his party went flying by his head.
"Hey what's going on? Who's there?" The man yelled.
A figure was making quick work of the leader's crew. They dropped with just a touch of the being's hand. Dropping like flies the leader grew scared. In ignorance and instinct, he swung at the man. The man stood unfazed as the punch landed. Grabbing the leader's hand and twisting it the girl heard a pop.282Please respect copyright.PENANAYf3ilOoOp5
"Aaahhh! I give up! I give up! let me go!" The leader cried. The man didn't respond. simply touched his forehead and watched as the leader crumpled to the ground.
His countenance was unearily still. As if grafted from granite strength ebbed off the man in droves. Despite being in a scuffle moments ago his outfit was unbothered. Not one hair was out of place nor was there a single scratch on his body. He stepped over the bodies and slowly approached the girl.
"Are you ready?" He asked reaching out his hand. "There's a place prepared for you."
"I was wondering when you were going to do something. I began to think you were made to observe." The girl took his hand and stood up wincing from the pain.
"Your leg is broken. Let me heal you." He demanded rather than suggested.
"Thanks, that will help." She leaned on the man as he waved his hand over her leg, stitching bone and since back to their rightful place. He paused on her scars. 282Please respect copyright.PENANAgu0AWVvdb4
"I can erase these if you want." Concern worried his brow, the only emotion that he had displayed throughout the night."
"Don't bother, you can't erase what happened by wiping the evidence." She straightened and shook out her leg, testing its newfound strength.
"He said you would say that." The man responded.
"Then why bother asking?" She retorted.
"Because I wanted to present the option." His face melted back to its unmoving default.
"Don't waste your breath. You can take me where I need to go now."282Please respect copyright.PENANAjblYsNOcke
"Very well."
Conversation the man took her hand and led her out of the dark, away from the night. Even though she would be leaving the night the girl would remember. She resolved to spread the word and fight for justice. Soon the world would know what she had witnessed.